React Native Engineer

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/sutra/jobs/Y3rBCiZ-react-native-engineer
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Run your fitness business online

React Native Engineer

$80k - $140k / 0.10% - 1.00%
Los Angeles / Remote
Job Type
3+ years
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Josh Archer

About the role

What we're looking for

Sutra is seeking a React Native developer who is truly a self-starter. You'll join the team and be a part of all major mobile architecture decisions. You're comfortable building new systems from the ground up during a period of hyper-growth.

The Role

  • Help lead the design, architecture, and execution of our React Native stack
  • Advance our mobile architecture and stay one step ahead of growth
  • Take technical ownership of features and move the product forward
  • Partner closely with the product team to consistently move the needle
  • Present cross-team launches and updates at company-wide checkins

The You

  • Ship. You like to get things done.
  • 3+ years experience as a problem solver
  • High level of expertise in React Native (React, Redux, Typescript)
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Proven record of shipping features on time
  • Organized, self-sufficient and a go-getter
  • Bonus: experience in building and scaling NoSQL databases

The Benefits

  • Weekly workouts with the team
  • Health/dental/vision coverage
  • Unlimited PTO / sick leave
  • Annual company retreat

Why you should join Sutra

Sutra is shaping the future of the fitness + wellness industry.

We make it easier than ever for fitness professionals to start, run and scale their own businesses. Our platform allows fitness entrepreneurs to host classes and events, monetize on-demand content, and build community-driven courses from their own website. Sutra takes out the heavy lifting so leaders can focus on what they do best: teaching and connecting with their community.

The future of wellness has more voices in the space who bring inclusion, diversity and creativity to movement, so working out is a better experience than ever before.

We're looking for talented team members looking to create the future with us.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK