3 years ago
source link: https://mega65.org/
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The MEGA65 is completely open-source. Unlike other FPGA-based computers you can see, modify, and improve the implementation!


The MEGA65 is designed to offer both C64 and C65 compatibility and is already highly compatible. Because it is open-source, compatibility will continue to improve over time.


The MEGA65 supports your creativity with several easy-to-learn programming languages, paint programs and tools. Remember how easy it was to produce something nice on the C64? Now it has become even easier!
The MEGA65 is fun: Several thousands of great retro games can be played right out of the box and will keep you happy (and floating in nostalgia) for years!


The portable version of the MEGA65 is simply unique: A dual 4G (and 5G upgradeable) handheld computer with uprecedented battery life (est. 1000 hours standby) and stereo 2W integrated speakers, boot time of < 1 second, why would you use anything else to keep in touch and entertained while on the move?


Equipped with four soft SIDs (and the ability to use hard-SIDs in a cartridge) plus four-channel stereo 16-bit digital audio, the MEGA65 sounds great!

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