Constellation To Automate US Air Force Data Management

 3 years ago
source link: https://blockchainmagazine.net/constellation-to-automate-us-air-force-data-management/
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Constellation To Automate US Air Force Data Management

August 29, 2019 by Editor's Desk

The U.S. Air Force is leveraging the distributed ledger technology (DLT) with a recent commercial collaboration.

Constellation, a blockchain firm, announced yesterday that it is going to integrate with the U.S. Air Force for automating the big data management of the armed force branch. As per a statement from Constellation, data sources such as satellites, planes, and drones present unique applications for DLT. Constellation enables securing the data silos from the locked sources.

Constellation is termed as Multi-Domain Command and Control by the U.S Air Force. It is expected to connect multiple data silos for the armed force wing, which will ultimately improve interoperability. The company will also give real-time overviews and audit trails of the data sources.

“Currently, the data lifecycle is very broken with data storage being siloed while data creation, management, and hygiene is a semi-manual process,” Constellations Mathias Goldman said. “The USAF is looking to automate much of their big data initiatives in a secure manner.”

Constellation’s task is to develop systems between storage, creation, and management for decision making in the future. According to the statement, the platform enables users to operate downstream data flows with encryption.

Constellation reported that the integration happened before six months, when the U.S. Air Force asked the firm if it was interested in collaborating on the initiative.

The type of metadata that Constellation will work with has not been decided so far.

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