Objects and Persistence

 3 years ago
source link: https://thephp.cc/training/objects-and-persistence
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Objects and Persistence

Objects and Persistence

Web applications mostly process HTTP requests. The task here is to generate a response to the incoming request in the shortest possible time. PHP's "by request" model of using a separate process for each request, at least conceptually, has proven so successful over the years that it has also become acceptable for other programming languages under the buzzword "serverless".

But somehow the application has to remember things, respectively store its state. In memory we work with objects, permanently stored data is still mostly kept in relational databases. Anyone who has already dealt with the Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch knows that the similarity of both concepts is deceptive and that persisting objects does have its pitfalls.

In this training we will learn about different design patterns for object persistence and compare them regarding their advantages and disadvantages. We will also cover current trends such as Multiple Models, CQRS or Event Sourcing as well as an overview of alternative persistence mechanisms such as NoSQL technologies.

We have prepared the content of this training didactically with great care for the best possible online learning success. In classroom training, we essentially convey the same content, but in a compressed form.

Classroom training at our training center in Wolfratshausen is suspended until further notice due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We also offer all training courses exclusively and individualized, both online and in-house at your site. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we will only conduct on-site in-house training if there is a suitable hygiene concept for participants and trainers and the infection situation allows it.

Learning Objectives
  • You know different approaches to solving object persistence and can put them into practice correctly
  • You have the background knowledge to assess opportunities and risks when using different libraries and third-party solutions
  • >You can find a solution that is appropriate for your project and meets your needs
Target Audience

This training course is aimed at software developers who program professionally and create or maintain large-scale object-oriented applications. The exercises and code examples are in PHP, but are also accessible to programmers who develop in other object-oriented languages.


Participants should have about 3-4 years of experience programming with PHP or a similar programming language. Participants should have practical experience with object-oriented programming and be confident in using an IDE, common development tools, and Git version control.

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