How To Easily Create a 3D Cup Using Blender

 3 years ago
source link: https://uxplanet.org/how-to-easily-create-a-3d-cup-using-blender-93e764d1f20d
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How To Easily Create a 3D Cup Using Blender

A short tutorial for those who just started experimenting with 3D design.

Photo by Adrianna Calvo on Pexels


If you just started your first experimentation on Blender, then I feel you! I am exactly in the same place and I can relate with the side of your head which thinks that this software is a whole mess!

This reason is not enough to stop you from creating — or modeling if you prefer it this way— a 3D cup on Blender. So, by the end of this short tutorial, you will learn how to do it really quickly and thus you’ll be more than proud of your 3D skills as a beginner.

Ready for this crazy ride? Go!

Step 1: The very basics

If you didn’t open the software yet, then what are you waiting for? By selecting General from the “New File” column, you’ll jump into the 3D viewport —the powerhouse of Blender.

Here it is!

Screenshot by author.

If you want to delete the cube or the other stuff (camera and light) on the screen, press A on your keyboard, then X and click on Delete.

Now that your screen is crystal clear, it’s time for creativity!

Step 2: First steps of creation

The first thing you have to do is to select Add < Mesh < Cylinder. Now that the cylinder is on your screen, go to “Edit Mode” (up left), press Tab onyour keyboard, and then Face Select; it’s on the right side of Edit Mode.

The reason why we choose this is because we want to select the bottom of the cup, as you can see below:

Screenshot by author.

After selecting the bottom, press S and move the mouse to fix the scaling, and afterward do the necessary adjustments so as to take the shape of a cup. Of course, most cups don’t have this conic shape.

In order to fix this, press Ctrl+R in the center of the mug and then S for the adjustments. The shape till now should look like this:

Screenshot by author.

Now that the cup is kind of legit — not finished yet, be patient! — it’s time to smooth its wild character. First, go back to “Object Mode”, right-click on the item, and Shade Smooth.

Let’s go to the “Edit Mode” now. I know this change is somehow nerve-wracking, but don’t swear on me. It’s not my fault, I swear!

Press Ctrl+R — one close to the top and the other near the bottom of the cup. This way the distortion of the shape belongs to the past.

After this, select the Face Select option (up left) and then click on the top of the cup. For the thickness, press E (stands out for Extrude) + S for the scaling. It doesn’t have to be very thick, but that’s up to you.

Step 3: The cylinder now seems like a cup!

You were patient enough, so it’s time to be rewarded by seeing this bulky 3D object take the shape that you wish for!

So, remaining on the top of the item, press E+Z and move on with your mouse on the Z-axis till the point that it doesn’t overcome the bottom side; then press S for the adjustments needed.

Your result will look like the following:

Screenshot by author.

You can also fix the scaling on the bottom of the cup (press S), but this step is actually optional because it won’t affect significantly the final result.

Then choose Ctrl+R on your keyboard — once close to the top of the object and the other close to the bottom.

But if you turn on the Z-axis, you’ll see that the bottom is still flat. Let’s see how we can change that!

Firstly, select the surface in the base and press E (to extrude) + S (to scale). After that, select the new smaller surface and E +Z so as to go up slightly.

I hope we are all on the same page:

Screenshot by author.

Step 4: How to make the handle?

Here comes the most exciting — but also most crucial — part of this 3D creation — how to make the handle.

The very first thing you should do is select the X-axis to be in the center of the GIZMO, so as to have a better perspective of the object.

Then, press Ctrl+R four times to make these cuts on the mug. As you see, two of them are close to the top and the other close to the bottom.

Screenshot by author.

And now you’re probably wondering…how these cuts will help me create the handle?

I have the answer:

Press the middle mouse so as to change the perspective of your 3D environment, and then select four faces of the object (Shift +left click).

Screenshot by author

By pressing E+Y, you’ll see that these four faces that you selected before will start extruding. It’s up to you how much it will be, but let’s say the following result is descent.

Screenshot by author.

But the problem here is that cups are not that rectangle-shaped on their handle. To fix this, select these four edges and then press G+Y.

Screenshot by author.

And now the moment that you all were waiting for; how to join these two extruded parts of the cup.

You just have to select the four faces (screenshot below), hit the right click on the mouse, and select “Bridge Faces”.

Screenshot by author.

Yeah, we did it! It’s party time!

Actually, not yet…but I’m trying to make this tutorial less painful.

Now, our goal is to make the handle curved. For doing this, press Ctrl+R in the middle of the handle and then G+Y to make it look like an ear.

I know it’s somehow bulky yet, so first select the Object Mode and then go to Modifier Properties (on the right toolbar) < Add Modifier < Subdivision Surface.

To make your mug look a little bit more realistic, increase the viewport (e.g. to 4) from the subdivisions and click Apply.

This masterpiece is all yours!

Screenshot by author.

Step 5:

Ok, it was a loooong way till this point, so you absolutely deserve to see this cup colored and fancier!

Select Render Properties from the toolbar and switch the render engine to Cycles, and make also the adjustments on the device section.

By selecting the cup and going to Material Properties, you can fix the texture of the object.

In this case, add New and then choose the base color that you like! Let’s say your favorite color is blue. Besides this, you should increase how metallic you want the cup to be and decrease the roughness.

Now, you may wonder…I don’t see any blue on the cup. Where is it?

Select Viewport Shading (up from the GIZMO) and thank me later y’all!

Screenshot by author.

Thanks for reading! ❤️

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