Study Integration of Apps in Microsoft Teams

 3 years ago
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Wednesday, 26 May 2021 10:01

Study Integration of Apps in Microsoft Teams

By Guest Writer

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Guest Opinion: As we all know, Microsoft Teams is an essential product of Microsoft Office 365, which makes our work more straightforward and easier.

It is a robust communication platform that allows team members to share important documents, share their screen, schedule critical meetings and conferences, work on the same project together, etc. It is one of the best platforms which allow you to integrate third-party apps without leaving Microsoft Teams and to execute your work smoothly and efficiently. Microsoft Team is an all-in-one workspace where you can efficiently work with your team members on the same project and finish it within a given deadline. Suppose you are a newbie to the platform of Microsoft Teams and want to learn how the users can integrate the external apps into the forum. In that case, you should join the ‘Microsoft Teams Training’ Program and get started with a better communication platform. In this article, I am going to talk about the integration of apps for Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams is a platform where you can easily arrange your call and chat with your team members on a project. It makes it easy for the teams to share vital documents and perform multiple tasks besides communicating. It allows employees to connect and share a variety of features located within Microsoft Teams. It will enable you to schedule video conferencing and shares the screen within a meeting to better clarify the concept and discuss the significant decisions of the company. Microsoft Teams is easily accessible through various platforms such as desktop, mobile phones, and laptops. The developers have created this platform to carry out your tasks in a simple manner.

Before learning about the integration of apps in Microsoft Teams, you need first to know how to access Microsoft Teams Integrations. There are two ways through which you can easily access the Microsoft Teams Integrations:

  • Press on Apps Option situated on the left side of the menu bar to have full access to Apps.
  • After you completed the first step, you need to click on the plus sign situated at the top navigation bar to pin the apps.

Here is the list of apps that users can integrate into Microsoft Teams:

  • Translate It

To communicate better with your team members, you can now integrate Translate It with Microsoft Teams, which makes tasks simple, and you don’t have to toil between Microsoft Teams and Third-party apps. Translate It supports more than a hundred languages. Users can set a bot to translate any message of their group’s chats or in the channel. This application allows us to communicate easily with overseas clients and team members. However, this application is available in paid version, and you need to subscribe to this app by spending US$1 per month.

  • OneNote

You can integrate OneNote to Microsoft Teams that works like a digital notebook where you can jot down important notes during vital meetings and conferences. You not only save important notes, but you can also take drawing, screenshot clipping, and take audio recording. The users can access this app through Tab, Chat, and Channel Option in Microsoft Teams. This app allows you to capture ideas from multiple digital formats, and this is a free app that will enable you to jot down unlimited notes and sync them with your cloud storage that takes up 15 GB of your space.

  • Trello

Trello is another essential third-party app that you can integrate with Microsoft Teams. It is a crucial project management app that allows you to arrange necessary information on flexible boards, lists, and cards. If you make any changes required in Trello, you can notify your team member through a connector. You can add Trello as a tab in Microsoft Teams so that users can manage boards without switching to any other channel. This app is accessible in both free and paid versions. It gives users unlimited attachments, cards, boards but limits attachments to 10 MB, but if you have big attachments, then you must use a premium version that provides you with 250 MB attachments for US$99.9 per month, per member.

  • Calendar BOT

This application is helpful as it schedules important meetings with external and internal contacts. It reduces the time of the users to message people regarding the conference. The app allows you to share your calendar and time with the approved contacts to inform your availability. Instead of messaging each other and asking about their availability, you can simply check their calendar before scheduling or arranging the meeting. The users need to purchase this app as it is a paid app that costs US$2.50 per person per month who uses and connects them with the calendar.

  • Polly

Polly is the app that allows you to make effective and quick decisions for the company and get essential feedback from the team members time-to-time. With the help of this app, you can create simple polls and surveys that are essential from a company's growth perspective without exiting from the Microsoft Teams or reducing the burden of visiting any external apps. It helps you to make quick decisions and to maintain the speed of your company’s growth. You can use the app at your convenience and save yourself from survey fatigue. The app is free if you want to make single survey questions, but it will cost you US$19 per person per month if you are going to create a multi-question survey.

  • Prezi Video

This app allows users to create engaging videos by highlighting their content through graphics. You can create videos by choosing and designing your templates and posting videos directly to chat and channel groups. You don’t need any video-editing apps to edit your app, as this app allows you to make attractive videos.

I hope that the above article presents you with a clear picture of the integration of apps in Microsoft Teams and helps you learn about their importance.

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