New Report Looks at TikTok Brand Performance Benchmarks and Tactics

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/new-report-looks-at-tiktok-brand-performance-benchmarks-and-tactics/597139/
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New Report Looks at TikTok Brand Performance Benchmarks and Tactics

Looking to get a better handle on TikTok, and its potential for your business?

Streaming analytics provider Conviva recently published its latest TikTok benchmarks and strategy report, which provides insight based on over 900 branded TikTok accounts, from across 10 industries. 

As noted in the report:

"2020 was the year TikTok exploded. Likely accelerated by the pandemic, TikTok seemed to be the one app everyone was talking about as they were stuck inside. For many, TikTok was a distraction; for others, it was a creative outlet. However you used it, in 2020 TikTok found a permanent place within popular culture."

The full, 45-page report, which you can download (via email sign-up) here, includes a range of insights, including the most followed brand accounts, along with those that have seen the fastest growth.

Conviva TikTok benchmarks report

Conviva also includes industry-specific performance stats, which provides additional context as to the growth that each of the featured brands is seeing, and their individual upload engagement.

Conviva TikTok benchmarks report

And while these big brands are likely to garner more attention than smaller businesses, it is interesting to note the growth and engagement stats, as a measure of what businesses are seeing in the app.

The Conviva team also provides strategic insight, including notes on common strategies:

Conviva TikTok benchmarks report

As well as more in-depth analysis of how some of the top brands are making use of the platform:

Conviva TikTok benchmarks report

If you're looking to get into TikTok, it's well worth a read. You may not be able to utilize all of the same tactics for your brand, but the insights will get you thinking as to how to improve performance on the platform, and what could work to maximize your approach. 

You can download Conviva's "2021 TikTok Benchmarks & Strategy Guide for Brands" guide here.

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