TeXmacs is A Useful Stuff

 3 years ago
source link: https://yihui.org/cn/2007/06/texmacs-is-a-useful-stuff/
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TeXmacs is A Useful Stuff

谢益辉 / 2007-06-24

Website: http://www.texmacs.org

GNU is really a toooooo great project!

I love this head, though I don’t know what on earth is this animal… (a goat or a bull?)

This evening I spent several hours on the study of TEXMACS, and there were many surprising features. Actually I just wanted to make some transparencies for a presentation next week, but PowerPoint® is too ugly for me, especially when we use mathematical formulae (the quality is hard to endure!). In contrast, TeX/LaTeX is much better, but it’s a little bit inconvenient, so at last I chose TeXmacs. (This is what I made in TeXmacs)

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