Facebook’s /intern/testdata tool shown with the default password n0t3st

 3 years ago
source link: https://philippeharewood.com/facebooks-intern-testdata-tool-shown-with-the-default-password-n0t3st/
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Facebook’s /intern/testdata tool shown with the default password n0t3st

One of Facebook’s contractors left a video up that showed the details of /intern/testdata tool inclusive of the default password used to create accounts.

“The video was deleted because I reached out to the relevant person who took the video down. While the video itself does show some internal tooling and the default password of test users we do not believe this resulting in a significant security risk that would qualify under the Whitehat program. The internal tooling shown was not (highly) sensitive, and we have additional protections on test users to make sure that knowing the default password won’t allow you to login as those accounts. While we appreciate the report I will mark it as informative because of my explanation above and wish you luck in finding bugs in the future.”


Jan 18, 2021 – Report sent
Jan 19, 2021 – Video removed
Jan 19, 2021 – Report closed as informative by Facebook

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