Apple increases hiring and investment in U.S. - The Washington Post

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2021/04/26/apple-us-investment-jobs/
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Apple pledges to increase U.S. investments by $80 billion, plans North Carolina campus

The company said it would boost its hiring, adding 20,000 jobs over the next five years

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Apple's new campus in the Raleigh-Durham area will provide at least 3,000 high-tech jobs. (Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images)
April 26, 2021 at 9:12 p.m. UTC

SAN FRANCISCO — Apple said Monday that it would increase its planned investment in the United States by $80 billion over the next five years, adding onto a 2018 pledge to pour $350 billion into offices, jobs and other investments.

It also will hire for an additional 20,000 jobs over the next five years, the company said in a lengthy announcement of its plans. Part of its sizable investment will be a new campus in North Carolina’s Research Triangle region near Raleigh, a project the state has been courting Apple to win for more than three years, the News and Observer reported.

The campus will include more than 3,000 high-tech jobs, Apple said, and a $1 billion investment in North Carolina.

Apple also announced plans to continue hiring in its home state, California, as well as in Colorado, Washington, Massachusetts, Texas and other states.


The nationwide investment plans come as Apple is facing scrutiny from the federal and state governments over its size and power, often focusing on the practices of its App Store. State legislatures, including in Arizona, North Carolina and Georgia, are considering bills that could cut into Apple’s and Google’s ability to collect money from transactions made inside apps by allowing app-makers to use their own payment processing software.

The expanding footprint outside Apple’s headquarters in Silicon Valley could give the company more clout and influence as states increasingly seek to regulate tech companies in the absence of federal regulation on issues ranging from payment practices to privacy.

Apple’s new North Carolina campus will be near the headquarters of company adversary Epic Games, one of the firms leading the charge to break Apple’s control of its App Store. The game developer sued Apple for anticompetitive practices last year after the tech giant removed Epic’s popular game “Fortnite” from the App Store when Epic tried to circumvent Apple’s policy of taking a 30 percent cut of most in-app payments.


Apple has said Epic violated App Store guidelines. The case is set to go to trial next week.

Fellow tech giant Google said last month that it would invest $7 billion in new offices and data centers across the country, confirming its plan to return many employees to the office after more than a year of remote work.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook said late last year that he didn’t think most workers would return to the office before June, but the company is expected to ask most of its employees to begin working in person again eventually.

In 2018, Apple said it planned to invest $350 billion and create 20,000 jobs in the United States. Apple said Monday that it was “on track” to meet that earlier hiring goal by 2023.

“Over the past three years, Apple’s contributions in the US have significantly outpaced the company’s original five-year goal of $350 billion set in 2018,” the company said in its Monday news release. “Apple is now raising its level of commitment by 20 percent over the next five years, supporting American innovation and driving economic benefits in every state.”

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