Testing AngularJS with Jasmine and Karma (Part 2)

 3 years ago
source link: http://brianyang.com/testing-angularjs-with-jasmine-and-karma-part-2/
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Our Goal

In this tutorial we will be creating and testing the user profile page for the employee directory we started building in Part 1 of this tutorial. The user profile page will show the details of each employee. Due to the recent comeback of Pokémon, thanks to Pokémon Go, our employee's have requested that their profile pages display an image of their favorite Pokémon as well. Thankfully for us, this provides us the opportunity to write tests for hitting a real API. We'll also write our own custom filter for our user profile page and test the filter as well. By the end of this tutorial you will have the ability to view user profiles that make HTTP requests to Pokéapi.


What You Should Know

Like the previous tutorial, this one will be focused on testing our controllers, factories, and filters that will be used for our user profile page so my assumption is that you're comfortable working with JavaScript and AngularJS applications. We'll be continuing with the application that was created in the first part of this tutorial so if you haven't worked your way through that yet, I'd recommend completing that first or cloning this repository which is the end result of the tutorial.

Testing an Angular Controller

In Part 1 of this tutorial, we created and tested a Users service but it isn't being used in our application just yet. Let's create a controller and view to display all of our users and write a test for this controller as well. Within the app directory of our application let's create a new components directory. Within this, create a users directory which will contain our view template, controller, and test file for our controller.

cd app mkdir components & amp; & amp;
cd components mkdir users & amp; & amp;
cd users touch users.js users.spec.js users.html

At this point your project structure should now look like this:

| -meet - irl | -app | -components | -users | -users.js | -users.spec.js | -users.html | -services | -users | -users.js | -users.spec.js | -app.css | -app.js | -index.html | -karma.conf.js | -server.js

Before we test that functionality, let's first write a basic test for the existence of this controller in components/users/users.spec.js.

describe('UsersController', function() {
            var $controller, UsersController; // Load ui.router and our components.users module which we'll create next beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.users')); // Inject the $controller service to create instances of the controller (UsersController) we want to test beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_) { $controller = _$controller_; UsersController = $controller('UsersController', {}); })); // Verify our controller exists it('should be defined', function() { expect(UsersController).toBeDefined(); }); });

First we create two variables: $controller and UsersController. $controller will be set to Angular's built-in controller service and UsersController will be set to the actual instance of our controller we will write.

After that, we use angular-mocks to specify which modules we'll need within this test file. In this case we'll need ui.router and components.users which we'll create to make this test pass. The need for ui.router will be seen shortly when we create our controller since we specify all of its state options within the same file.

Then we create another beforeEach block with inject which is used to inject the AngularJS $controller service. We set _$controller_ to the $controller variable we created and then create an instance of our controller by calling $controller('UsersController', {}). The first argument is the name of the controller we want to test and the second argument is an object of the dependencies for our controller. We'll leave it empty for now since we're trying to keep this test as simple as possible.

Finally, we end this file with a basic test for the existence of our controller with the expectation that it should be defined.

The one line of code $controller = _$controller_; may seem unnecessary here when we could simply write UsersController = _$controller_('UsersController', {});. That would be completely valid in this specific case but in some of our later tests we'll need to instantiate controllers with different dependencies and that $controller variable will be needed. This will make more sense once we get to those tests.

With that test file written update your karma.conf.js file to include our new test file within the files property along with the file for our controller which we're about to define.

 files: ['./node_modules/angular/angular.js', './node_modules/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', './node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', './app/services/users/users.js', './app/components/users/users.js', './app/app.js', './app/services/users/users.spec.js', './app/components/users/users.spec.js'],

Restart Karma and you should now see a failing test stating our module components.users cannot be found. Let's create that and get this test to pass.


Open up components/users/users.js and add the following code.

(function() {
        'use strict'; // Define the component and controller we loaded in our test angular.module('components.users', []) .controller('UsersController', function() { var vm = this; }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('users', { url: '/users', templateUrl: 'components/users/users.html', controller: 'UsersController as uc' }); }); })();

Save that file, restart Karma if it isn't already running, and you should now see a passing test for UsersController should be defined.

Now that we know our test is working at the most basic level we need to test the call to our service to get a list of users so we can populate our view. Open up /components/users/users.spec.js again and update it with another test.

describe('UsersController', function() {
            var $controller, UsersController, UsersFactory; // Mock the list of users we expect to use in our controller var userList = [ { id: '1', name: 'Jane', role: 'Designer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'gijane' }, { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob' }, { id: '3', name: 'Jim', role: 'Developer', location: 'Chicago', twitter: 'jimbo' }, { id: '4', name: 'Bill', role: 'Designer', location: 'LA', twitter: 'dabill' } ]; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.users')); // Add the module for our Users service beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.users')); beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _Users_) { $controller = _$controller_; UsersFactory = _Users_; // Spy and force the return value when UsersFactory.all() is called spyOn(UsersFactory, 'all').and.callFake(function() { return userList; }); // Add the factory as a controller dependency UsersController = $controller('UsersController', { Users: UsersFactory }); })); it('should be defined', function() { expect(UsersController).toBeDefined(); }); // Add a new test for our expected controller behavior it('should initialize with a call to Users.all()', function() { expect(UsersFactory.all).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(UsersController.users).toEqual(userList); }); });

Starting at the top we've added another variable UsersFactory which we'll set to our injected Users service. After that, we've added an array of users which we borrowed from the Users service from Part 1 of this tutorial which can be found in /services/users/users.js. Then, we load the module api.users using angular-mocks. In the following beforeEach block we inject our service Users using the underscore wrapping convention and set it to our local UsersFactory variable.

After that we add a spy to the all method of our factory and chain it with another one of Jasmine's built-in functions callFake. The callFake method allows us to intercept a call to that method and supply it our own return value. In this case, we're returning userList which we defined at the top of this file. Finally, we add our service as a dependency to UsersController when we call $controller. The property value Users refers to the service we'll inject into our actual controller and the value UsersFactory is a reference to the service we injected just two lines above it.

It's important to remember that our tests are testing expectations and not the actual implementation of our code. In this test file, we use Jasmine's callFake function to intercept the actual call and return a hardcoded list of users (our expectation). Our tests for that service don't belong here. It was already handled in Part 1 of this tutorial and the test for that method is located within /services/users/users.spec.js.

Open up our controller file /components/users/users.js and update it to make our failing tests pass.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('components.users', []).controller('UsersController', function(Users) { // Add Users factory var vm = this; // Call all() and set it to users vm.users = Users.all(); }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('users', { url: '/users', templateUrl: 'components/users/users.html', controller: 'UsersController as uc' }); }); })();

We've now created and tested the controller for our users and our users are waiting to be displayed in the browser. Open up our empty template /components/users/users.html and add the following code to iterate over our users in the UsersController.

& lt;
div class = "container" & gt; & lt;
div class = "row" & gt; & lt;
div class = "col-md-4"
ng - repeat = "user in uc.users" & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel panel-default" & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel-heading" & gt; & lt;
h3 class = "panel-title text-center" & gt; {
} & lt;
/h3> </div & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel-body" & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{user.role}}</div & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{user.location}}</div & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-link"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{user.twitter}}</div & gt; & lt;
/div> </div & gt; & lt;
/div> </div & gt; & lt;

There's one last step to get this working in the browser. Until now we've only been adding our files to karma.conf.js. First, add the controller and service to index.html.

(function() {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('meetIrl', ['ui.router', 'api.users', 'components.users']).config(function($urlRouterProvider) {

Run nodemon server.js, navigate to http://localhost:8080/#/users, and you should see our four users.


Testing an Angular Factory and a Real API Endpoint

In Part 1 we covered how to test an Angular factory and now we've tested our first controller which consumes that same factory. But that was a simple factory that returned a hard-coded list of users. How do we test a factory that makes an actual HTTP request to a real API? As I mentioned earlier we're going to display an avatar of each user's favorite Pokémon on their individual profile page using Pokéapi.

First, let's create a new directory in our services folder for our Pokemon service.

cd app / services mkdir pokemon & amp; & amp;
cd pokemon touch pokemon.js pokemon.spec.js

Within our factory we'll have one method, findByName, which makes a GET request to the /pokemon/ endpoint which you can see here. This one request will provide us everything we need to populate our user profiles with all the necessary Pokémon data.

Like we've done previously we'll first set up a basic test and a basic factory to ensure everything is working correctly. Open up /services/pokemon/pokemon.spec.js and add the following code.

describe('Pokemon factory', function() {
            var Pokemon; // Load the api.pokemon module which we'll create next beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.pokemon')); // Inject the Pokemon service beforeEach(inject(function(_Pokemon_) { Pokemon = _Pokemon_; })); // Verify our controller exists it('should exist', function() { expect(Pokemon).toBeDefined(); }); });

Then update karma.conf.js accordingly with our two new Pokémon files.

 files: ['./node_modules/angular/angular.js', './node_modules/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', './node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', './app/services/users/users.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.js', './app/components/users/users.js', './app/app.js', './app/services/users/users.spec.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.spec.js', './app/components/users/users.spec.js'],

Restarting Karma should show a failing test. Add the following code to /services/pokemon/pokemon.js to make our test pass.

(function() {
        'use strict'; // Define the component and controller we loaded in our test angular.module('api.pokemon', []) .factory('Pokemon', function() { var Pokemon = {}; return Pokemon; }); })();

Within our test file for our Pokemon service we are going to handle two cases, or response types, from Pokéapi. The first is a GET request with a valid Pokémon name. In this scenario, we'll use the successful response to populate our user profile image with an image of their favorite Pokémon. The second will be for a request with an invalid Pokémon name. In this case, we'll set the user profile image to a placeholder image to preserve the look of the profile page. Let's handle the valid API request first. Jump back into /services/pokemon/pokemon.spec.js and update it with the following code.

describe('Pokemon factory', function() {
            var Pokemon, $q, $httpBackend; // Add Pokeapi endpoint var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/'; // Add mocked Pokéapi response var RESPONSE_SUCCESS = { 'id': 25, 'name': 'pikachu', 'sprites': { 'front_default': 'http://pokeapi.co/media/sprites/pokemon/25.png' }, 'types': [{ 'type': { 'name': 'electric' } }] }; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.pokemon')); // Inject $q and $httpBackend for testing HTTP requests beforeEach(inject(function(_Pokemon_, _$q_, _$httpBackend_) { Pokemon = _Pokemon_; $q = _$q_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; })); it('should exist', function() { expect(Pokemon).toBeDefined(); }); describe('findByName()', function() { var result; beforeEach(function() { // Initialize our local result object to an empty object before each test result = {}; // Spy on our service call but allow it to continue to its implementation spyOn(Pokemon, "findByName").and.callThrough(); }); it('should return a Pokemon when called with a valid name', function() { var search = 'pikachu'; // Declare the endpoint we expect our service to hit and provide it with our mocked return values $httpBackend.whenGET(API + search).respond(200, $q.when(RESPONSE_SUCCESS)); expect(Pokemon.findByName).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toEqual({}); Pokemon.findByName(search) .then(function(res) { result = res; }); // Flush pending HTTP requests $httpBackend.flush(); expect(Pokemon.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(search); expect(result.id).toEqual(25); expect(result.name).toEqual('pikachu'); expect(result.sprites.front_default).toContain('.png'); expect(result.types[0].type.name).toEqual('electric'); }); }) });

At the top of this file we've added a few more variables: $httpBackend, $q, API, and RESPONSE_SUCCESS. API simply serves as a variable for the Pokéapi endpoint we're hitting and RESPONSE_SUCCESS is one example of a successful response from Pokéapi for the resource "pikachu". If you look at the example response in the documentation or hit the endpoint yourself with Postman you'll see there is a lot of data that's returned. We'll only be using a small set of that data so we've removed everything else while maintaining the data structure of the response for these four fields.

We then set $q and $httpBackend to their respective injected services in our second beforeEach call. The $q service allows us to simulate resolving or rejecting a promise which is important when testing asynchronous calls. The $httpBackend service allows us to verify whether or not our Pokemon factory makes an HTTP request to Pokéapi without actually hitting the endpoint itself. The two of these services combined provide us the ability to verify a request was made to the API while also giving us the option to resolve or reject the response depending on which response we are testing.

Remember that an API and it's various responses are expectations of our application. We're merely testing that our application will be able to consume those various responses. As mentioned earlier, we'll want to set the profile image to a Pokémon if it's valid or default to a placeholder image if the request is invalid.

Below our previous test we've added another describe block for the findByName method which will make an HTTP request to the Pokeapi. We declare a variable result which will be set to the result of our service call and set it to an empty object before each test is run in our beforeEach block. We also create a spy on the findByName method and chain it with another one of Jasmine's built-in functions callThrough. By chaining the spy with callThrough we have the ability to track any calls made to this function but the implementation will continue to the HTTP request that will be made within the function itself.

Finally, we have our test spec for an API call to Pokéapi service with a valid Pokemon name. After declaring our search value as "pikachu" we make our first use of the $httpBackend service we injected earlier. Here we've called the whenGET method and supplied it with the API variable we defined earlier along with our search term "pikachu". We then chain it with respond and provide it two arguments: 200 as the status code and RESPONSE_SUCCESS as its return value wrapped with $q.when. When $q.when wraps a value it converts it into a simulated resolved "then-able" promise which is the behavior we'd expect when calling an Angular service that returns a promise. So in plain English this says, "When a GET request is made to http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/pikachu, respond with a 200 status code and the resolved response object we created earlier."

After this we create two expectations: one for the initial state of our result variable and another for the Pokemon service call. We're expecting our spy on findByName not to have been called and the result variable to be an empty object. Then we call Pokemon.findByName, pass in our search term and chain it with .then where we set the returned result to our local result variable. After that we call $httpBackend.flush.

If we were to call Pokemon.findByName in a controller, the service's $http request would respond asynchronously. Within our unit tests this asynchronous behavior would be difficult to test. Thankfully, Angular's $httpBackend service provides us the ability to "flush" pending requests so we can write our tests in a synchronous manner. Because of this, it is important that any expectations we have that would come after an asynchronous call is finished are placed after our $httpBackend.flush() call in our test.

Finally, we create our final set of expectations from the result of our service call. Our first expectation utilizes the spy we created earlier to verify our service was called with the correct search term and the remaining four expectations verify that our result object contains all of the data related to Pikachu. Save that file and you should now see Karma showing a failing test.

We can get this test to pass in our service with just a few small additions. Open up /services/pokemon/pokemon.js and add the findByName method.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('api.pokemon', []).factory('Pokemon', function($http) { // Add $http dependency var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/'; var Pokemon = {}; // Spy on this method chained with callThrough() allows it to continue to continue to $http.get() Pokemon.findByName = function(name) { return $http.get(API + name) .then(function(res) { return res.data; }); }; return Pokemon; }); })();

Before adding the findByName method itself, we've injected the $http service into our factory and also created an API variable set to the Pokéapi endpoint we want to hit similar to the way we did in our test. After that we declare the findByName method and make a GET request to the endpoint with the name provided to us when the service is called. When the promise is fulfilled, we return the response's data property. Save that change and your first test for an Angular factory hitting a real API should now be passing!

describe('Pokemon factory', function() {
            var Pokemon, $q, $httpBackend;
            var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
            var RESPONSE_SUCCESS = {
                'id': 25,
                'name': 'pikachu',
                'sprites': {
                    'front_default': 'http://pokeapi.co/media/sprites/pokemon/25.png'
                'types': [{
                    'type': {
                        'name': 'electric'
            }; // Add new mocked Pokéapi response var RESPONSE_ERROR = { 'detail': 'Not found.' }; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.pokemon')); beforeEach(inject(function(_Pokemon_, _$q_, _$httpBackend_) { Pokemon = _Pokemon_; $q = _$q_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; })); it('should exist', function() { expect(Pokemon).toBeDefined(); }); describe('findByName()', function() { var result; beforeEach(function() { result = {}; spyOn(Pokemon, "findByName").and.callThrough(); }); it('should return a Pokemon when called with a valid name', function() { var search = 'pikachu'; $httpBackend.whenGET(API + search).respond(200, $q.when(RESPONSE_SUCCESS)); expect(Pokemon.findByName).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toEqual({}); Pokemon.findByName(search) .then(function(res) { result = res; }); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(Pokemon.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(search); expect(result.id).toEqual(25); expect(result.name).toEqual('pikachu'); expect(result.sprites.front_default).toContain('.png'); expect(result.types[0].type.name).toEqual('electric'); }); it('should return a 404 when called with an invalid name', function() { // Update search term var search = 'godzilla'; // Update status code and response object (reject instead of when/resolve) $httpBackend.whenGET(API + search).respond(404, $q.reject(RESPONSE_ERROR)); expect(Pokemon.findByName).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(result).toEqual({}); // Update chained method to catch Pokemon.findByName(search) .catch(function(res) { result = res; }); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(Pokemon.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith(search); expect(result.detail).toEqual('Not found.'); }); }); });

This new test is nearly identical to our previous test. At the top of our file we added another variable RESPONSE_ERROR which is the response we expect to receive if we pass it an invalid name. In our second test, we declare that we expect to receive a 404 when hitting the API with an invalid name. From there we change our search term from "pikachu" to "godzilla" and update our whenGET to respond with a 404 status code and our new RESPONSE_ERROR variable wrapped with q.reject so that we can catch our rejected promise when we call Pokemon.findByName. Finally, we update our expectations for our result to test for the detail property of our response.

The Pokéapi documentation isn't explicit about this response error object but I hit the API with multiple, incorrect search terms and received the same response every time. I also looked into the project on Github and the else statement for this call raises a 404 if it can't find a match for our given search term. The 404 is more important here anyway since we'll be defaulting to a placeholder image instead of using the returned response text in our view.

Save that file and Karma should now show our new test as a failing test. Go back into /services/pokemon/pokemon.js and add a catch to our HTTP request.

(function() {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('api.pokemon', []).factory('Pokemon', function($http) {
        var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
        var Pokemon = {};
        Pokemon.findByName = function(name) {
            return $http.get(API + name).then(function(res) {
                return res.data;
            }).catch(function(res) {
                return res.data;
        return Pokemon;

Save that file and our failing test should now be passing. We have now created an Angular factory that hits a real API and have the associated tests for both a valid and invalid response from Pokéapi. This fully tested service gives us the confidence to move on to the next and final part of our application where we create a new component for our user profile which will make the actual request to Pokéapi using our Pokemon factory.

A Quick Update to Our Users

Before we get started creating the profile page for our users, we'll need to update the users in our Users service so they each have a favorite Pokémon we can use to call our Pokemon service. What can I say? I didn't expect Pokémon to make a comeback when I was writing Part 1 of this tutorial.

Open services/users/users.js and update each user in the userList with a pokemon object and a name property within that object.

(function() {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('api.users', []).factory('Users', function() {
        var Users = {};
        var userList = [{
            id: '1',
            name: 'Jane',
            role: 'Designer',
            location: 'New York',
            twitter: 'gijane',
            pokemon: {
                name: 'blastoise'
        }, {
            id: '2',
            name: 'Bob',
            role: 'Developer',
            location: 'New York',
            twitter: 'billybob',
            pokemon: {
                name: 'growlithe'
        }, {
            id: '3',
            name: 'Jim',
            role: 'Developer',
            location: 'Chicago',
            twitter: 'jimbo',
            pokemon: {
                name: 'hitmonchan'
        }, {
            id: '4',
            name: 'Bill',
            role: 'Designer',
            location: 'LA',
            twitter: 'dabill',
            pokemon: {
                name: 'barney'

You're free to use any Pokémon here you'd like but remember to update your test files accordingly once you're done. You should make updates to /services/users/users.spec.js and /components/users/users.spec.js to reflect our new list of users and their favorite Pokémon. I've also added one invalid Pokémon for the sake of having at least one user default to our placeholder image we'll add shortly.

Creating and Testing a Controller for User Profiles

Before we create our user profile controller and its associated test, let's take a minute to recap the expected behavior of our profile page so we can incrementally build our way to the finished feature one test case at a time. When a user navigates to a profile page for a given user, we're going to provide the user object to our controller using the resolve property provided to us by ui-router.

We'll start by creating the directory for our user profile controller, view, and test file as usual.

cd app / components mkdir profile & amp; & amp;
cd profile touch profile.js profile.spec.js profile.html

Open /components/profile/profile.spec.js and we can add our basic test for the existence of our controller.

describe('components.profile', function() {
            var $controller; // Load ui.router and our components.profile module which we'll create next beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.profile')); // Inject the $controller service beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_) { $controller = _$controller_; })); describe('ProfileController', function() { var ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { // Create an instance of our controller ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { }); }); // Verify our controller exists it('should be defined', function() { expect(ProfileController).toBeDefined(); }); }); });

Then add our two new files to karma.conf.js.

 files: ['./node_modules/angular/angular.js', './node_modules/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', './node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', './app/services/users/users.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.js', './app/components/users/users.js', './app/components/profile/profile.js', './app/app.js', './app/services/users/users.spec.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.spec.js', './app/components/users/users.spec.js', './app/components/profile/profile.spec.js'],

Restarting Karma should show a failing test. Add the following to /components/profile/profile.js to make it pass.

(function() {
        'use strict'; // Define the component and controller we loaded in our test angular.module('components.profile', []) .controller('ProfileController', function() { var vm = this; }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('profile', { url: '/user/:id', templateUrl: 'components/profile/profile.html', controller: 'ProfileController as pc' }); }); })();

Now we're ready for our first real test to verify that our controller is instantiated with a resolved user object. Go back into /components/profile/profile.spec.js and add our new test.

describe('components.profile', function() {
            var $controller;
            beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_) {
                $controller = _$controller_;
            describe('ProfileController', function() {
                        var ProfileController, singleUser;
                        beforeEach(function() { // Define singleUser and add resolvedUser as a dependency to our controller singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser }); }); it('should be defined', function() { expect(ProfileController).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('Profile Controller with a valid resolved user', function() { var ProfileController, singleUser; beforeEach(function() { // Mock a valid user singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; // Add the valid user as our resolved dependency ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser }); }); it('should set the view model user object to the resolvedUser', function() { expect(ProfileController.user).toEqual(singleUser); }); }); });

Here we've added a new describe block for our tests related to a valid resolved user. This test is similar to our previous test except we've added another beforeEach call to mock our single resolved user. We then pass it in as a dependency to our controller and add an expectation that the resolved user will be set to the user view-model property in our controller.

Since our tests serve as a form of documentation for our actual code, I've also added a singleUser to our previous test and passed it in as a dependency to that controller instance as well. We didn't specify any expectations about the resolved user within that test but it keeps our controller declarations consistent with our actual controller and the other controller declarations within this file. As we continue to add more dependencies in this test file, we'll go back and update our other tests to reflect this.

To get this test to pass, go back into /components/profile/profile.js and update it with our new resolved property.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('components.profile', []).controller('ProfileController', function(resolvedUser) {
                var vm = this;
                vm.user = resolvedUser;
            }).config(function($stateProvider) {
                    $stateProvider.state('profile', {
                                url: '/user/:id',
                                templateUrl: 'components/profile/profile.html',
                                controller: 'ProfileController as pc',
                                resolve: { // Add resolvedUser with a call to Users using $stateParams resolvedUser: function(Users, $stateParams) { return Users.findById($stateParams.id); } } }); }); })();

Here we add the new resolve property to our controller configuration with resolvedUser being set to the user returned by our Users.findById method. Within the controller, we then set this to our view-model user property as we stated within our test. Once again, we're not concerned with testing expectations related to our Users service here. That's delegated to the test file for our service in /services/users/users.spec.js.

Now that we've finished our first test for a valid resolved user, let's move on to testing a call to the Pokemon service using the resolved user's Pokemon. Go back into /components/profile/profile.spec.js and add the following updates.

describe('components.profile', function() {
            var $controller, PokemonFactory, $q, $httpBackend;
            var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
            var RESPONSE_SUCCESS = {
                'id': 58,
                'name': 'growlithe',
                'sprites': {
                    'front_default': 'http://pokeapi.co/media/sprites/pokemon/58.png'
                'types': [{
                    'type': {
                        'name': 'fire'
            }; // Load Pokemon service beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.pokemon')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.profile')); // Inject Pokemon factory, $q, and $httpBackend for testing HTTP requests beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _Pokemon_, _$q_, _$httpBackend_) { $controller = _$controller_; PokemonFactory = _Pokemon_; $q = _$q_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; })); describe('ProfileController', function() { var ProfileController, singleUser; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; // Add Pokemon dependency ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory }); }); it('should be defined', function() { expect(ProfileController).toBeDefined(); }); }); // Update title to include a valid Pokémon describe('Profile Controller with a valid resolved user and a valid Pokémon', function() { var singleUser, ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; // Add spy to service call spyOn(PokemonFactory, "findByName").and.callThrough(); // Add PokemonFactory as a controller dependency ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory }); }); it('should set the view model user object to the resolvedUser', function() { expect(ProfileController.user).toEqual(singleUser); }); it('should call Pokemon.findByName and return a Pokemon object', function() { // Add expectations before the request is finished expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.id).toBeUndefined(); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.name).toEqual('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toBeUndefined(); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.type).toBeUndefined(); // Add our HTTP request expectation and resolved response value $httpBackend.whenGET(API + singleUser.pokemon.name).respond(200, $q.when(RESPONSE_SUCCESS)); $httpBackend.flush(); // Add expectations after the request is finished expect(PokemonFactory.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.id).toEqual(58); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.name).toEqual('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toContain('.png'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.type).toEqual('fire'); }); }); });

Starting at the top we've added a few more variables. PokemonFactory, $q, and $httpBackend will be set to their respective injected services. API and RESPONSE_SUCCESS will be used when we test our controller's call to Pokéapi using our Pokemon service. After that we load our api.pokemon module and set all of our variables to their injected services.

Then, we updated our second describe title to include our expectation that this test will be working with a valid resolved user with a valid Pokémon. In the beforeEach within this describe we add a spy to our PokemonFactory's findByName method and chain it with callThrough so that our call to the service continues on to the actual HTTP request within the service. We also add the PokemonFactory as a dependency to both of our controller instances.

Below our previous test we then add another expectation for our controller that it will make a request using our Pokemon service. Similar to our service test, we use $httpBackend's whenGET to state the API endpoint we expect to hit and supply it with a 200 status code and our RESPONSE_SUCCESS variable we defined at the top of this file. We then flush our asynchronous request to Pokéapi and list all of our expectations for the result and the view-model properties they will be set to.

Unlike our service test we don't actually call Pokemon.findByName here directly. Instead, that call will occur within our controller after we set our view-model's users attribute to the resolved user object as we did earlier. The expectations before that call occurs within our controller are placed above $httpBackend.flush and the expectations after that asynchronous call finishes are placed after $httpBackend.flush. This goes back to Angular's $httpBackend service providing us the ability to test asynchronous calls in a synchronous manner within our tests. As far as $httpBackend.whenGET is concerned, that can be placed anywhere within this it block and even above within our beforeEach block for this test suite. That line simply waits for a request to be made to the endpoint and responds accordingly. flush() is the magic line which triggers our service call to resolve or reject within our test case.

This may be a little confusing so let's add the code to make the test pass in our controller. Go back into /components/profile/profile.js and add our call to the Pokémon service.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('components.profile', []).controller('ProfileController', function(resolvedUser, Pokemon) { // Add Pokemon dependency var vm = this; vm.user = resolvedUser; // Call our Pokemon service using our resolved user's Pokemon Pokemon.findByName(vm.user.pokemon.name) .then(function(result) { vm.user.pokemon.id = result.id; vm.user.pokemon.image = result.sprites.front_default; vm.user.pokemon.type = result.types[0].type.name; }); }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('profile', { url: '/user/:id', templateUrl: 'components/profile/profile.html', controller: 'ProfileController as pc', resolve: { resolvedUser: function(Users, $stateParams) { return Users.findById($stateParams.id); } } }); }); })();

First, we add the Pokemon service as a dependency to our controller. Then we call the findByName method with the resolved user's Pokémon, vm.user.pokemon.name. We then chain it with then and set all of the properties we stated earlier in our test to their respective properties in our returned result object. Before that call is made the values for id, image, and type would be undefined as we stated in our test above our call to $httpBackend.flush.

Now that we've tested a call to the Pokemon service with a valid Pokémon, let's add the test for an invalid Pokémon. The good news is that these tests are very similar with only a few small changes.

describe('components.profile', function() {
            var $controller, PokemonFactory, $q, $httpBackend;
            var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
            var RESPONSE_SUCCESS = {
                'id': 58,
                'name': 'growlithe',
                'sprites': {
                    'front_default': 'http://pokeapi.co/media/sprites/pokemon/58.png'
                'types': [{
                    'type': {
                        'name': 'fire'
            }; // Add mocked Pokéapi response var RESPONSE_ERROR = { 'detail': 'Not found.' }; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.pokemon')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.profile')); beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _Pokemon_, _$q_, _$httpBackend_) { $controller = _$controller_; PokemonFactory = _Pokemon_; $q = _$q_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; })); describe('ProfileController', function() { var ProfileController, singleUser; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory }); }); it('should be defined', function() { expect(ProfileController).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('Profile Controller with a valid resolved user and a valid Pokemon', function() { var singleUser, ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; spyOn(PokemonFactory, "findByName").and.callThrough(); ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory }); }); it('should set the view model user object to the resolvedUser', function() { expect(ProfileController.user).toEqual(singleUser); }); it('should call Pokemon.findByName and return a Pokemon object', function() { expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.id).toBeUndefined(); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.name).toEqual('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toBeUndefined(); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.type).toBeUndefined(); $httpBackend.whenGET(API + singleUser.pokemon.name).respond(200, $q.when(RESPONSE_SUCCESS)); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(PokemonFactory.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.id).toEqual(58); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.name).toEqual('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toContain('.png'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.type).toEqual('fire'); }); }); // Add our new test describe('Profile Controller with a valid resolved user and an invalid Pokemon', function () { var singleUser, ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { // Update Pokémon name singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'godzilla' } }; spyOn(PokemonFactory, "findByName").and.callThrough(); ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory }); }); it('should call Pokemon.findByName and default to a placeholder image', function() { expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toBeUndefined(); // Declare the endpoint we expect our service to hit and provide it with our mocked return values $httpBackend.whenGET(API + singleUser.pokemon.name).respond(404, $q.reject(RESPONSE_ERROR)); $httpBackend.flush(); // Add expectation that our image will be set to a placeholder image expect(PokemonFactory.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith('godzilla'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toEqual('http://i.imgur.com/HddtBOT.png'); }); }); });

First, we add another describe block for a valid resolved user with an invalid Pokémon. Then we change our pokemon value from growlithe to godzilla. From there we change our whenGET to respond with a 404 and to reject our RESPONSE_ERROR object so that we can catch it in our controller. Finally, we update our expectations for the image property. Before the promise is rejected we expect the property to be undefined. Once the promise is actually rejected, we'll set the image property to our placeholder image.

Earlier in the tutorial I mentioned a seemingly unnecessary line of code: $controller = _$controller_;. This is where that's paying off. When we only had one userList to test in our UsersController we could have avoided that variable declaration. But as we see here, we're now testing a controller with a slightly modified resolvedUser. While the dependency is the same the object itself is different. In this case it's the Pokémon's name so the ability to have separate controller instances within each test block is needed to successfully test our controller.

To make this test pass open /components/profile/profile.js and complete our call to Pokemon.findByName.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('components.profile', []).controller('ProfileController', function(resolvedUser, Pokemon) {
                    var vm = this;
                    vm.user = resolvedUser;
                    Pokemon.findByName(vm.user.pokemon.name).then(function(result) {
                            vm.user.pokemon.id = result.id;
                            vm.user.pokemon.image = result.sprites.front_default;
                            vm.user.pokemon.type = result.types[0].type.name;
                        }).catch(function(result) { // Add the default placeholder image vm.user.pokemon.image = 'http://i.imgur.com/HddtBOT.png'; }); }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('profile', { url: '/user/:id', templateUrl: 'components/profile/profile.html', controller: 'ProfileController as pc', resolve: { resolvedUser: function(Users, $stateParams) { return Users.findById($stateParams.id); } } }); }); })();

As our test stated, when the promise is rejected we set the image property on our view-model to a placeholder image. We're almost done. Before we finish with our last test for redirecting our users to a 404 page, let's create that component first.

Creating 404 component

Our 404 page is going to be extremely basic. We'll test it for the sake of extra practice but it won't do much since the page will largely be an HTML page with a hardcoded image within it. For that reason, we'll work through this without all the details since a lot of this is the boilerplate we've seen across all of our previous controller and factory tests.

We'll start off as usual creating a directory for our 404 component.

cd app / components mkdir missingno & amp; & amp;
cd missingno touch missingno.js missingno.spec.js missingno.html

In /components/missingno/missingno.spec.js we'll add our basic test for our controller.

describe('components.missingno', function() {
            var $controller, MissingnoController; // Load ui.router and our components.missingno module which we'll create next beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.missingno')); // Inject the $controller service to create instances of the controller (UsersController) we want to test beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_) { $controller = _$controller_; MissingnoController = $controller('MissingnoController', {}); })); // Verify our controller exists it('should be defined', function() { expect(MissingnoController).toBeDefined(); }); });

As usual we bring in our required modules, inject the $controller service, create an instance of our controller, and create an expectation for it to be defined.

Once again, let's add our files to karma.conf.js.

 files: ['./node_modules/angular/angular.js', './node_modules/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', './node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', './app/services/users/users.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.js', './app/components/users/users.js', './app/components/profile/profile.js', './app/components/missingno/missingno.js', './app/app.js', './app/services/users/users.spec.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.spec.js', './app/components/users/users.spec.js', './app/components/profile/profile.spec.js', './app/components/missingno/missingno.spec.js'],

Then we create our controller in /components/missingno/missingno.js.

(function() {
        'use strict'; // Define the component and controller we loaded in our test angular.module('components.missingno', []) .controller('MissingnoController', function() { var vm = this; }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('404', { url: '/404', templateUrl: 'components/missingno/missingno.html', controller: 'MissingnoController as mn' }); }); })();

And populate our view in /components/missingno/missingno.html.

Before we get this working in a browser we'll also need to add our file to index.html and our module to app.js.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('meetIrl', ['ui.router', 'api.users', 'components.users', 'components.missingno' // add missingno component ]) .config(function($urlRouterProvider) { $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/users'); }); })();

Open your browser to http://localhost:8080/#/404 and you should see our newly created 404 page!


Now we can update our ProfileController and its test to redirect us to this page in the case of a missing user.

Testing a State Change to a 404 Page for Missing Users

In the case that a user navigates to a url such as http://localhost:8080/user/scotch or http://localhost:8080/user/999, assuming a user with an id "999" doesn't exist, we'll want to trigger a state change to our new 404 page.

Let's add our test for this new expected behavior. Open /components/profile/profile.spec.js and add our new test.

describe('components.profile', function() {
            var $controller, PokemonFactory, $q, $httpBackend, $state;
            var API = 'http://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/';
            var RESPONSE_SUCCESS = {
                'id': 58,
                'name': 'growlithe',
                'sprites': {
                    'front_default': 'http://pokeapi.co/media/sprites/pokemon/58.png'
                'types': [{
                    'type': {
                        'name': 'fire'
            }; // Add new mocked Pokéapi response var RESPONSE_ERROR = { 'detail': 'Not found.' }; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('ui.router')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('api.pokemon')); beforeEach(angular.mock.module('components.profile')); // Inject $state service beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _Pokemon_, _$q_, _$httpBackend_, _$state_) { $controller = _$controller_; PokemonFactory = _Pokemon_; $q = _$q_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; $state = _$state_; })); describe('ProfileController', function() { var ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; // Add $state dependency ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory, $state: $state }); }); it('should be defined', function() { expect(ProfileController).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('Profile Controller with a valid resolved user and a valid Pokemon', function() { var singleUser, ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'growlithe' } }; spyOn(PokemonFactory, "findByName").and.callThrough(); ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory, $state: $state }); }); it('should set the view model user object to the resolvedUser', function() { expect(ProfileController.user).toEqual(singleUser); }); it('should call Pokemon.findByName and return a Pokemon object', function() { expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.id).toBeUndefined(); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.name).toEqual('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toBeUndefined(); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.type).toBeUndefined(); $httpBackend.whenGET(API + singleUser.pokemon.name).respond(200, $q.when(RESPONSE_SUCCESS)); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(PokemonFactory.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.id).toEqual(58); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.name).toEqual('growlithe'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toContain('.png'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.type).toEqual('fire'); }); }); describe('Profile Controller with a valid resolved user and an invalid Pokemon', function () { var singleUser, ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { singleUser = { id: '2', name: 'Bob', role: 'Developer', location: 'New York', twitter: 'billybob', pokemon: { name: 'godzilla' } }; spyOn(PokemonFactory, "findByName").and.callThrough(); ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory, $state: $state }); }); it('should call Pokemon.findByName and default to a placeholder image', function() { expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toBeUndefined(); $httpBackend.whenGET(API + singleUser.pokemon.name).respond(404, $q.reject(RESPONSE_ERROR)); $httpBackend.flush(); expect(PokemonFactory.findByName).toHaveBeenCalledWith('godzilla'); expect(ProfileController.user.pokemon.image).toEqual('http://i.imgur.com/HddtBOT.png'); }); }); describe('Profile Controller with an invalid resolved user', function() { var singleUser, ProfileController; beforeEach(function() { // Add spy to $state service spyOn($state, "go"); spyOn(PokemonFactory, "findByName"); // Add $state service as a dependency to our controller ProfileController = $controller('ProfileController', { resolvedUser: singleUser, Pokemon: PokemonFactory, $state: $state }); }); it('should redirect to the 404 page', function() { expect(ProfileController.user).toBeUndefined(); expect(PokemonFactory.findByName).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect($state.go).toHaveBeenCalledWith('404'); }); }); });

At the top of the file we declare a new variable $state. We then inject the $state service and set that to our $state variable. We then add another describe block for our controller test with an invalid resolved user. Within the block we declare singleUser but leave it as undefined. If you'll recall from Part 1 of this tutorial, that's exactly the return value we would expect from our Users.findById service call and we even wrote a test for that behavior in /services/users/users.spec.js.

We then create two spies: one for the go method of the $state service and another for the findByName method of our PokemonFactory. We then pass in both of these as dependencies to our controllers. Finally, we create our test expectation to redirect to our 404 page. First we specify our expectation that the resolvedUser is undefined and then we utilize our spies to ensure PokemonFactory.findByName isn't called and that $state.go is called to redirect us to our 404 page.

(function() {
        'use strict';
        angular.module('components.profile', []).controller('ProfileController', function(resolvedUser, Pokemon, $state) {
                    var vm = this; // Set the resolvedUser if it exists, otherwise redirect to our 404 page if (resolvedUser) { vm.user = resolvedUser; } else { return $state.go('404'); } Pokemon.findByName(vm.user.pokemon.name) .then(function(result) { vm.user.pokemon.id = result.id; vm.user.pokemon.image = result.sprites.front_default; vm.user.pokemon.type = result.types[0].type.name; }) .catch(function(result) { vm.user.pokemon.image = 'http://i.imgur.com/HddtBOT.png'; }); }) .config(function($stateProvider) { $stateProvider .state('profile', { url: '/user/:id', templateUrl: 'components/profile/profile.html', controller: 'ProfileController as pc', resolve: { resolvedUser: function(Users, $stateParams) { return Users.findById($stateParams.id); } } }); }); })();

Save that file and all of our tests should now be passing.

It's worth noting that we added a conditional statement here for resolvedUser which made our new test for the 404 page pass without breaking our previous test for should set the view model user object to the resolvedUser. This test says nothing about how this will be done, it only cares that it actually happens. Within the if statement we could nest ten more if(true) {} statements and our test would still pass. That wouldn't make much sense logically speaking but once again our tests only care that our ProfileController behaves as expected with all of our various test cases. The implementation to make them pass is up to you.

Now that our ProfileController is completed and fully tested, let's update our template so we can see this code in action. Open up /components/profile/profile.html and add the following code.

& lt;
div class = "container" & gt; & lt;
div class = "row" & gt; & lt;
div class = "col-md-4 col-md-offset-4" & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel panel-default" & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel-heading" & gt; & lt;
div class = "text-center" & gt; & lt;
img ng - src = "{{pc.user.pokemon.image}}"
class = "img-circle pokemon" & gt; & lt;
/div> <h3 class="panel-title text-center">{{pc.user.name}}</h
3 & gt; & lt;
/div> <div class="panel-body text-center"> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-leaf" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> </div & gt; & lt;
/div> </div & gt; & lt;
/div> </div & gt;

And add some styling for the profile image to app.css.

.pokemon {
    max - width: 75 px;
    height: 75 px;
    border: 1 px solid white;

While we're at it, let's also add the ability to navigate to this page from our /components/users/users.html page by adding a ui-sref to each user's name.

& lt;
div class = "container" & gt; & lt;
div class = "row" & gt; & lt;
div class = "col-md-4"
ng - repeat = "user in uc.users" & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel panel-default" & gt; & lt;
div class = "panel-heading" & gt; & lt;
h3 class = "panel-title text-center" & gt; & lt;
a ui - sref = "profile({id: user.id})" & gt; {
} & lt;
3 & gt; & lt;
/div> <div class="panel-body"> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> <div><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-link" aria-hidden="true"></span & gt; {
} & lt;
/div> </div & gt; & lt;
/div> </div & gt; & lt;
/div> </div & gt;

Finally, we'll once again need to update our index.html and app.js to include our api.pokemon and components.profile modules.

(function() {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('meetIrl', ['ui.router', 'api.users', 'api.pokemon', 'components.users', 'components.profile', 'components.missingno']).config(function($urlRouterProvider) {

With those final changes, you should now be able to click on each user's name in our /users page and see an image for their favorite Pokémon within their profile page.



Bonus - Testing an Angular Filter

The Pokéapi is very specific about the search term it expects. The value we provide must be entirely lowercase. Send a GET request with "Pikachu" and it won't work. That's fine for our service call but when we display the user's Pokémon in their profile page we'd like it to be proper case. Let's create a simple filter to capitalize the first letter of a given string so we can use it in our view template. First, let's create a directory for our filter.

cd app / & amp; & amp;
mkdir filters & amp; & amp;
cd filters mkdir capitalize & amp; & amp;
cd capitalize touch capitalize.js capitalize.spec.js

Open up /filters/capitalize/capitalize.spec.js and add the following test for our filter.

describe('Capitalize filter', function() {
            var capitalizeFilter; // Load our filters.capitalize module which we'll create next beforeEach(angular.mock.module('filters.capitalize')); // Inject the $filter service and create an instance of our capitalize filter beforeEach(inject(function(_$filter_) { capitalizeFilter = _$filter_('capitalize'); })); it('should capitalize the first letter of a string', function() { expect(capitalizeFilter('blastoise')).toEqual('Blastoise'); }); });

Similar to our other tests, we load our module filters.capitalize, inject the $filter service, and create an instance of the filter by calling it with our service name capitalize and setting it to our capitalizeFilter variable. We then create a test for our filter providing it a lowercase Pokémon name "blastoise" with the expectation that the return value will be "Blastoise".

Once again, add these two files to karma.conf.js to reveal our failing test.

 files: ['./node_modules/angular/angular.js', './node_modules/angular-ui-router/release/angular-ui-router.js', './node_modules/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js', './app/services/users/users.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.js', './app/components/users/users.js', './app/components/profile/profile.js', './app/components/missingno/missingno.js', './app/filters/capitalize/capitalize.js', './app/app.js', './app/services/users/users.spec.js', './app/services/pokemon/pokemon.spec.js', './app/components/users/users.spec.js', './app/components/profile/profile.spec.js', './app/components/missingno/missingno.spec.js', './app/filters/capitalize/capitalize.spec.js'],

Then we can go into /filters/capitalize/capitalize.js and create our filter.

(function() {
        'use strict'; // Define the component and filter we loaded in our test angular.module('filters.capitalize', []) .filter('capitalize', function() { return function(word) { return (word) ? word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1) : ''; }; }); })();

Save that and our test should be passing. To use this in our app let's add it to our index.html file and add it as a dependency to our app.js file.

(function() {
    'use strict';
    angular.module('meetIrl', ['ui.router', 'api.users', 'api.pokemon', 'components.users', 'components.profile', 'components.missingno', 'filters.capitalize']).config(function($urlRouterProvider) {

Now we can update our profile page at /components/profile/profile.html to use our new capitalize filter.

... & lt;
div class = "panel-body text-center" & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-briefcase"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{pc.user.role}}</div & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{pc.user.location}}</div & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-link"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{pc.user.twitter}}</div & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-leaf"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{pc.user.pokemon.name | capitalize}}</div & gt; & lt;
div & gt; & lt;
span class = "glyphicon glyphicon-tag"
aria - hidden = "true" & gt; & lt;
/span> {{pc.user.pokemon.type | capitalize}}</div & gt; & lt;
/div> ...


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