Go vs Rust | Round table discussion

 3 years ago
source link: https://rustlab.it/en/rust-vs-go/
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Go vs Rust | Round table discussion

Start time: 20:00 CEST

Duration: 1h 30min

Format: panel

Where: online

Language: English

Price: Free


Miriah Peterson


Michael Snoyman


Jonathan Turner


Steve Francia


Starting a new project, which are the most relevant things that make you pick Go or Rust? It is said that Go prefers simplicity and readability over the number of features, while Rust is indeed a powerful, expressive but complex language. Do you agree with this statement?

In this discussion panel, four prominent experts will attempt to find answers to these and many other challenging questions.

The talk, which will last approximately 1:30h, will be divided into two parts by a break of about 10 minutes.

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