Can You React Faster than a Self-Driving Car on 5G?

 3 years ago
source link: https://digg.com/hacker-noon/link/can-you-react-faster-than-a-self-driving-car-on-5-g-networks-6cdKRcbsL6
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Can You React Faster than a Self-Driving Car on 5G?

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Nearly all car crashes are due to human error.

The Lede

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data, 37,461 lives were lost on U.S. roads in 2016. And 94 percent of vehicle crashes are due to “human error.” NHTSA estimates that vehicle safety developments helped raise the annual number of lives saved from 115 in 1960 to 27,621 in 2012. Cumulatively, these improved safety technologies saved over 600,000 lives between 1960 and 2012.

Key Details

  • A new study by MIT researchers shows humans need about 390 to 600 ms to detect and react to road hazards, given only a single glance at the road.
  • 5G specifies one millisecond (ms) end-to-end transmission latency requirements which are perfect for minimizing the V2X communications reaction time.
  • While the large-scale deployment of self-driving technology is probably years away, many companies are actively developing and testing ADS technology throughout the United States.

The Source

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