Samsung Planning U.S. Factory to Help Deal with the Global Chip Shortage

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/samsung-planning-u-s-factory-to-help-deal-with-the-global-chip-shortage-532949.shtml
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The factory could be up and running in 2024, report claims

The global chip shortage is affecting pretty much everybody in the industry, from device makers to car manufacturers, as many companies turn to temporary halts of their operations while foundries struggle to fill all their orders.

Earlier this year, Intel officially confirmed it plans to step into the car chip manufacturing business, with a new U.S. production line to be up and running in approximately 9 months.

And now it’s Samsung’s term to step in and help deal with the global chip shortage, as the South Korean company is reportedly planning to set up a new U.S. facility specifically for the manufacturing of chips.

According to a report from Reuters citing a Korean newspaper, Samsung wants to begin the construction of its new U.S plant by the end of the year, possibly as soon as the third quarter. The company will invest no less than $17 billion in this project, and it expects the production lines to start building chips in 2024 at the earliest.

Operations to start in 2024

Samsung will use a 5-nanometer platform at this plant, with the report citing sources as indicating that this new facility could be located in Austin, Texas.

Needless to say, Samsung getting deeply involved in the chip manufacturing business could help deal with the global shortage, especially given the resources the South Korean company could put into this new project.

By the looks of things, Samsung is already planning to create no less than 1,800 jobs in the region.

The United States is insisting on more companies to start building chips, with President Biden himself insisting on a program that would provide interested parties with millions of dollars should they jump in and manufacture chips for local companies, including the carmakers that are hit hard by the current shortage.

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