iPads And MacBooks Face Shortage Due To Semiconductor Supply Squeeze

 3 years ago
source link: https://digg.com/apple/link/get-ready-for-a-shortage-of-i-pads-and-mac-books-ETnPDbnqqc
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iPads And MacBooks Face Shortage Due To Semiconductor Supply Squeeze

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Apple CFO Luca Maestri said the company could lose $3–4 billion in revenue because of a global semiconductor shortage.

The Lede

Apple is coming off of three very strong quarters for Mac, and despite the setback caused by the semiconductor shortage, it still expects its current quarter sales to grow.

Key Details

  • Automakers took the initial hit from the semiconductor shortage: Ford estimates it cost the company $2.5B in profits, and BMW paused production at one of its plant.
  • Chip makers in Taiwan are speeding up production, but Taiwan's Economy Minister Wang Mei-hua said things are expected to move slowly.
  • In the first three months of 2021, Apple recorded a $23.6B profit, attributable primarily to the sale of iPhones and Macs.

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