Apple supplier TSMC approves $2.8 billion for capacity expansion

 3 years ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2021/04/22/apple-supplier-tsmc-approves-2-8-billion-for-capacity-expansion/
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Apple supplier TSMC approves $2.8 billion for capacity expansion

Thursday, April 22, 2021 9:47 amNo Comments

Responding to a global chip shortage that has affected carmakers in particular, Apple supplier Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co’s (TSMC) board of directors has approved $2.89 billion in spending to increase capacity, the company said on Thursday.



TSMC, clients of which include Apple Inc. and Qualcomm Inc., has said it is working hard to increase productivity and alleviate the worldwide shortage but that supply tightness is likely to continue into next year.

The company has flagged “multiple years of growth opportunities” as the COVID-19 pandemic fuels demand for advanced chips to power devices such as smartphones and laptops.

MacDailyNews Note: TSMC earlier this month announced plans to invest $100 billion over the next three years to increase capacity at its plants. TSMC also announced plans in May 2020 to build its own $12 billion factory in Arizona.

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