.taskcluster.yml version 1

 3 years ago
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.taskcluster.yml version 1

Taskcluster Yml Version 1 #

Your main interface to Taskcluster-Github is via .taskcluster.yml in the root of your project. This is a YAML file that specifies the tasks to run and when.

The format of the file is shown below:

version: 1
  pullRequests: ..
  - (task definition)
  - ...

The core of Taskcluster-Github’s operation is this: when an event occurs on Github, such as a push or a pull request, it loads .taskcluster.yml from the commit specified in the event, renders it with JSON-e, and then calls Queue.createTask for each of the specified tasks.

Policies #

The policy property defines policies for what is allowed on the repository. Policies are always read from the default branch of the repository, as configured in the repository settings on GitHub. This prevents a malicious contributor from changing the policy applied to a pull request in the pull request itself.

Policies are not rendered as a part of a task.

Pull Requests #

Most projects prefer to run tasks for each pull request, so that the review process can take into account the task results. But if your project requires some secret data or uses some expensive service to test a pull request, then you probably do not want to run tasks for pull requests written by arbitrary contributors, but would still like to run tasks for PRs by project collaborators.

The pullRequests policy controls this behavior:

  • public — tasks are created for all pull requests.

  • collaborators (the default) — tasks are created if the user who made the pull request is a collaborator on the repository, and has requested that changes be merged either from the same repository or from a repository belonging to a collaborator. If the check fails then we leave a comment “No taskcluster jobs were created..” on the pullRequest. Please note that only user who created the pull request and the user owning the head repository are being checked, even if the event itself comes from the actions of another user. For example, if a collaborator modifies the assignee for or re-opens a PR filed by a non-collaborator, tasks will not be started.

  • collaborators_quiet — tasks are created if the user who made the pull request is a collaborator on the repository. we don’t make any comment on the pull request if the user is not a collaborator, which we are doing in collaborators policy.

Github defines collaborators as “outside collaborators, organization members with access through team memberships, organization members with access through default organization permissions, and organization owners.”


  pullRequests: public
tasks: ...

JSON-e Rendering #

The tasks property in the YAML file is rendered using JSON-e. You can view it as a template. The following context variables are provided:

  • tasks_for - defines the type of event, one of github-push, github-pull-request or github-release.

  • now - the current time, as a string; this is useful for reproducible $fromNow invocations (see JSON-e documentation)

  • as_slugid - a function which, given a label, will generate a slugid. Multiple calls with the same label for the same event will generate the same slugid, but different slugids in different events. Use this to generate taskIds, etc.

  • taskcluster_root_url - the root URL of the Taskcluster deployment in which the template is being rendered. This can be useful in cases where multiple Taskcluster deployments are configured for the same repository, or for generating URLs to other Taskcluster resources.

Although the Github documentation does not make it clear, each ref that is updated in a git push operation triggers a distinct event.

Result #

After rendering, the resulting data structure should have a tasks property containing a list of task definitions. Each task definition should match the task schema as it will be passed nearly unchanged to Queue.createTask, The exception is that the provided task definition must contain a taskId field, which the service will remove and pass to Queue.createTask directly.

The result looks like this:

    "tasks": [
            "taskId": "fOF8Cqj0QPKbvczC2dnXiQ", // probably generated with as_slugid(..)
            "taskQueueId": "..",
            "payload": {
                // ..
            // ...
        // ...

Taskcluster-Github will set the schedulerId of each task, as is required for proper status tracking of the resulting task. With the change , it became possible to set a custom schedulerId in the task definition, provided you have the scopes for using that particular schedulerId. However, adding custom schedulerId to the task definition while using github’s Statuses API can break the status reporting functionality of tc-github in the case of successful build. Checks API implementation in tc-github is currently in experimental state.

The taskId and taskGroupId properties can be set by the JSON-e template, but default values are also available. If the JSON-e rendering produces only one task, then the default taskGroupId and taskId have the same value. This makes the resulting task follow the convention for a decision task. If the rendering process produces multiple tasks, then the same default taskGroupId will apply to all tasks, with each task getting a unique taskId distinct from the taskGroupId.

Task Definition and Examples #

Github Events #

You can put a task definition inside an $if - then statement or a $match statement so that it will only run for specific Github events:

version: 1
  - $if: ' tasks_for == "github-push" '
version: 1
    'tasks_for == "github-push"':

A well-designed template should produce tasks: [] for any unrecognized tasks_for values; this allows later expansion of this service to handle more events.

Custom routes for notifications and other things #

You can add customize notifications or other functionality through custom routes in your task. Routes have to be an array of unique strings. You can have up to 63 custom routes (overall, there can be 64. 1 is reserved).

version: 1
    'tasks_for == "github-push"':
      taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("pr_task")}
        - 'notify.email.<[email protected]>.on-resolved'

More on routes you can read here and here

Branch Filtering #

You can also add a branch clause to your $if - then statement so that the task will only run for events on certain branches. For example, the task defined below will only run for pushes to the main branch:

version: 1
  - $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"'
      $if: 'event.ref == "refs/heads/main"'

Note that it is wise to always check tasks_for first in a conditional like this. Other event types do not have event.ref, which would lead to a template error if not for the tasks_for check.

Once JSON-e supports short-circuit boolean operators, these conditionals can be collapsed into one.

Tags #

Tag pushes can be identified as follows:

version: 1
  - $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"'
      $if: 'event.ref[:10] == "refs/tags/"'

Action Filtering #

Some of the “actions” described by GitHub’s PullRequestEvent may not be relevant for the purposes of pull request validation. To only trigger tasks in response to new commits, limit task generation to events with type “opened” or "synchronize":

version: 1
  - $if: 'tasks_for == "github-push"'
      $if: 'event.action in ["opened", "reopened", "synchronize"]'

Provisioner ID and Worker Type #

You need to know which provisioner and which worker type you want to use to run your tasks. If you don’t know which worker to use, consult the administrators of the Taskcluster deployment. You can see a list of all worker types in the Provisioners tool.

Scopes and Roles #

Roles are, in a nutshell, sets of scopes. Taskcluster-Github uses a very specific role to create tasks for each project. That role has the form

  • assume:repo:github.com/<owner>/<repo>:branch:<branch> for a push event
  • assume:repo:github.com/<owner>/<repo>:pull-request for a pull request
  • assume:repo:github.com/<owner>/<repo>:release for a release event
  • assume:repo:github.com/<organization>/<repository>:tag:<tag> for a tag event

In the Roles tool (under Authorization), you can set up roles however you like. To give permissions to every event in your repository, you can make a role repo:github.com/<organization>/<repository>:* or you can give fine-grained permissions to specific github events or specific branches.

Careful configuration of these roles and the related tasks can allow powerful behaviors such as binary uploads on push, without allowing pull requests access to those capabilities. There are lots of examples in the role manager for other repositories that have been set up. Look for roles that begin with repo:github.com/ to see how they work.

Example #

version: 1
  pullRequests: public
    'tasks_for == "github-pull-request" && event["action"] in ["opened", "reopened", "synchronize"]':
      taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("pr_task")}
      taskQueueId: proj-taskcluster/ci
        - secrets:get:project/taskcluster/testing/taskcluster-github
        maxRunTime: 600
        image: "node:8"
          DEBUG: "* -mocha* -nock* -express* -body-parser* -eslint*"
          taskclusterProxy: true
          - "/bin/bash"
          - "-lc"
          - "git clone ${event.pull_request.head.repo.git_url} repo && cd repo && git checkout ${event.pull_request.head.sha} && yarn && yarn test"
        name: "Taskcluster GitHub Tests"
        description: "All tests"
        owner: ${event.pull_request.user.login}@users.noreply.github.com
        source: ${event.repository.url}
    'tasks_for == "github-push"':
      taskId: {$eval: as_slugid("push_task")}
      taskQueueId: proj-taskcluster/ci
        - secrets:get:project/taskcluster/testing/taskcluster-github
        maxRunTime: 600
        image: "node:8"
          DEBUG: "* -mocha* -nock* -express* -body-parser* -eslint*"
          NO_TEST_SKIP: "true"
          taskclusterProxy: true
          - "/bin/bash"
          - "-lc"
          - "git clone ${event.repository.url} repo && cd repo && git checkout ${event.after} && yarn && yarn test"
        name: "Taskcluster GitHub Tests"
        description: "All tests"
        owner: ${event.pusher.name}@users.noreply.github.com
        source: ${event.repository.url}

Transitioning from v0 #

Pull Request Metadata #

  v1 reference                           | v0 equivalent                  | Example Value(s)
  event.action                           | GITHUB_EVENT                   | assigned
                                         | "{{ event.type }}"             | unassigned
                                         |                                | review_requested
                                         |                                | review_request_removed
                                         |                                | labeled
                                         |                                | unlabeled
                                         |                                | opened
                                         |                                | edited
                                         |                                | closed
                                         |                                | reopened
                                         |                                |
  event.number                           | GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST            | 18
                                         | "{{ event.pullNumber }}"       |
  event.pull_request.title               | GITHUB_PULL_TITLE              | Update README.md
                                         | "{{ event.title }}"            |
  event.pull_request.head.ref            | GITHUB_BRANCH                  | main
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.branch }}" |
  event.pull_request.base.user.login     | GITHUB_BASE_USER               | johndoe
                                         | "{{ event.base.user.login }}"  |
  event.pull_request.base.repo.name      | GITHUB_BASE_REPO_NAME          | somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.name }}"   |
  event.pull_request.base.repo.clone_url | GITHUB_BASE_REPO_URL           | https://github.com/johndoe/somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.url }}"    |
  event.pull_request.base.sha            | GITHUB_BASE_SHA                | ee6a2fc800cdab6a98bf24b5af1cd34bf36d41ec
                                         | "{{ event.base.sha }}"         |
  event.pull_request.base.ref            | GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH             | main
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.branch }}" |
  -                                      | GITHUB_BASE_REF                | refs/heads/main
                                         | "{{ event.base.ref }}"         |
                                         |                                |
  event.sender.login                     | GITHUB_HEAD_USER               | maryscott
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.login }}"  |
  event.pull_request.head.repo.name      | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_NAME          | somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.name }}"   |
  event.pull_request.head.repo.clone_url | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_URL           | https://github.com/maryscott/somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.url }}"    |
  event.pull_request.head.sha            | GITHUB_HEAD_SHA                | e8f57659c7400e225d2f70f8d17ed11b7f914abb
                                         | "{{ event.head.sha }}"         |
  event.pull_request.head.ref            | GITHUB_HEAD_BRANCH             | bug1394856
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.branch }}" |
  -                                      | GITHUB_HEAD_REF                | refs/heads/bug1394856
                                         | "{{ event.head.ref }}"         |
  -                                      | GITHUB_HEAD_USER_EMAIL         | [email protected]
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.email }}"  |

Push Metadata #

  v1 reference                           | v0 equivalent                  | Example Value(s)
  -                                      | GITHUB_EVENT                   | push
                                         | "{{ event.type }}"             |
  -                                      | GITHUB_BRANCH                  | simple-branch
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.branch }}" |
  event.ref                              | GITHUB_BASE_REF                | refs/heads/simple-branch
                                         | "{{ event.base.ref }}"         |
                                         | GITHUB_HEAD_REF                |
                                         | "{{ event.head.ref }}"         |
                                         |                                |
  event.sender.login                     | GITHUB_BASE_USER               | maryscott
                                         | "{{ event.base.user.login }}"  |
                                         | GITHUB_HEAD_USER               |
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.login }}"  |
  event.repository.name                  | GITHUB_BASE_REPO_NAME          | somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.name }}"   |
  event.repository.clone_url             | GITHUB_BASE_REPO_URL           | https://github.com/maryscott/somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.url }}"    |
                                         | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_URL           |
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.url }}"    |
  event.before                           | GITHUB_BASE_SHA                | ee6a2fc800cdab6a98bf24b5af1cd34bf36d41ec
                                         | "{{ event.base.sha }}"         |
  -                                      | GITHUB_BASE_BRANCH             | bug1394856
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.branch }}" |
                                         |                                |
  event.repository.name                  | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_NAME          | somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.name }}"   |
  event.after                            | GITHUB_HEAD_SHA                | e8f57659c7400e225d2f70f8d17ed11b7f914abb
                                         | "{{ event.head.sha }}"         |
  -                                      | GITHUB_HEAD_BRANCH             | bug1394856
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.branch }}" |
  -                                      | GITHUB_HEAD_USER_EMAIL         | [email protected]
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.email }}"  |

Release Metadata #

  v1 reference                           | v0 equivalent                  | Example Value(s)
  -                                      | GITHUB_EVENT                   | release
                                         | "{{ event.type }}"
  event.action                           | -                              | published
  event.release.target_commitish         | GITHUB_BRANCH                  | main
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.branch }}" |
                                         |                                |
  event.sender.login                     | GITHUB_HEAD_USER               | maryscott
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.login }}"  |
  event.repository.name                  | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_NAME          | somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.name }}"   |
  event.repository.clone_url             | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_URL           | https://github.com/maryscott/somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.url }}"    |
                                         |                                |
  event.release.tag_name                 | "{{ event.version }}"          | v1.0.3 (tag name)
  event.release.name                     | "{{ event.name }}"             | Now more Awesome (release description)
  event.release.url                      | "{{ event.release.url }}"      | https://api.github.com/repos/taskcluster/generic-worker/releases/5108386
  event.release.prerelease               | "{{ event.prerelease }}"       | false
  event.release.draft                    | "{{ event.draft }}"            | false
  event.release.tarball_url              | "{{ event.tar }}"              | https://api.github.com/repos/taskcluster/generic-worker/tarball/v7.2.6
  event.release.zipball_url              | "{{ event.zip }}"              | https://api.github.com/repos/taskcluster/generic-worker/zipball/v7.2.6

Tag Metadata #

  v1 reference                           | v0 equivalent                  | Example Value(s)
  -                                      | GITHUB_EVENT                   | tag
                                         | "{{ event.type }}"             |
                                         |                                |
  event.sender.login                     | GITHUB_BASE_USER               | maryscott
                                         | "{{ event.base.user.login }}"  |
  event.repository.name                  | GITHUB_BASE_REPO_NAME          | somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.name }}"   |
                                         | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_NAME          |
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.name }}"   |
  event.repository.clone_url             | GITHUB_BASE_REPO_URL           | https://github.com/maryscott/somerepo
                                         | "{{ event.base.repo.url }}"    |
                                         | GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_URL           |
                                         | "{{ event.head.repo.url }}"    |
  event.before                           | GITHUB_BASE_SHA                | 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
                                         | "{{ event.base.sha }}"         |
  event.ref                              | GITHUB_BASE_REF                | refs/tags/v1.0.2
                                         | "{{ event.base.ref }}"         |
                                         | GITHUB_HEAD_REF                |
                                         | "{{ event.head.ref }}"         |
                                         |                                |
  event.sender.login                     | GITHUB_HEAD_USER               | maryscott
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.login }}"  |
  event.after                            | GITHUB_HEAD_SHA                | e8f57659c7400e225d2f70f8d17ed11b7f914abb
                                         | "{{ event.head.sha }}"         |
  -                                      | GITHUB_HEAD_TAG                | v1.0.2
                                         | "{{ event.head.tag }}"         |
  -                                      | GITHUB_HEAD_USER_EMAIL         | [email protected]
                                         | "{{ event.head.user.email }}"  |

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Joyk means Joy of geeK