Pwned Passwords is now open source!

 3 years ago
source link: https://dotnetfoundation.org/blog/2021/05/27/pwned-passwords-is-now-open-source
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Pwned Passwords is now open source!

May 27, 2021

Pwned Passwords is the password search feature for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), a free service that aggregates data breaches and helps people find out if they've been impacted by malicious activity on the web. With close to 1 billion requests per month, this free service is used by individuals and organizations all over the world. In addition to the traditional breached data sets, HIBP will now also receive compromised passwords discovered in the course of FBI investigations. This will further enhance the quality and timeliness of the data in the HIBP service for its users.

I am proud to welcome the new Pwned Passwords open source project to the .NET Foundation as our first incubation project! Troy Hunt, renowned security expert and Microsoft MVP/RD, built this vital service with .NET on Azure. I’ve spoken with Troy over the last few months. I know he has given much thought about open sourcing the code so the project can have a sustainable future and evolve with contributions from the community.

In Troy’s words: "The philosophy of HIBP has always been to support the community, now I want the community to help support HIBP."

The .NET Foundation can provide that support structure through mentorship, sponsorship as well as administrative and technical services we provide to our projects. We encourage you to learn more about the HIBP project and how you can get involved. Start by reading Troy’s blog post announcement and visiting the project repo.

Thank you to all our members and broader .NET ecosystem for helping all our .NET Foundation projects thrive.

Claire Novotny
Executive Director, .NET Foundation

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