The Road to S/4HANA: Is Your Business Ready to Seize SAP Transformation Opportun...

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source link: https://www.tibco.com/blog/2021/03/23/the-road-to-s-4hana-is-your-business-ready-to-seize-sap-transformation-opportunities/
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The Road to S/4HANA: Is Your Business Ready to Seize SAP Transformation Opportunities?

March 23, 2021
TIBCO Road to S/4:HANA
Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s more than fair to say that we have truly entered the era of digital transformation. Organizations have recognized what a valuable asset their data is and have begun to move to the next phase of evolution: transforming to create a more functional, connected ecosystem around this data to utilize it to its full potential.

And now, many of these businesses that have held off on their transformations are getting a push in the form of SAP migration. As SAP prepares to end support for SAP ECC ERP and enterprises prep for the move to SAP S/4HANA, there’s a significant amount of anxiety surrounding the migration process and the challenges involved. 

SAP Migration: More Than Just a Move

Migration should be a priority for your business right now, and careful thought and planning are critical. However, it’s just as crucial not to get so caught up in the scramble to migrate that you forget why you’re doing it in the first place: to accelerate your agility and connectivity, gain more comprehensive data management, and set the foundation for post-migration innovation. 

It’s true that the migration path is likely to contain challenges, but it’s also filled with opportunities to reach your destination with the tools to become a truly digital organization.

Transformation Challenges: It All Comes Down to Data & Business Process

Aside from macro issues like the cost of migrating a deployment to a newer system, most of the core issues and challenges you can expect to encounter when planning for your SAP migration will often involve data and the business processes that utilize it. Is the data across multiple ECC instances? How much of it is there? How accessible—or rather, inaccessible—is it? Add to this the issue that there’s rarely ever one master data model, syncing data models across systems, process compliance, data integration and connectivity…the list goes on.

Transformation Opportunities: Focused on the Future

But it’s not all doom and gloom. You can use your organization’s SAP transformation as a chance to solve these issues and, instead of migrating blindly, do it purposefully with the goal of future-proofing your organization. Define your business processes, and optimize and integrate your SAP data to drive operational insights and profit. 

According to Constellation’s Q4 2020 Top CIO Survey, 77 percent of organizations have made digital transformation their top priority in 2021 and are determined to get left behind not just in the migration to SAP S/4HANA but in the race to getting the most value from SAP and their data as a digital business.  

You can use your organization’s SAP transformation as a chance to solve these issues and, instead of migrating blindly, do it purposefully with the goal of future-proofing your organization. Click To Tweet

For many businesses, there are still many questions surrounding S/4HANA migration. But here at TIBCO, we have the answers. Check out our webinar in collaboration with Constellation Research for a deep dive into reducing migration risk, powering innovation with SAP, and why the path to digital transformation is only the beginning.

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