Remove Take a Screenshot from the pageActions menu

 3 years ago
source link: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1691464
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Closed Bug 1691464 Opened 2 months ago Closed 14 days ago

Remove Take a Screenshot from the pageActions menu


(Firefox :: Screenshots, task, P1)




88 Branch

Tracking Status firefox88 --- fixed


(Reporter: mstriemer, Assigned: emalysz)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: perf-alert, Whiteboard: [proton-address-bar])

With the removal of the meatball menu in the proton work, we'd like to move the Take a Screenshot button to the toolbar to allow users to hide it or put it in the overflow menu rather than being visible all the time.

Summary: Move Take a Screenshot button to a browserAction → Move Take a Screenshot button to the toolbar

I don't recall why I suggested this become a browserAction. The important part is that it isn't in the pageActions menu. Allowing a user to add a browserAction version to the toolbar/overflow menu seems nice, but it shouldn't show up there by default ever.

Summary: Move Take a Screenshot button to the toolbar → Remove Take a Screenshot from the pageActions menu


23 days ago
Assignee: nobody → emalysz

The widget is only added if screenshots are enabled (similar behavior to the fxa
toolbar button).
Button must take into account onLocationChange due to the fact that screenshots
extension is not available on about pages.
Adds a test for the disabled state, with more screenshot tests intended in the future

Meridel, could you confirm if tooltips are supposed to use sentence case?

Flags: needinfo?(mwalkington)

Yes, tooltips should be sentence case. All desktop core UI should default to sentence case, with the exception of the Global OS menubar (which follows OS conventions), and context menus (which also follow OS conventions).

Flags: needinfo?(mwalkington)
Pushed by [email protected]:
remove screenshot feature from page action panel and move to dedicated widget r=fluent-reviewers,sfoster,flod

Marking as P1. Per experience review we agreed to mark as P1 bug the ones that will block MR1.

Priority: P2 → P1

Emma, did we consider adding the button to the toolbar for users who had pinned the screenshots page action to the address bar?

Flags: needinfo?(emalysz)

We had discussed it before as a possibility, but I just confirmed with Romain that it's out of scope.

For reference, ~15k users have screenshots pinned to the URL bar and engaged with it within a 1 month period.

Flags: needinfo?(emalysz)

(In reply to Pulsebot from comment #5)

Pushed by [email protected]:
remove screenshot feature from page action panel and move to dedicated
widget r=fluent-reviewers,sfoster,flod

== Change summary for alert #29422 (as of Thu, 25 Mar 2021 05:32:04 GMT) ==


Ratio Suite Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new) 29% about_newtab_with_snippets responsiveness linux1804-64-shippable e10s stylo 0.09 -> 0.07 20% about_newtab_with_snippets responsiveness linux1804-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 0.09 -> 0.08 19% about_newtab_with_snippets responsiveness linux1804-64-shippable-qr e10s stylo webrender 0.09 -> 0.08

For up to date results, see: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/perfherder/alerts?id=29422

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