Celebrating Earth Day Every Day

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.acumatica.com/blog/earth-day-2021/
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Celebrating Earth Day Every Day

Acumatica Cloud ERP has become the world’s fastest-growing business management solution by prioritizing customer satisfaction and support. This post-sales commitment includes helping our customers reach their sustainability goals through digitization and cloud-based services.

Acumatica’s dedication to delivering productivity and environmental benefits to customers doesn’t stop at just our products, though. We also take steps internally to ensure corporate operations are as efficient as possible and do whatever we can to reduce the environmental impacts of our activities.


A recent environmental baseline assessment has determined the company’s largest environmental impacts, the top opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the launch point for tracking progress over time. Here are some of the highlights from 2020:

  • The average Acumatica ERP customer reduces the carbon output of their growth business by 72% after making the move to cloud
  • By transitioning customers from legacy solutions to Acumatica’s cloud services solutions, we have saved 6x the emissions produced by Acumatica’s own carbon footprint
  • The company has committed to a carbon neutral Acumatica Summit through investing in certified carbon offsets, recyclable event materials, local food bank contributions/involvement, and multiple other measures
  • We embraced the transition to a remote workforce which has resulted in:
    • 50%+ reductions in operational emissions
    • 88% reduction in business travel flight emissions
    • 44% reduction in office energy


The Product

Acumatica Cloud ERP is far more energy efficient than legacy on-premise solutions. In 2020 alone we transitioned thousands of customers to our cloud solutions and saved 6x the emissions produced by our own company footprint. Acumatica is constantly developing new ways to serve customers and help them meet market demands while also reducing emissions. Most notably, Acumatica is proud to have supported so many customers in a wide variety of industries successfully transition to remote operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Operational Footprint

Sustainability is embedded into Acumatica’s mission of helping clients migrate to the cloud, where they will find a more modern, mobile, and energy efficient solution to their business management needs. At the same time, Acumatica strives to reduce our own operational footprint wherever possible and we have already committed to offset all of the emissions we cannot immediately eliminate.

In 2020, Acumatica reduced operational emissions by more than 50% through our newly mobilized remote workforce. Acumatica intends to maintain a partial remote workforce post-COVID, which will virtually eliminate the impact of employee commuting on our emissions, which made up more than 30% of our corporate emissions in 2019. This will also provide more autonomy and flexibility for employees.

Now, the majority of Acumatica’s impact rests in electricity usage: our share of AWS power demands, and the cumulative energy needed in multiple home offices. Future reductions will come through new operational efficiencies and continuing to partner with industry peers and customers to reduce associated energy demands and emissions.

Acumatica will also limit business travel and utilize virtual meetings whenever possible, while still providing the same level of service and care to our customers that is the cornerstone of our success. Acumatica will continue to be the most customer-centric ERP company in the industry and simultaneously reduce our environmental impact.

Current Acumatica emissions reductions initiatives include:

  • Conducting a greenhouse gas inventory and determining opportunities for reduction
  • Embracing a remote workforce and de-emphasizing business travel to help reduce overall emissions


The Acumatica Summit

The greatest opportunity to reduce Acumatica’s emissions lies within the Summit, and particularly in our travel-related activities, which contributes to more than 90% of the Summit’s impact.  While it is an increasingly popular event — as shown by attendance increasing by 53% from 2019 to 2020 – this growth also drives proportionately higher emissions.

For those emissions we simply cannot reduce, certified carbon offsets will be funded to ensure carbon neutral Summits.

Beyond findings ways to reduce travel to the Summit, other environmental initiatives include:

  • Eliminating disposable giveaways and materials
  • Selecting electronic modes of communication as opposed to physical
  • Ensuring waste sorting bins are available with appropriate signage
  • Offering attendees options to help reduce their emissions while attending the Summit

What’s Next

Environmental progress is a journey, not a destination, and Acumatica strives to continuously improve our efforts in this area. We will continue to seek out ways to reduce emissions while offsetting those we cannot immediately reduce today.

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