Ask HN: Post Burnout Ideas

 3 years ago
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Ask HN: Post Burnout Ideas Ask HN: Post Burnout Ideas 107 points by burnoot 3 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 66 comments I burnt my self out a few years back after spending 3 years working full-time on a startup. Since then I've been working for a FAANG.

One thing I've never really recovered is the passion I had for side projects. Worse than that, I can't actually think of anything worth building, or even tinkering with, which is sad, as spending some of my free time on side projects was something I really enjoyed.

If you've found yourself in a similar position, how have you dealt with it?

> One thing I've never really recovered is the passion I had for side projects

I know how this feels. After a few bouts of burnout over my ~20 year career, I'm not convinced we fully recover from all of it. I think each bout leaves some permanent damage, along with increased risk of subsequent bouts. I made a similar comment here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22164678

The best general advice I can give is don't push anything. If you're not feeling motivated to engage in a side project, no problem, don't pursue one right now. Give things time and see how you feel after 2-6 months. Other general advice - reduce work hours if you can, exercise regularly, and relax. Morning/evening walks combine the latter two well.

Learning something new can also help combat burnout fogginess. I've found courses in something of interest work well (search Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, etc.). What I like about these is they're smaller in scale and more self contained than an open-ended side project. They allow you to commit time and energy in small chunks and at your own pace, but still leave you with something valuable in the end. E.g. over the years I've taken courses in Vue, Svelte, TypeScript, and a couple math refreshers. All enjoyable and worth while IMO.

> I think each bout leaves some permanent damage, along with increased risk of subsequent bouts.

Negative experiences tend to produce learned behaviors and reactions that we’re not aware of. These can be overcome, but it takes effort to identify them and implement deliberate changes in our behavior. There are various ways of doing this from self-guided books to professional therapy. It’s not exactly “damage” in the sense that it’s permanent or unaddressable, though. Viewing it as such can hamper recovery.

I’m not sure that you can talk yourself out of physical brain damage. PTSD alters the character and volume of grey matter present in the brain.

I guess veterans etc. who suffer throughout their lives with it just aren’t sufficiently resilient?

I don't want to diminish what people having PTSD have to endure, but physical changes in the brain don't mean much without quantification. Regular learning alone also leaves physical and lasting changes in the brain.

I mention this because pointing to the physicality of psychological conditions often induces a sense of fatalism that often isn't warranted per se, and can become some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy.

Again, this does not mean people should just pull themselves up. It does suggest that people could in principle learn coping mechanisms (through therapy etc.) to a degree that allows for leading a fulfilling life, even with PTSD manifesting physically in the brain.

Saying some problems are the result of learned associations and behaviours doesn't mean that all problems are.
The brain can be reshaped again following trauma. The Body Keeps The Score is a book that talks through the effectiveness of different approaches to healing and how they impact brain changes.
Yeah - I was recommended this shortly after I crashed out - good read, interesting insights, and I did find therapy helpful with the more conscious aspects of my collapse.

The bits that won’t go away are the dread, the insomnia, the constant anxious waiting for the sky to fall. I think I’ve pared off the behavioural bits over the years and have largely addressed them - but my mind continues to wrestle with intangible beasts.

My cousin has just qualified as a psychedelic therapist, so later this summer he’s visiting and we’re going to try breaking the cycle.

But not all burn outs are the same. PTSD level burn outs do, but you also have other types that aren’t at that level. As always the answer is “it depends” and get professional help.
Perhaps we should have different words for “I am maybe feeling a bit tired of doing the same thing every day” and “my brain is physically damaged from years of relentless 24/7 stress to the extent that basic functions like sleep elude me”.
I do not think it's scientific to claim the "brain is physically damaged from not-very-physiological-thing". We do have evidence for brain development that must occur before it is too late (e.g. critical window for language).

Sustained and elevated stress causes damage to the whole body, not just the brain. If understanding what you experienced as brain damage helps you accept how things happened and how things are, then all the more power to you.

But if there is something in your thought patterns that you want to change, but feel hopeless that your brain is damaged, I recommend trying to find another framing aside from "damage".

Was tempted to make a throwaway account for this, but what the hell, burnout is really nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm in a somewhat similar situation to you, but replace the 3 years with 10 years. I had many periods of 'minor' burnout along the way that I ignored or ploughed through, which in hindsight was a pretty big mistake.

Around August last year I just couldn't continue. I wasn't sleeping, I was frequently run down, and I was self-medicating more and more with drugs and alcohol. It eventually got to the point where simply opening my laptop would elicit a fight or flight response.

I was lucky enough to be in a secure enough financial situation to largely take 6 months off. If you're in a position to do this, I highly recommend it.

I uninstalled gmail, slack, etc. from my phone. I considered getting a dumb phone, but settled for turning off push notifications for everything instead. I went away with my girlfriend for a week and left all my tech at home except for my kindle (literally the first time I've been disconnected for more than a couple of days in probably 20 years). I exercised as much as possible and spent time in nature going for walks, etc.

I've been back at it part time for the last few months. Gradually I felt the feelings of burnout being replaced with feelings of boredom, which is hopefully my brain's way of saying that it's starting to repair itself and ready to slowly return to work.

I'm still nowhere near back to peak productivity, but I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I may never get back there. I'm 36 and probably would have dropped dead of overwork by 50 if I kept up the tempo of the last 10 years anyway.

I'm not 'cured' by any means, but I believe things are slowly getting better.

My advice to you is to be kind and patient with yourself. Try not to stress about not having a side-project, and instead just focus on self-care for a while. Someone posted this on HN a few weeks back and it really hit close to home for me: http://www.robinhobb.com/blog/posts/38429

Felt like I was reading a description of what I feel. Kind of punched me in the face when I read at the end that he's 70...I've been in my animal for 35 years...perhaps it's time to reconsider my life. The problem is, I will probably never do until another major crash happens...I assume this is a problem many of us have.
She* :)

And yeah - very powerful piece of writing. She's a published fantasy author and I'm going to try one of her novels (https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/77197.Assassin_s_Apprent...)

Best thing I've ever read. Based on the title, "Assassin's Apprentice", I would never have picked it up. It's on the "realism" side of fantasy. The protagonist is not having a good time, at all. Hobb excels at writing about communities.
Wow, I could relate so much with this link and I’m only 32...
With hindsight, do you think you could have avoided your burnout? Was it due to long hours? The type of work? Something else?
This all rings very familiar - I left my business in 2016 as I was absolutely disintegrating, and my business “partner” wasn’t prepared for me to take six months off to recover, as it would mean him stepping up to the mark and dealing with the nightmare fuel I spent my days on.

Anyway. Five years on, haven’t worked since other than very lightweight consultancy. Live in the woods.

Still wake up at 0430 every morning in a panic. Still grind my teeth. Still flinch every time I hear my phone. Incapable of being kind to myself.

There’s a point of no return, beyond where the brain damage is irreparable. You can learn to live with it, but you can’t ever get rid of it.

Yes. They mostly wanted me to take a lot of drugs, and there was talk of experimental brain surgery, and I just don’t want any of that - whole damn process just made me more stressed and anxious - so now, I just smoke weed from when I wake to when I pass out.

I’m damaged, but functional - managed to build a house with my own hands this spring, while writing an ISO27k1 ISMS, while living off grid - I don’t just sit around on the couch - hell, don’t have a couch.

So yeah. Coping rather than being cured is the best many can hope for - and I’m just about coping.

I stayed clear so far of burnout. Nothing but opinion.

Is it maybe about accepting a permanent shift in your mindset? The body made it very clear to you that your priorities did a lot of harm. I can't find how peak productivity is humane and wouldn't strive for it (again). If this involves a change of everything than this is it.

I can only suggest you grow vegetables or do something tangible as your side project. Something involving your hands with real results. Do that for awhile. It will soon cause you to find something if that's a thing you want to pursue.

Side note: People in tech have weird expectations put on them, as if the day job isn’t enough, you have to constantly prove your cred doing a million side-projects. All apparently open source so any random can grab your work or alternatively so you can be seen to "give back". My dentist, doctor, plumber, carpenter friends etc don't have this issue.

Jobs at larger, more stable corporations can still take a lot out of you! Even if it pales in comparison to the insanity of startup life.

For myself: the drive, and the creativity, only come back if I stop working for an extended period of time (weeks). I need a lot of idle time and some boredom before I feel creative again, let alone want to touch a keyboard, but if I wait long enough it always happens.

I promise you the creativity and desire is still there. It could be more that the current job (or something else) is suppressing it, and less that you haven’t recovered something you lost.

Boredom is a totally underestimated and undervalued mental state these days. IMO it's quite difficult to become bored these days with all the distractions of the Internet. Many great thinkers went to rural "boredom resorts" to let their ideas thrive after they got stimuli from crowded cities.
> the drive, and the creativity, only come back if I stop working for an extended period of time (weeks)

For me it was first weeks, and then months. And as for the last time, took six years.

I went through the same exactly one year ago. I could not sleep, I felt sick at the thought of having to interact with my colleagues and I just couldn't care less about my job. The only thing I care about was to wish for my day job to be over soon, so I could hide away from the rest of the world. One day I woke up and called in sick and that was the best choice I could make. I never went back to that job and I started seeking for professional help.

It is hard to know what you want if you don't know what you are and what you want to be. During my six months long seek vacation I had a very small side project because for me the issue was not the technical aspect but the stress that you always had to perform. I was working for a mobile gaming company and on top of your job you had to play, find bugs, join stand-ups, communicate on slack... This was all fake for me and stressed me out to the point of no return. In the end it was just faking enthusiasm.

I am not like that. I love what I do, but when I am off I am off and please leave me alone. Some companies push you to always have an opinion and what is the problem with not having one from time to time? What is the problem with just doing something else in your free time? If I want to have a side project I will. If I don't, I will be doing something else.

To cut my rant short what really helped me was to recognise my problem and through professional help I could accept myself for what I am. Don't overdo, take your time to know where you are and where you want to go and get back when you are ready. If it helps reduce the amount of working hours and try to enjoy you free time.

I'd suggest mindfulness before you do anything else. In fact I'd suggest a formal, longer term, structured bit of mindfulness specifically - look up "MBSR" which is an 8 week stress reduction approach. I'd recommend it for pretty much anyone but it would definitely suit a sort of "off ramping" moment like this.
For now, make yourself the side project. Dedicate the same amount of research and hours to improving your body or mind and use the time to more fully disconnect from the web. Nurture boredom and silence. Experience the world with your own senses. Get out of the house, there is no life without movement. The ideas will return once you have prepared a worthy home for them.
> One thing I've never really recovered is the passion I had for side projects. Worse than that, I can't actually think of anything worth building, or even tinkering with, which is sad, as spending some of my free time on side projects was something I really enjoyed.

If you don't enjoy side projects any more, don't force it.

Better side projects would be something offline like improving your personal fitness, learning a new (non-computer) hobby, leveling up your cooking skills, and other real-world skills.

Forcing side projects on top of a day job is a recipe for returning to burnout.

Also, have a hard look at what it is you enjoy about side projects. I found out I like the figuring out things part of it (including talking to potential users and solving their problems), but everything after that (marketing, maintaining, improving) drained me.
Totally agree. Side projects are actually not important to getting a job. Its all about codility and whiteboarding now.
A few years ago I suffered a burnout that eventually got me fired.

What I think you need is a meaningful, collaborative effort.

It doesn't necessarily have to be anything "useful". You just need a community with a common goal.

Volunteering seems to work great here, but I've seen people pick up co-op games, team crocheting or collaborative art.

It appears that the real recovery is the friendships you made along the way.

I burned myself out a couple of years ago. A combination of 4-5 years of extreme workplace toxicity and 17+ years of relationship toxicity proved too much for my mind and body to handle effectively.

As a result, I'm super familiar with that cold, dead, leaden feeling of not caring about anything, not really able to feel any of the excitement and buzz that I know, intellectually, I should be able to feel. It is taking a long old while to return back to a position of health, and while that's happening the only thing I've really had to draw on is grit, determination, and a sort of psychotic single mindedness.

I'm now in a much MUCH better place than I was before, but I've been able to keep pursuing my side project (and hopefully eventual startup), and able to keep making some kind of progress ... but it's really only been sheer bloody-mindedness that's kept me going. (I'm hella stubborn when I want to be).

Happily I'm feeling a lot better now, and progress is definitely picking up again now that I can actually smell the victory that's so tantalisingly close to being in my grasp.

I took up cycling. When I was 35 I was having trouble with back pain that I assumed was rooted in not exercising. I find cycling to be the least objectionable form of exercise. My hip popped back into socket after a couple weeks and that was the main cause of back pain but I find I feel significantly worse and am less productive if I don't keep up with the exercise.

For purely code stuff, I tend to learn a new language when I don't want to program anything. I particularly like ones with non-mainstream philosophies as they provide a different perspective on the craft. I don't do much with the languages I learn but it usually kicks me back into regular coding.

Just be careful around cycling since it's one of the worst things you can do to your back. edit: if not done properly / mind the posture etc.
The sensible thing after a burnout seems to be more mindfulness. Paying attention when something is too much and then reducing it. I personally would not divide it between work and spare time. It makes sense to me, to reduce all sources of stress. Minimalism comes to mind. Overall less critical systems, which could drag you down.

You can reduce stressful problems by automating them away. So I would just start with your own problems, going step by step and focusing on low maintenance and immediate benefits. I would set very low expectations and always be aware of the risk you are taking for your health. Maybe you will get better in the future to push something to the next level. Worst case, your own life got easier.

It's OK to not have a side project.

If you really want one, I recommend doing something physical, with your hands. Like woodworking, cooking, pottery, whatever.

That seem to be a good counterbalance to the thought-heavy tech jobs most of us on HN have.

I’ve been in a similar position but with sport rather than coding.

I’ve represented my country and competed abroad. After burning out racing, I weirdly couldn’t enjoy it as a hobby anymore.

Perfectionism was definitely a factor. The main thing for me was the lack of learning new stuff.

When you’re a beginner, the initial steep learning curve can be really fun. Then it flattens out once you’re an expert.

Maybe you could build a side project in a new language - or even step away from coding for a while and learn something completely different.

I spent hundreds of hours playing factorio.

Video games allowed me back into the mode of thinking without any sense of external requirement. It was all on me to decide how deep I went and for how long. Eventually I played until I achieved boredom after over 900 hours. (Not all at once! Over months.)

From that point of boredom I could see how much energy I had channeled into something pointless, and realized I had recovered. Then I started channeling that work into home renovations and other tangible efforts. Even coding for family projects!

But I never got the motivation back to code for profit again. I’m done with that part of my life.

I don't code for fun anymore. I haven't for a couple years. Honestly, it all just takes too much time. I enjoy writing code for work; but, at home, I work out, I play video games, I spend time with friends and go on hikes.

I think it's okay for you to not be interested in doing side projects anymore, there's a lot more to life and the world than programming; and, if your heart wants to venture outside of it, then let it! You might find another, wonderful passion :)

Did you ever recover from burnout or just recover enough to continue functioning?
This was (probably still is) exactly my mistake...being able to survive is by no means related to "I'm recovered and happy to commit to something new"

And after 2 years of surviving, I feel that I lost a lot of time

Burnout is your brain experiencing fatigue from being pushed too hard. You cannot will yourself to be more productive - it is guaranteed to backfire.

The best things I've found to cope with burnout are tasks that can't be optimised, are unimportant, and low-medium intensity. Just going for a walk is a good way to start, as is helping friends and family with things they need to do.

Spending months in front of a TV watching Star Trek doesn't help, nor does attempting to invent a new, marketable product. It has to be somewhere in the middle.

How old are you? Do you live alone? Do you have kids? It's normal to get older and to lose interest in things you once thought important. If it actually is important, it will become interesting again. It's okay not to care about things you don't care about now.
I can relate. Been in a similar place after corporate hell. Things that have helped me:

- Stop using social media. People posting how excited they are will drag you further down

- Give yourself time. Don’t force it. Time will mend things

- Go out into Nature. Leave your phone at home

Just do something different? Music, drawing, painting, adding 200hp to your car? Starting as a novice in something completely unknown can give you a lot of satisfaction, since the achievements come quickly (to begin with)
Small steps, little projects that can be done in a few days.

Trying to have fun over getting results.

Maybe getting into some different things that involves new people and subjects.

I'm taking advanced math and physics classes from the state university, that I'd always wished I'd taken. Take advantage of remote learning while it lasts.

Also consider getting involved with an existing project if you're having writer's block. Lots of stuff out there in need of some help.

Do you sit in front of the screen the whole day at your faang job? Forget software side projects then. Turn off all screens when coming home, pick up hiking as a hobby, or start side project with wood working, painting or so.
I started to value my side projects higher. So I work less and have given myself time to do whatever I like the rest of the time. Sometimes I train, sometimes I recover, sometimes I work with side projects.

Having time off, ideas came back.

Build up your body.

Go running, lift weights, do calisthenics, join a team sport.

Whatever. Pick something you enjoy of course! Just go out and do physical stuff for the pure fact of physical stuff.

Asking for ideas for post burnout sounds like you have not really recovered.

Learn to relax. Go outside, hike, sunbath, swim, read good books ( literature ) or try to volunteer.

My guess is that your passion is still there, but you're currently just about maxed out mentally working at the FAANG. (even if you don't think you are)

In my experience, side projects require much more mental effort than initially thought. At different stages of life, we have different levels of available bandwidth.

All the other suggestions are good (especially the one remembering you that you do not HAVE to spend your free time on side projects). I want to add a small recent anecdotical suggestion.

I was not really burnt down but I noticed I started to loose enthusiasm for “The Craft” (of programming). Surprisingly, what reignited the spark was starting to watch and interact with people livecoding on Twitch. I don’t know what it was, maybe watching people doing THEIR side projects in a playful and relaxed environment make me rediscover the fun aspects of programming.

> Worse than that, I can't actually think of anything worth building

Seems like you’re putting the cart before the horse. I’d only start worrying if I actually had something I wanted to build but couldn’t muster the gung-ho to do it because of burnout.

As it stands, it just seems like you have better uses for your time.

I see a lot of comments here have already echoed this same sentiment.

Took up other hobbies and forgot about side projects.
What kinds of things have you (or anyone else who burned out) tried so far that didn't work? Are you doing anything for fun? Any social activities? If there's a pattern around what's not helping that might help find out what's left to try.
You don’t have to have side projects.

You could just keep making money at faang until there’s an idea that calls you.

Maybe the burnout is a signal that what you were doing was not actually right and there is deeper lesson/learning in life out there?
I've had a minor burnout 4 years ago where i dropped my side projects.

I changed jobs and have been working the longest time on my current side project. One of the most important things is that I don't need to do it today. I can have a week of leave from my side projects if i want.

It's working on it consistently that works, without overworking myselve.

Question is: what do you care about?

Is it about the technology it earning money from them? If you want to earn money from them without caring about the learning part, it's not actually a passion.

I "burned out" while working at a FAANG and it just turned out to be a health problem, accelerated by the food there.

All of my side projects from the time are extremely uninspired.

Can you share some general information about the health problem, in case the rest of us should be watching out for it?
Pick up an analog hobby. Something that is tangible and away from the internet, computers and software. Christ, I sound like some loonie but there is pleasure in fixing your car, building a deck, gardening, or learning how to play an instrument. Avoid hobbies that are competitive in nature.
Big agreement here!

Though, as it turns out, software is eating the world, and every analog hobby I've picked up eventually wants to become a computer hobby. You can choose to resist this entirely, or give in a bit. The analog part is still there waiting for you whenever you're tired of starting at rectangles.

(Example A: FM synthesis ideas should obviously be reimplemented in python... Oh wait, super collider exists, and now this cheap USB game pass I had lying around is an FM synth. But I've still got a small pile of synths to play with.)

(Example 2: Birds are cool. Eventually I found my way into bird song id with machine learning, but I can now always justify a long walk in the woods as field research...)

The sweet spot for me is an Idea -> CAD -> Manual Production -> Idea loop, which works for pretty much any hobby that results in a physical artifact. The computer work lets me spot enough problems that I can feel confident the end result will be worth the effort, and I'm not going to hit a dead-end.
Picking up other hobbies got me back into software side projects but not as an end in themselves as they used to be (and I'm pretty tired of "learning" new tech at this point -- it's just the same things over and over and over again, usually with even more complexity); rather, I feel compelled to write little pieces of software that vastly improve my experience of the new, interesting hobbies.

Avoid competitiveness and "getting ahead" -- pursue mastery the same way a zen gardener does. It's very enjoyable to be good at useless things.

Don't think in terms of software. Think in terms of the change you want to bring into the world. Software is just a bridge you can take to get there.

Writing software without purpose is boring. Writing software to earn a living frequently aligns with business objectives, but not your own. It can absolutely wear you down.

Before worrying about your love for software, find your calling. What you want to breathe into the world. Whether you use software or not to get there won't matter.

And it's totally fine if you don't do any of this. Life doesn't have rules, and you don't have to fit a mold.

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