Want to get better at using color? Try a scatter plot

 3 years ago
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Want to get better at using color? Try a scatter plot

Creating scatter plots teaches you advanced lessons about color

A night sky broken up by a colorful pattern in the middle. A line of bright orange and red clusters of stars is in the middle, while the rest of the stars are normal and blue.
Photo by Denis Degioanni on Unsplash

Scatter plots are usually charts that people are vaguely familiar with.

It’s a chart that’s often thought of as complicated and niche. But they can offer important lessons about color that you might not realize until you’re trying to create them.

And it starts with the type of message it’s trying to convey.

Scatterplots, distribution, and relationships

Scatterplots are mainly used for two major reasons: to show distribution patterns and relationships. They allow you to encode data on both the x and y-axis to see if relationships or patterns exist between two variables.

But they have a reputation for being hard to understand. This is where I might be tempted to say that is a misunderstanding, but it’s really not: scatter plots are often hard to understand. To explain why, first, let’s talk about an easier chart to understand: a bar chart.

Two bars, a large purple one and a smaller grey one
Two bars, a large purple one and a smaller grey one

I haven’t included labels, axes, or even an explanation of what these bars might represent, but there are many conclusions that you can draw from this.

You could talk about how the purple bar is big (which can be good if it represents us), how it’s several times bigger than the grey bar, or how the grey bar is small.

Now try doing that with a scatter plot.

A scatter plot in a grey box. Purple dots of variables hues are scattered around, with a grey trend line running diagonally.
A scatter plot in a grey box. Purple dots of variables hues are scattered around, with a grey trend line running diagonally.

Without labels, context, or any other sort of guidance, it’s hard to make sense of this sort of data at a glance.

If I had gone one step further and removed the trend line, it might be even harder to make any sense at all.

The data itself might be hard to understand by itself, as there are no immediately obvious patterns, but that shouldn’t faze us as UX Designers.

We can work in complex domains, such as finance or healthcare, and make sense of otherwise difficult-to-understand data or terminology. But there’s one thing that stands out with scatter plots that we can learn from: color.

To create great scatterplots, you need to think a lot about color.

Distribution trends: Using color as identity

For many other charts, color is a way of accentuating certain values while de-emphasizing others. This can be a way to get people to pay attention to certain values.

But for scatter plots, color can play another important role: identifying groupings in a large ocean of data.

To understand what I mean, let’s look at a simple scatter plot:

A scatter plots mapping participation in the SAT and average SAT score. The left chart shows a regular scatter plot with a downward linear trend line, while the right chart show the same data but with certain clusters circled.
A scatter plots mapping participation in the SAT and average SAT score. The left chart shows a regular scatter plot with a downward linear trend line, while the right chart show the same data but with certain clusters circled.
Source: The Truthful Art

We can see from the plot that there are several clusters here that might warrant investigation, but that by itself doesn’t tell us much.

However, what happens when you use color to identify certain groups in the data?

The same clusters of points with a slightly different trend line. However, the dots are 4 colors to represent different regions (Midwest, West, South, and Northeast)
The same clusters of points with a slightly different trend line. However, the dots are 4 colors to represent different regions (Midwest, West, South, and Northeast)
Source: The Truthful Art

Suddenly, it’s a whole lot easier and quicker to see patterns. It’s not just random clusters of data: by assign colors based on some attribute in the data, you can quickly begin to see patterns or groupings, even if you don’t know much about the subject.

A scatter plot overlaid on a map to show geographic distribution of patterns. 4 colors (purple, green, yellow, and blue) are used to represent different points of wildlife behavior.
A scatter plot overlaid on a map to show geographic distribution of patterns. 4 colors (purple, green, yellow, and blue) are used to represent different points of wildlife behavior.

In scatter plots, color often takes the role of other common variables: for example, colors replace what might be a “Region” label in one chart, or “Occupation” in another.

A scatter plot that represents different occupations with different possible trend lines. One black trend line showcases equal wages, while several grey lines represent different unequal wage trends.
A scatter plot that represents different occupations with different possible trend lines. One black trend line showcases equal wages, while several grey lines represent different unequal wage trends.
Color is a representation of types of occupations here

This doesn’t seem like it would be that important until you begin to try and quantify relationships.

Relationships are complicated (or eating more chocolate won’t win you a Nobel prize)

Let’s go back to the bar chart example and think about how we might create a comparison.

Two bars, a large purple one and a smaller grey one
Two bars, a large purple one and a smaller grey one

We can easily compare these two values, even if we didn’t have the numbers: for example, the purple bar is nearly 5 times as long as the grey bar.

But how do you summarize this?

A scatter plot in a grey box. Purple dots of variables hues are scattered around, with a grey trend line running diagonally.
A scatter plot in a grey box. Purple dots of variables hues are scattered around, with a grey trend line running diagonally.

Scatter plots are often used so that you can see if there is a relationship between two variables, but what’s the difference between a strong and a weak relationship?

This is where I’ll delve into statistics for a little bit, so bear with me on this.

Statisticians use the correlation coefficient, or r, to determine this.

This variable ranges from -1 to 1, and the closer to 1 or -1 r is, the stronger the relationship between the two variables.

But r by itself proves nothing: you have to do a lot more statistics work to determine validity.

A chart showing correlation between chocolate and Nobel prizes. The headline reads ‘the more chocolate a country eats, the more Nobel prize winners it has” r=0.79
A chart showing correlation between chocolate and Nobel prizes. The headline reads ‘the more chocolate a country eats, the more Nobel prize winners it has” r=0.79

Sadly, this chart isn’t true, despite the r-value being high. The reason it isn’t true is because of a phrase you’ve probably heard: “Correlation does not equal causation.”

A different chart showing correlation between “Per capita consumption of chicken” and “Total US crude oil imports.”
A different chart showing correlation between “Per capita consumption of chicken” and “Total US crude oil imports.”

Just because two things are correlated doesn’t mean that one thing causes the other.

And if your eyes began to glaze over when reading about statistics slowly, imagine how your audience might feel.

So how can you turn this talk about relationships into something that your audience can understand?

By replacing scatter plots with color.

Two charts. The top chart is a massive scatter plot matrix that shows all sorts of scatter plots available for all related variables. A 7x7 grid is filled with scatter plots that highlight all combinations of 7 variables, and is difficult to read. The bottom chart is a correlation matrix, a chart where these scatter plots are condensed into different colors ranging from blue to red based on r values.
Two charts. The top chart is a massive scatter plot matrix that shows all sorts of scatter plots available for all related variables. A 7x7 grid is filled with scatter plots that highlight all combinations of 7 variables, and is difficult to read. The bottom chart is a correlation matrix, a chart where these scatter plots are condensed into different colors ranging from blue to red based on r values.
Source: The Truthful Art

The chart on the top is called a scatter plot matrix: it’s a way of comparing every possible combination of variables to see if relationships exist between the two. It is usually used by academics writing code and is nearly unreadable.

The chart on the bottom is called a correlation matrix: it takes the data from each scatter plot (specifically r) and uses color to plot it in a way that’s a whole lot easier for audiences to read.

Once again, color replaces something (in this case, the whole scatter plot) to make it easier for the audience to read. Given that all of our data is essentially encoded into color, we need to make sure that we’re using color correctly.

So here are some lessons to keep in mind while doing this.

Understanding how color’s role with data

I’m not going to give a primer on color, as that’s beyond the scope of the article. I want to introduce a couple of ideas that you might want to consider when working with color in data.

Understand the importance of contrast with overlapping data:

This is largely specific with scatter plots. Consider how your color palette looks layered on top of one another.

A scatter plot overlaid on a map to show geographic distribution of patterns. 4 colors (purple, green, yellow, and blue) are used to represent different points of wildlife behavior.
A scatter plot overlaid on a map to show geographic distribution of patterns. 4 colors (purple, green, yellow, and blue) are used to represent different points of wildlife behavior.

If I’d leverage one complaint at the visualization, it would be hard to tell if there are 3 or 4 categories at a glance.

While two of the colors (purple and blue) might not be confused in isolation, there’s a lot of overlap between the blue, green, and yellow categories in the data. As a result, the area in the top-right of the map looks like it might be purple-ish.

The same chart, although the colors are different now (Brown, green, blue, and yellow).
The same chart, although the colors are different now (Brown, green, blue, and yellow).
Is it easier to see 4 categories?

Changing the purple color to something different (brown) makes it easier to see that there are 4 categories now rather than 3. While viewing colors in isolation may not cause issues, make sure to check if overlapping data may make things harder.

Understand color gradients and steps in scales:

One of the other functions that we saw was assigning values based on colors to a scale. However, one question you should ask is whether you want to use a gradient or a scale.

What I mean by this is considering how identifiable the middle steps of your scale can be.

Two color scales. The left is a gradient that goes from blue to red with no distinct colors, while the right has 5 distinct colors associated with it (Red, orange, white, light blue, and blue).
Two color scales. The left is a gradient that goes from blue to red with no distinct colors, while the right has 5 distinct colors associated with it (Red, orange, white, light blue, and blue).

To provide an example, we can look back at the coefficient image we saw earlier.

Same correlation matrix as before.
Same correlation matrix as before.
Source: The Truthful Art

It’s easier to see extremes (Dark Blue and Dark Red), but it can often be harder to see the difference between values in the middle (closer to white).

However, given that we’re largely concerned with values on the extreme ends (i.e., those with strong correlations), it’s not a problem to use a gradient here.

However, when there are values in the middle that you want to differentiate between, or the scale is not necessarily that widespread, consider using steps within a color scale.

A correlation matrix on with 5 steps that range from very light blue, light blue, blue, dark blue, and black.
A correlation matrix on with 5 steps that range from very light blue, light blue, blue, dark blue, and black.
Source: The Truthful Art

This allows you to provide enough contrast to understand the difference between the different sections possibly.

Learn scatter plots to learn about color

You’re likely not going to be using scatter plots (outside of academia) in your work that much.

They’re complicated to understand and are often best used to explore a dataset rather than presenting it to an audience.

But learning scatter plots can be a great way to practice working with color. Almost no other chart relies on the color that much to encode data, identify patterns, or otherwise quantify aspects of a chart.

So if you want to practice with color more, try and learn how to create a great scatter plot. It may teach you things you hadn’t realized.

Kai Wong is a UX Designer, Author, and Data Visualization advocate. His latest book, Data Persuasion, talks about learning Data Visualization from a Designer’s perspective and how UX can benefit Data Visualization.

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