These Are The Best Colleges To Study Animal Laws In The United States, 2021

 3 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/05/11/these-are-the-best-colleges-to-study-animal-laws-in-the-united-states-2021/
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These Are The Best Colleges To Study Animal Laws In The United States, 2021

Animal law is a relatively new but burgeoning career prospect. While initially, the course started with minimal classes, now the numbers have exponentially increased.

One of the prime reasons why students are gravitating towards the stream of study is cause this involves fighting cruelty and promoting animal welfare.

As with any other stream of study, animal law is now part of the curriculum at major universities across the globe.

Let us now check them in detail.

  1. University of Michigan
    One of the top colleges for learning animal law is the University of Michigan. The institute not only provides an entire course on the discipline but also provides insight on Student Animal Legal Defense Fund. Students can also learn the practice area of animal law which further helps in your career.
  2. Lewis and Clark School
    Lewis and Clark School is another prestigious institute which is located in Portland, Oregon. The institute is one of a kind when it comes to offering animal law study. From collaborating with non-profit organizations to having the Center for Animal Law Studies, the college serves as a think-tank for candidates and helps them achieve their goals.
  3. New York University
    The New York University is one such center of learning which has inculcated animal law every semester. NYU students also have the added benefit to be mentored by David Wolfson who has till now represented several animal groups. Candidates can also participate in the Animal Studies Initiative for learning more about the discipline.
  4. University of Virginia
    The University of Virginia offers extensive opportunities in Animal Law study. What makes the program different is it includes one animal law class every year. Also, students get additional opportunities to find internships and externships related to the course. Established in 2009 by Bob Barker it is perfect for people who aim to carve a niche in this career.
  5. Northwestern University
    Another popular choice for students interested in Animal Law studies is Northwestern University. The college features lectures, film screenings and is extremely active in this sphere. The institute also puts a special focus on the course so that students reap maximum benefits.
  6. Harvard Law School
    Harvard Law School is one premium institute that has been offering Animal Law Program since 1999. While the discipline is actively incorporated in the syllabus, the college has also hosted a National Animal Law competition for students and mentors alike.
  7. University of Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania University is one of the major colleges which lays prime focus on Animal Law. There are classes held on Animal Law and Ethics where students take part in Animal Law Project. From detailed analysis on animal law issues to sourcing practical solutions, candidates can explore various prospects within the organization.
  8. University of California Berkeley
    The University of California is a much-preferred choice among students due to its vast array of courses. And the Animal Law Study is no different. The discipline is taught by acclaimed mentors and there are fundraisers, and speaking events to shed light and help students put their best foot forward.
  9. Georgetown University
    Georgetown University offers not one but two animal law initiatives for students. From a successful collaboration with The Humane Society of the United States to conducting animal litigation seminars, students can learn a lot. Apart from this the college also provides a one-year job with the Humane Society after graduation.
  10. Stanford Law School
    Stanford Law School is one of the few schools with a devoted program to Animal Law. The comprehensive syllabus has animal laws and practices which makes it even better. This makes the university the best choice for students who want to pursue their careers in this field.

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