Designing a Better strcpy

 3 years ago
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Designing a Better strcpy

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Like them or not, null-terminated strings are essential to C, and working with them is necessary in all but the most trivial programs. While C-style strings are a fundamental part of using the language, manipulating them is a common source of security bugs and lost performance. One of the most common operations is copying a string from one buffer to another, and there are a variety of string functions that claim to do this in C. Anecdotally, however, there is much confusion about what they actually do, and many people desire a string copying function with the following properties:

  1. The function should accept a null-terminated source string, a destination buffer, and an integer representing the size of the destination buffer.
  2. Upon return the function should ensure that the destination buffer points to a null-terminated string containing a prefix of the source string when possible (specifically, when the destination buffer has a non-zero size) to avoid issues in the future with unterminated strings. (While string truncation has its own issues, it is often a fairly reasonable fallback.)
  3. The function should indicate how many characters it copied from the source, as well as indicate if an overflow occurred. (This allows for dealing with the overflow, if desired.)
  4. The function should be efficient, and it should not read or write memory that it does not have to. These go partially hand-in-hand: the function should run in a single pass, not write to the destination buffer past the NUL byte it places, or read characters from the source string once it’s determined that it has filled the destination buffer. Ideally, the implementation would be vectorizable (relaxing some of the previous constraints slightly to within platform alignment guarantees).
  5. The function should be standardized, so that it may be used portably across systems. Conformance to ISO C or POSIX.1 are generally the most desirable.

That is, what is often necessary is the function below, which we’ll call strxcpy:

char *strxcpy(char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src, size_t len) {
	if (!len) {
		return NULL;

	while (--len && (*dst++ = *src++))

	if (!len) {
		*dst++ = '\0';
		return *src ? NULL : dst;
	} else {
		return dst;

Other than standardization, this function will copy the smaller of strlen(src) or len - 1 bytes from src to dst and cap the copy with a NUL character. In the case where src fits in dst, it will return a pointer past the NUL byte it placed; otherwise it returns NULL to indicate a truncation. While current compilers seem to have trouble with its control flow, it should also be fairly straightforwards to vectorize, as the core loop is somewhat similar to a combination of strncpy and strlen.

With guidance to look back to, let’s take a look at a variety of copying routines and see if they can help us.

To head off the usual concerns, we’ll assume that we must use C, and that we will be eschewing the various length-prefixed or aggregate string constructions available as third-party libraries. While using a different language can solve many of the issues in C besides the one mentioned here; it’s not always desirable or even possible to utilize them. In addition to the usual drawbacks to using third-party libraries, replacing null-terminated strings often causes added syntactical overhead and incompatibilities with other code that has been designed to work with them.

Some commonly used string copying routines



strcpy certainly fulfills requirement 2 and parts of 4: it will always write out a null-terminated string and it’ll do so quickly. However, it cannot perform bounds checks at all, so we can only use it if we know our destination buffer is smaller than our source buffer–it fails requirement 1. Plus it doesn’t tell us how many characters it wrote, either–that’s requirement 3. It’s been part of C forever, so it does meet requirement 5.



strncpy takes the parameters we want, so it satisfies requirement 1; even in the face of an arbitrary source string it won’t exhibit undefined behavior, provided that we supply it with the correct destination buffer length. However, if the source is longer that the destination, the buffer will not be null-terminated, and if it is shorter strncpy will continue writing NUL bytes to the destination up to its size. In addition, it doesn’t indicate how many characters from the source were written, though it is possible to detect overflow by writing a NUL byte to the last character of the destination buffer and checking it after the call. That means it fails requirements 2, 3, and 4, but as it’s been around in C for as long as strcpy it does meet requirement 5.



memcpy doesn’t care about NUL characters at all; it doesn’t even require the source to be a null-terminated string. It fails the first three requirements right off the bat, but it’s part of C and it sure is fast so it meets requirements 4 and 5.



On the surface, this function seems useful–but a closer look shows that it has a number of unfortunate issues. The largest is that any truncation will call a constraint handler function which can do many things, like abort the program. In addition, it doesn’t tell us how much it wrote, can scribble over the destination, and is standardized but only available as an optional extension to C11. Overall, it only satisfies requirement 1.



This function has the same constraint handler issue as strcpy_s, and is also standardized but often not available. While it will null-terminate when the string fits and only clobber the destination on an error, it still only satisfies the first requirement.



stpncpy is an improvement on strncpy, but it only fixes the issue of detecting termination or overflow, which is requirement 3. It still fails requirement 2 because it doesn’t necessarily null-terminate and it fails requirement 4 because it writes NULs to the end of the destination buffer. Unlike strncpy it’s part of POSIX, but it still meets requirement 5 in addition to requirement 1.



snprintf is a somewhat strange inclusion, but it’s a standard function that can help us if we use “%s” as the format string, taking a size and null-terminating its destination. It fulfills requirements 1, 2, and 5, but falls short on 3 and 4: its return value is essentially “what sprintf would have returned”, which means it must perform an equivalent of a strlen at the very least. This is slow, not what we want, and an int (not a size_t).



strlcpy is identical to the sprintf invocation from before, except it uses the correct size_t return type. This still means it fails to satisfy the performance requirements of 3 and 4, and it’s not standard so it doesn’t satisfy 5 either. Since it does the copy and leaves you with a null-terminated string it fills the first two requirements.



strscpy is the first function we’ve seen that satisfies the four functional requirements: it copies the as much of the source string as possible, null terminates the destination buffer, returns the number of characters copied, and does not perform excessive reads or writes. In fact, we can implement our strxcpy function using it:

char *strxcpy(char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src, size_t len) {
	ssize_t copied = strscpy(dst, src, len);
	return copied != -E2BIG : src + copied + 1 : NULL;

It has two issues: the first, is that it returns an ssize_t rather than a size_t, but in practice this isn’t really a problem. The second is that it’s unfortunately non-standard–it’s something the Linux kernel wrote for itself–which means it violates requirement 5.



memccpy, when used with the NUL character, satisfies all the requirements except for the second one, but this is trivial to fix:

char *strxcpy(char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src, size_t len) {
	char *end = memccpy(dst, src, '\0', len);
	if (!end) {
		dst[len - 1] = '\0';
	return end;

While it’ll ship in an upcoming C standard, it’s already widely available as a popular, optional POSIX extension.

Other functions

There’s a couple of other functions–stpcpy, mempcpy, sprintf, sprintf_s, and snprintf_s–that have been omitted for brevity, as their behavior (and issues) are fairly self-explanatory based on the other functions. (mempcpy is a GNU extension.)

Final thoughts

Copying strings in C is an extremely common operation, but doing so safely and efficiently is non-trivial. Almost all currently available string routines, standardized or not, have subtle quirks that often prevent them from matching the expectations of the programmer who reaches for them. This issue is compounded by the fact that many style guides or linters will recommend the use of one (or sometimes more than one!) of these functions to replace strcpy without discussing their limitations. Finally, as we saw above the functions compose quite poorly: our strxcpy, an academic but not improbable scenario, could not use any of them in its implementation; one can only imagine that those writing an ad-hoc replacement for it may make both errors in doing so.

In contrast, the standardization of memccpy is a very welcome improvement, as it facilitates the construction of safer and more efficient string algorithms–in addition to strxcpy, a number of the functions discussed are also easy to construct with it. As it becomes more widespread, most code that relies on some of the semantics of strxcpy but uses one of the other functions to achieve it should probably migrate to memccpy, and ideally the push to phase out the use of them will drive the standardization and adoption of many more widely applicable string functions.

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