Building a React Component Library — The Right Way

 3 years ago
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Building a React Component Library — The Right Way

Create an ultra-modular React component library: scalable, maintainable, and with a blazing-fast setup.

In this tutorial, we’ll build a modular React + TypeScript “library” with rich documentation, isolated component rendering, tests, and more (the quotation marks will soon be made clearer).

It’s not a short article but once you’re done reading, you’ll not only build libraries differently but drastically change the way you structure any web project and collaborate on code.

We’ll use Bit to develop and version multiple independent components, all in the same Bit workspace. Bit will also generate the dependency graph for each component, and for the entire workspace.

Our components will then be individually published to a package registry of our choice, each with a package.json that was auto-generated by Bit.

But that’s not all (and here’s the life-changing part) — each component will be ‘exported’ (pushed) as an independent component to Bit.dev’s component hosting. This will allow us to collaborate on components across projects and enjoy a component-driven CI that propagates updates from a single component to all its dependents, in-and-across projects.

An independent ‘drop-down’ component rendered in isolation. The component’s dependency graph was generated by Bit. It is used for component isolation and to propagate the CI from one component to all its dependents.

Using a pre-configured development environment for components

We’ll make use of Bit’s pre-configured (and extensible) React component development environment, to get us up and running in an instant with a dev environment setup that implements best practices.

Our environment will provide us with lots of goodies for component development, like TypeScript (for compilation), Jest (for testing), MDX (for documentation), and Webpack (for the bundled component previews), to name just a few.

Before we begin, to get a clear picture of how a “library” built with Bit looks like, check out this remote scope which hosts multiple independent components:

A remote scope hosting components for a specific design system. Each component can be installed independently or imported (‘cloned’) independently into a Bit workspace.

Setting up a Bit workspace

A Bit workspace is where independent components are developed and versioned while retaining a simple, monolith-like, dev experience.

Initialize a Bit Workspace

  1. Install Bit on your machine.
    We’ll start by installing Bit version manager (BVM), and use it to install Bit.
$ npm i -g @teambit/bvm
$ bvm install

For more information and troubleshooting, see here.

2. Initialize a new Bit workspace using the react-workspacetemplate. We’ll name our workspace my-component-library :

$ bit new react-workspace my-component-librarya new workspace has been created successfully at path/to/my-component-library

3. Install all workspace dependencies:

$ bit install

Bit creates the following files when initializing a new workspace:

workspace.jsonc - The workspace configuration file that sets rules and policies for the workspace and all its components. Since we’ve generated our workspace using the react-workspace template, it is already set to use Bit’s offical React component development environment.

.bitmap - An auto-generated mapping between tracked components in the workspace and their physical location on the filesystem. Learn more here.

.bit - Your local scope. Where your workspace's component release versions are stored.

Set up a remote scope for hosting

  1. A remote scope is where independent components are hosted so that they can be used across different projects.
    Bit.dev is a package registry and a platform for independent component hosting. We’ll use it to publish and install packages, but also to collaborate on components (though, as mentioned earlier, components can also be published to NPM’s registry or any other registry).
    Head over to bit.dev to create a new scope (“collection”) for component hosting. Make sure to choose the ‘Harmony’ scope type.
  2. Open the workspace.jsonc file and set the defaultScope property to your username and scope name.
// file: workspace.jsonc{
"$schema": "https://static.bit.dev/teambit/schemas/schema.json",
"teambit.workspace/workspace": {
"name": "my-component-library",
"defaultDirectory": "{scope}/{name}", // <scope-owner>.<scope-name>
"defaultScope": "our-org.my-scope"
// ...

Running Bit’s dev server and Workspace UI

The workspace UI lets us explore components managed by the workspace, and get real-time feedback regarding each component status (found issues, etc.).

Let’s start Bit’s dev server to run the workspace UI. This will also run various dev services in watch mode (e.g, testing, compiling, etc.).

$ bit startENVIRONMENT NAME        URL                               STATUS
teambit.react/react http://localhost:3100 RUNNINGYou can now view 'my-component-library' components in the browser.
Bit server is running on http://localhost:3000
Example of the workspace UI showing the workspace components in real-time

Creating the component files

Create a new component named ‘button’ with the namespace ‘inputs’, using one of the React environment component templates.

$ bit create react-component inputs/buttonthe following 1 component(s) were createdmy-scope/inputs/button
location: my-scope/inputs/button
env: teambit.react/react

Using a component template is not mandatory. Learn more here.

Tracking a new component

Our component files have been generated and are now tracked as a single component. Check your workspace .bitmap file to see that the button component was added.


The version property is blank since our component hasn’t yet been tagged with a release version.

Handling issues found with the new component

If we head over to our workspace UI (localhost:3000), we can see that an issue was found with our component (the “N” notation to the right of the component name).

Since Bit Harmony is in its beta release, you may encounter bugs. If that happens, restart Bit’s dev server (Ctrl+c and bit start ).

The button component is

To examine this issue run:

$ bit statusnew components
(use "bit tag --all [version]" to lock a version with all your changes)> inputs/button ... issues found missing packages or links from node_modules to the source (run "bit install" to fix both issues. if it's an external package, make sure it's added as a package dependency):
button.spec.tsx -> @testing-library/react

We’ll install the missing dependency using Bit, like so:

$ bit install @testing-library/react...
✔ installing dependencies using pnpm
✔ running post install subscribers
✔ linking componentsSuccessfully resolved dependencies for 1 component(s) in 7.184 seconds

Check your workspace.jsonc file to see it updated with the installed library. Note that it will not add this library as a dependency of all components in the workspace, only to those that actually dependent on it (that is because Bit analyzes your code and generates the dependency graph for each component).

Behind the scenes, Bit uses pnpm for package installation. You can change that to your package manager of choice, using the workspace.jsonc config file.

Our component is now issues-free:

$ bit statusnew components
(use "bit tag --all [version]" to lock a version with all your changes)> inputs/button ... ok

We’re now ready to continue with our component development. Let’s go over its generated files and update them accordingly, to make a real button.

Implementation file: button.tsx

Right now, our component returns a div element and not a button . Let’s change that in our button.tsx file. We’ll also add a ‘loading’ state to it.

Isolated component previews: button.composition.tsx

‘Compositions’ are usages or instances of a component that are loaded by Bit and rendered in isolation. ‘Compositions’ can be used to demonstrate a stand-alone component, similarly to Storybook (which can be used in addition to this), but more importantly, to run manual and automated integration tests.

These tests validate for us (authors and maintainer of a component) that such integrations will be successful when done by consumers of that component.

Our compositions do not reflect our latest updates. Let’s change that by overriding the current composition with two new ones, one for a button in its default state and another when in its ‘loading’ state:

Component documentation: button.docs.mdx

This is a Bit-flavored MDX documentation file that allows us to integrate JSX with Markdown, and add Bit-specific frontmatter (metadata) properties. The docs file is loaded by Bit and rendered on the component’s ‘Overview’ page.

The doc file is already importing the button component into it, to make it available for the doc’s live examples. All that’s left is to change the documentation to better describe our modified component:

description: 'A basic button component.'
labels: ['react', 'input']
---import { Button } from './button';This a basic button with a *'loading'* state.### Using the button```js
```### Live example: Setting the button to 'loading' stateAdd and remove `isLoading` to change its state.
```js live
<Button isLoading>Submit</Button>

Component testing: button.spec.tsx

Our current test tries to use the previously removed compositions.


Let’s update our test file with the relevant tests, using the new compositions:

We’ll check our test status again in the workspace UI:


Tagging a component with a release version + running the component CI

Now that our button component is complete, let’s tag it with its first release version.

$ bit tag inputs/button 1.0.0 --message "first release version"...
new components
(first version for components)
> inputs/[email protected]

The tagging process is automatically preceded by a series of build tasks that are determined by Bit’s various extensions and the component development environment. Once these tasks are done, the generated artifacts are versioned along with the component's source files. The versioned artifacts include:

  • A distributable Node package (including a package.json that was auto-generated by Bit)
  • Bundled component previews (‘compositions’) and documentation
  • Build logs
  • Development configurations and dependency graph
  • And more.

The release version is stored as git-like objects in the .bit / .git/bit directory (a.k.a, the “local scope”).

‘Exporting’: Pushing and publishing components

Now that we have our component’s immutable release version ready, we can export it to share it with other consumers and collaborators.

$ bit exportexported the following 1 component(s):

The exporting process pushes the component’s release version (the git-like objects) to remote hosting and publishes the component’s package to Bit.dev’s registry.

Both the component hosting (used for component collaboration) and the package registry can be customized to your own preferences (for example, a self-hosted Bit server and NPM’s registry).

Collaborating on components before they’re tagged with a new release version — pushing the workspace repo to Github or any other git remote hosting

We’ve talked about pushing independent components to bit.dev but what about the standard git workflow? Do we not collaborate on the workspace as well?

A Bit workspace should definitely be collaborated on as well. Here’s how that’s done:

Instead of locally tagging a component with a new release version, we can use $ bit tag --soft <component-id> <new-version>to suggest a new release version. This will update the .bitmap file accordingly. Once we push the workspace to Github (along with the .bitmap file) others can review the suggested changes, and your CI can “hard tag” the suggested component versions. and export them. Learn more here.

$ bit tag --soft inputs/button 1.0.2 -m "change bg color"1 component(s) soft-tagged
(use "bit tag --persist" to persist the changes")
(use "bit untag --soft" to remove the soft-tags)soft-tagged changed components
(components that set to get a version bump)
> our-org.my-scope/inputs/[email protected]
keep in mind that this is a soft-tag (changes recorded to be tagged), to persist the changes use --persist flag

The .bitmap file will be updated like so:


Unlike the .bitmap file, the .bit directory should not be tracked. Once you clone/pull a Bit workspace, run the $ bit install command to install and import all the workspace dependencies, both packages and independent components. This will keep your workplace up-to-date, even when changes made to a component when done from a different workspace.

Installing a component package

Published packages are installed in a Bit workspace using Bit. For example:

$ bit install @teambit/teaching.ui.elements.dots-loader

The package name can be found in the published registry. — In our case, on the component page in bit.dev.

Packages published to Bit.dev can also be installed using standard NPM clients (like npm and Yarn) by configuring the NPM client (.npmrc ).
Learn more, here.

As mentioned earlier, packages can also be published to NPM (and in that case, require no additional configurations). Learn more, here.

‘Importing’: Cloning a component into a workspace

Components exported from other workspaces can be ‘imported’ (cloned ) and developed, in your own workspace (in addition to being simply ‘installed’),

Let’s import the dots-loader component from the teaching remote scope, owned by teambit. For that, I’ll head over to the dots-loader component page, copy the import command, and run it.

dots-loader component page
$ bit import teambit.teaching/ui/elements/dots-loader...
successfully imported one component
- added teambit.teaching/ui/elements/dots-loader new versions: 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3, currently used version 0.0.3

The imported component is now available in our local workspace. Its source files are under the teaching directory and its package is in our node_modules directory, under the owner’s name (teambit).


Changing the component’s source files will trigger re-compilation. That means you can keep using the component package (refer to the package name, and not the source files) while developing the component. That’s true for imported components as well as components authored in the same workspace.

To see the imported component configurations run:

$ bit show ui/elements/dots-loader
The imported ‘dots-loader’ component configurations

Handling component dependencies

A ‘drop-down’ component developed in isolation with Bit. The component’s dependencies are also generated and managed with Bit.

Now that we have the dots-loader component, let’s use it to replace the ‘Loading...’ text in our button component (shown when in ‘loading’ state). We’ll do that by importing the component using its package name.

Head over to the workspace UI, to see the new component compositions:


We now have a component that is dependent on another component.


Once the dots-loader component gets modified and tagged with a new release version, Bit will automatically test, build and tag the dependent button component.

If there were any other direct or indirect dependent components, this build & tag propagation would reach them as well.

When using Bit together with Bit.dev, this ripple effect goes beyond the borders of the local workspace into all exported components, across all remote scopes.

Theming components

Theme provider

As with any well-designed component library, your components should only be loosely coupled to their theme. Doing so enables new styles to be easily created just by adding new theming components.

A consumer of that library will have the liberty to install just the right UI components with just the right theme component and have them all composed together, to form exactly what he or she needed. This will minimize the amount of code that needs to be written from scratch.

A theme component providing styling to all UI components wrapped by it

CSS Components

Componentization is not exclusive to JavaScript. Styling assets, such as CSS files, fonts, icons, and more, should also be developed with Bit as components. That way they can be versioned, shared, and consumed independently, making the entire “library” far more composable and easy to maintain.

An SCSS ‘color-palette’ component

The above colors component can be used similarly to the way other components are used with Bit.


Component libraries are used to accelerate and standardize development by enabling cross-project code reuse.

Building a component library as a monolith naturally restricts the number of shared components and by that the gamut of scale and complexity. This, in turn, limits the rate at which development is accelerated as it takes longer to create new compositions out of very simple components (which is the result of such limitations).

Using Bit, the number of shared components is unlimited. That translates into having components of all levels of complexity and concreteness, enabling consumers of components to create their compositions out of components that are closer to their desired end result.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK