Day 3: Why is JavaScript so...savage ?

 3 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/oreoyona/day-3-why-is-javascript-so-savage-3i1i
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100 days to learn JavaScript (3 Part Series)

The day started extremely well, I began with Brian Tracy's best seller, *The Power of Self Discipline * and following the advices of the book, I set my goals for my day:

  1. Studying at least 5hours for my tomorrow exam

  2. Learn JavaScript with freecodecamp for 2hours

  3. Build my own project using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

The exam I am preparing is Psychiatry and after 5 good and exhausting hours of deep work(thank Cal Newport) I finished and achieved my today's goal.

I then after began to code with freecodecamp(RegEx) and I did pretty well at the start but the overall feeling was: Why the heck is JavaScript so hard ? So savage ?
Why are RegEx even existing ?(Rhetoric question of course)

I needed to cry so bad but I refused to use another excuse of not coding so, I decided that I was gonna build my project.

As you can figure, I am not building it, I am writing this blog instead. Why ? I feel extremely tired, exhausted. The 2 hours of coding I spent on freeCodecamp learning about RegEx took all my energy and the apathy I'm feeling now is just...

Why is JavaScript so hard?
It's 22:40 in my country but I need to be loyal to myself so I am gonna build a login form and use some RegEx to add interactivity to it.

I knew that the road would be tough, but I chose it and I am not gonna miss my target.

I will master that language because I can!(right?)

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Joyk means Joy of geeK