Ask HN: Are you satisfied with Elixir or do you regret choosing Elixir?

 3 years ago
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Ask HN: Are you satisfied with Elixir or do you regret choosing Elixir? Ask HN: Are you satisfied with Elixir or do you regret choosing Elixir? 134 points by sdiw 2 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 42 comments I'll be starting to work on a new project from next month and I've been reading all but good news about Elixir. I have talked to people in real life, most of the devs had positive things to say about it. Does anyone have any arguments against selecting Elixir? Question coming from RoR developer.
My company is moving away from it. We built a few services but after a few years some of the original people that introduced it left the company and it became very difficult to hire for. New hires were either people wanting to learn (so we had to spend a good bunch of resources into teaching + end up with a system built by noobs to the language) or very expensive developers with a lot of experience in erlang and elixir.

We also found many times missing libraries, or found libraries which are incomplete, or unmaintained or just not well documented. Just compare the total amount of libraries in Hex, vs the total amount of libraries in rubygems. Somebody will say "but Elixir libraries are higher quality so we need less, etc,etc" as if there were not good developers in the ruby world and every elixir developer were a rockstar.

Tooling is just terrible. The VSCode plugin is crap, kills the CPU unless you disable features. There is no IDE from jetbrains. There is a plugin but last time I tried it, it was even worse than the VSCode plugin.

Also, I've read some comments where people mention "we don't need redis", "we don't need workers" everything is so much easier. That was our thinking at first. But then you realize on deployments you will lose your cache, or your background jobs, etc. So you have to persist them either in mnesia or in the database. At that point you're just reinventing your crappy undocumented and untested version of delayed_job.

Most of what you get from elixir in terms of redundancy, high availability, etc you can have that anyway from kubernetes, heroku or any PaaS.... you will need more than 1 server anyway, so...

Liveview sounds amazing until you try to use it in the real world. The most minimum latency kills the experience.

In the end, we are back to Rails and much happier. Specially now we are using all the hotwire stuff. Not fancy, and not fashionable though.

It's not argument "against" selecting it (it's a free world, and mileage vary), but a couple of scar-earned advice:

- Be careful about libraries. If you know that your system has to interact with X, don't assume that there is a running, idiomatic, maintained libary for X on `hex.pm`. Do a bit of due diligence. We had experience ranging from `meeh` (oauth2, graphql, http) to `pretty bad` (mqtt, swagger.)

But as other say, if you're doing vanilla Phoenix/Plug/Ecto with exactly the right kind of DB, you'll should be ok.

- Give a little though about how you'll be deploying and operating. `releases` and `configuration` haved changed in pretty big ways in the past (https://elixir-lang.org/blog/2019/06/24/elixir-v1-9-0-releas...), the ecosystem is constantly in flux (`config.exs` vs `Application.get_env` vs ENV_VAR vs..) . Plus, the erlang virtual machine (BEAM) has knobs that are not always easy to play with. And if you hide it behind, say, docker containers, you'll have other troubles. Don't expect an `heroku do-some-magic` experience.

- Unless you're familiar with the Actor Model already, and your application is very simple, expect a learning curve made of:

  1. A period where you're afraid of GenServer and fail to do anything because you don't want to create a supervision tree
  2. A period where you think you've understood GenServers and you create GenServers like crazy
  3. A sobering period where you don't understand anything about your application
  4. A couple of refactorings where you move the pendulum until you reach something that's acceptable
- Finally, you're coming from RoR, so you're probably fine with not having static types anyway ; may St Isidore help you ;) There is a thing called `dialyxir`. It might help a bit ; It will disappoint a lot.
Nice points indeed!

I would also say that the "library" one is basically valid for every language. In general is always a good thing to spend some time analyzing the possibilities before importing an external lib into your application.

Interesting, some of the libraries you mention such as graphql and http, I feel there aren't better libs that exist than absinthe and ranch/cowboy.

Which graphql library do you prefer over absinthe in other ecosystems?

From what we understood (back when we shopped for a lib, which was a long time ago), absinthe advertised itself a lib to write graphql servers ; we were looking for a graphql client,so we ended up using a smaller lib.

(And it's entirely possible that we simply picked the wrong lib ! Which is, still, kinda my point. Every elixir lib is "young" by virtue of the language being "young", so you can't use "age" as a heuristic for being the "right" lib. Happens for all"young" ecosystem,so not particular to ex.)

I love Elixir. But…

Five years ago I spent time learning Elixir on the side thinking I was investing in an upcoming technology that would pay off for me financially. I eventually built some services in Elixir at work and really enjoyed it. They performed well but the language didn’t catch on with the rest of the team.

However, five years later the mainstream languages (Ruby, Go) are still paying more. I still get recruiter messages for Elixir jobs offering less than market value but I haven’t used the language in over a year.

As an SRE who has had to baby sit production elixir apps I'd highly recommend first having a talk to your operations guys. I've never had a more challenging system to debug and keep running.

It's only a matter of time until you hit something as confusing as https://elixirforum.com/t/dbconnection-connectionerror-pid-x...

I'm about six years in with Elixir, five years in production at Appcues. I have no regrets at all -- Elixir and the BEAM have been fantastic. It is convenient to write very scalable and stable systems that operate in soft real-time, which is what I do for a living, so I have warm feelings.

Previously I wrote Scala for a few years, then RoR for a few years before that, following about a decade of Perl. I recommend you try Elixir.

Anyone complaining about a talent pool is focusing too hard on prior Elixir experience. We hire backend engineers and teach them Elixir. This has worked out great so far, especially now that we're a fully remote business and are no longer as constrained by geography.

We chose elixir in 2016 for our product and never regretted it.

Apart from application bugs we’ve caused, it just keeps chugging along and working beautifully. It’s never once been the bottleneck in our stack.

Finding people has not been tough at our scale, and they’ve been good quality.

We are just scratching the surface with OTP. And between that and the data processing tools, we know we can handle pretty much any scale.

Deployment is nearly as crude as it was 5 years ago though. We use distillery and edeliver. We are moving to docker containers soon.

We use Exq for background jobs and have processed 75 million in a year without a sweat (most of that in the last two months). We handle 55 million requests per month on t3.mediums. We are looking to switch from Exq to Oban but I’m nervous about whether Oban’s Postgres based architecture will handle it. It’ll probably be totally fine.

If you invest time learning Erlang everything around Elixir will make sense and it will be a pleasant experience not only to "write" but to test, debug and maintain as well. I would go through this slightly dated but gentle introduction before learning Elixir: https://learnyousomeerlang.com/content

Thinking in processes and knowing/using the GenServer abstraction is the core of Elixir programming.

So, one negative is that difficult to use without Erlang knowledge. Also some good libraries are Erlang only for compatibility/historical reasons.

Very satisfied with Elixir! I think it just fits my way of thinking. I love the terse, but explicit code, the VM, OTP, pattern matching, working with immutable data, integrated tooling, documentation support. The community is great, too.

The popular packages are top-notch, but as others have said - there might be issues finding what you need. My personal experience seems to be the opposite though - when going from Elixir to Ruby, it turned out that some of the gems were really, really far from perfect.

In terms of deployment, my take is that the community has finally figured it out. Elixir is a compiled language, so there is a build-time configuration and runtime configuration and I think it's best to keep the two separate, which is now well supported by the new runtime config (Elixir >= 1.11). Mix releases + runtime.exs + Docker works for me perfectly.

If you're coming from RoR, you'll be able to pick up Phoenix really quickly. It draws a pretty clear line between your web layer and your business/app layer though. Writing controllers and views should be similar, but I'd suggest spending some time on Ecto - it's quite different from ActiveRecord (in a good way, IMO).

One thing I'm missing in Elixir is optional static typing akin of TypeScript, but that's not coming anywhere soon. Other than that, no regrets.

I got introduced to Elixir in 2015 and was trying to work with it full-time since then. I was able to get a full-time Elixir job and I'm really happy about that. If you're looking for opportunities, I'd suggest attending ElixirConf or ElixirConf EU - last year I got 5 interesting job opportunities from ElixirConf EU alone (it was a virtual event, so the ticket was cheap).

Corroborate the "some libraries now feel unmaintained" view given elsewhere. Also the language itself and best practise seems to change now quite often and there's a bit of a tendency to do things in multiple ways through shorthand macros which can be a bit confusing (bit of the LISP problem going on here). That said the structure of my code is vastly better than when I was doing everything in Python trying to use multiprocessing and/or threads and/or asyncio.
4 years of writing elixir professionally and I have yet to enjoy a language as productive as elixir.

Everything from ecto, and branching logic by pattern matching function signatures to the easy composition and cohesive community around the amazing tooling (mix/hex) and testing. Plenty more I love for productivity

But because of OTP and it's capacity to scale and distribute computation I thoroughly stay loving how deep the topic is and how there's always more to learn.

If you are a RoR dev, Elixir will feel like a breeze. As someone who does Haskell in their day job, I miss static, powerful type-systems.

That being said, the ecosystem is wonderful. Plug, Phoenix and Ecto are exceptional libraries!!

Interesting to see someone work in Haskell professionally. Jobs in Haskell don't seem be plenty atleast in my area. Could I know what do you work on, and what was the process of obtaining a job there?
Do day jobs in Haskell actually exist? Are you working in academia?
There are a bunch but they call the Haskell "Scala" for some reason.
Outstanding work from the Elixir team. Very good community in the forum.

It’s winter of elixir land. The hype cycle has died. If I have to start a project I will think twice unless it really needs distributed system.

My personal opinion - talent pool, plugins and ecosystem is kind of stagnated. First talent pool is really limited and not readily available. Very few companies use elixir in production. More hobbyists in the community than people who actually use it.

Hex has a lot of plugins which are not updated from long. For many there won’t be a plug-in. You have to write it from scratch.

In Phoenix, they are reinventing magic with LiveView.

Few guys who do elixir consulting gain most from the ecosystem.

As a developer if I have to invest my time learning a new language, I would choose rust or Go.

As a company if I have to start a project, I will check whether I have a requirement of distributed systems.

PS: I have used elixir for past 5 years in production.

I would also prefer having a typed language over the fail fast in production approach.

Especially if your code does not saturate a single CPU core.

A couple of guys at my company did their first startup using Elixir years ago, but they weren’t devs so they had to contract a company to do it. They regret it now because no one at our company can work on it, and they have to rely on the contractors who charge a lot. Sure someone could learn it, but we’ve got more important things to do. As much as everyone on HN loves it, you’re going to have to work hard to get others involved. It really isn’t worth it unless you want to own it for the rest of its life.
In 2016, we started to use Elixir as our default backend stack (from Ruby on Rails) for new projects and never looked back! We have since shipped a dozen projects using Phoenix, Ecto, Plug and Absinthe.
I've had an niche event ticketing Elixir/Phoenix app in production for 4 years and have had next to zero problems. It gets very bursty traffic (100s of simultaneous users when an event opens for ticket purchases with load quickly tapering off in a negative exponential distribution) and the load average barely changes with insanely fast responses on a $10 VM.

I think the only downside for me is having to squint sideways to figure out how to convert a complex SQL query into Ecto. I've been writing SQL for almost 30 years and I find myself dropping into using Ecto's `fragment` too often. I've been meaning to pickup "Programming Ecto" to educate myself more (https://pragprog.com/titles/wmecto/programming-ecto/).

I've done my share of RoR apps too and the nice thing about Elixir is there is very little magic and what magic there is (mostly via macros and code auto added via a `use` statement) can be seen and changed directly in your code instead of being hidden in some gem somewhere.

I write very few fragments and many more raw queries. No ORM is worth the trouble of going too deep into the rabbit hole of learning for the nth time how to write SQL in X.
Very satisfied with elixir and the ecosystem is growing! There are some performance concerns if you're doing a large amount of list or string manipulations but these are somewhat special cases and I tend to reach out to a Rust NIF to handle them which resolves the problem.
Been building backend systems for nearly 20 years in Java/Ruby/Elixir. Elixir is by far the most productive language/ecosystem that I've used. I've built 4 systems in the last 5 years and they've all gone smoothly and performed well in production. Only thing on the wish list is full static typing (there's dialyzer which is useful but very much feels like the bolt-on that it is).
We’ve skipped so many additional things like Redis, Memcached, Sidekiq and tons of libraries because it’s so easy to write a module to replace stuff.

Switched from ruby to elixir 4 years ago and the only time we touch ruby is to maintain some old system.

It’s so darned easy to add functionality to an exiting app that you have to be careful of bloat.

And the functional paradigm is like second nature now. It’s hard to go back to a non functional language.

Very satisfied. Love writing it, and have seen it take root at other companies because devs exposed to it have loved it and taken it with them when they left.
I’m about 18 months in, and I’m still loving Elixir.
We’re very happy with it, essentially using it as a full-stack front-end though, rather than whole app. This is partly due to resourcing issues, partly due to having an aint-broke don’t fix rails service that Elixir replaced part of (our CMS, specifically). I think the rails service will stay, the benefit of porting is just too low as we’re a small team.
Two years in, Elixir+Phoenix is an extremely productive setup for me.
Nice question, I'm just starting with Elixir for a side project. Has anyone else find it to have a steep learning curve? Coming from Java/Scala and Python, I find it harder to wrap around then Scala was years ago. Shortcuts with mix like mix phx actually make it a bit more complicated for me because I'm used to understanding what is exactly happening under the hood.
Getting hang of functional programming takes time. Writing code elixir way requires unlearning what you have learning from imperative languages.
> Scala

Scala isn't exactly an imperative language. If anything it's the actor model isn't exactly easy to wrap your head around

I'm a Rails developer and have often wanted to try out Elixir but haven't found a compelling reason (or perhaps, project) to do so yet. Maybe I'll take the plunge and write my next app in it... Maybe get stuck in and try it on your next project too? I'd be interested to hear what you think as we're in similar positions I think.
You will enjoy OTP and Beam, But you will miss Ruby plug-ins.
3 years in and Elixir still rocks!
I use Erlang, Is Elixir a better alternative now?
Answer is always no. Erlang is not better than Elixir. Elixir is not better than Erlang.
Elixir is more powerful than Erlang, due to supporting hygienic macros. Whether this is better or worse is a matter of opinion. :)
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