Crash course on Python

 3 years ago
source link: http://www.topwcftutorials.net/2021/01/crash-course-on-python.html
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Crash course on Python

This is a type of course that has been designed to teach you the foundations of writing simple programs in Python. You will be taught to write different programs using the most common structures in a step-by-step guide. To learn from the Crash Course on Python course, there are no requirements instead, anyone can start learning from this Crash Course on Python course whenever they want. Upon completing the course, you would have gained a good understanding of the benefits of programming in IT roles. With that, you will also be able to write simple programs through Python. Thus this and much more will be gained from this online course.

Syllabus of this Crash course on Python Course:

This course encloses in it a variety of topics including.

  • An understanding of Python, why it is used, and how it is relevant to automation.
  • With that, you will be taught to write short Python scripts to perform automated actions.
  • Similarly, through this course, you will also learn to use the basic Python structures, strings, lists, and dictionaries.
  • Lastly, you will be taught to create your own Python objects.
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Now we are going to take a look at the feedback which users have given about this course. By reading the comments of the actual users, one can easily understand whether or not the course is worth enrolling in.

Positive feedback:

  • I think this  Crash course on Python Course has provided an excellent introduction to using Python. But this course is not suitable for absolute beginners who have no experience in programming. So I suggest if you have some know-how of programming in Python then enroll in this course as the course is quite informational yet challenging. (Michael B,★★★★★).
  • This course turned out to be very helpful in developing my coding skills in Python. Also, the exercise was great as solving them helped me evaluate myself. Overall the entire course is good for people like me who need to advance their knowledge in Python. (Shruthi R,★★★★★).
  • After completing this course, I can say that it was an amazing experience. Everything was quite helpful and the exercises in each module were of great help. And to all those people who are reading this comment, I suggest you not skip the OOP module as it is the most important one. (Puneeth K, ★★★★★).
  • I have found this course to be extremely comprehensive as it lets you explore everything about Python step-by-step. And I think this is the best structured Python course I have seen in a while. And thus the instructor of this course deserves a thank you. (Evea Z,★★★★★).
  • This Crash Course on Python course is the best refresher for all those people who already know about programming in Python but wish to refresh their knowledge. And those people who have no prior knowledge of programming in Python can also learn from this course but for that, they need to pay extra attention and study on their own. The programming assignments are also very good as they make you analyze and think critically. (Md ZM,★★★★★).
  • This has been one of the best courses I have ever taken and not to mention it was such a challenging one. Overall I can say this is one of the best Python courses. The instructor was great and has shared even the minute detail of programming in Python. (Sathish M,★★★★★).
  • Taking this course has been so much fun for me. Through at times, it was a bit challenging but pushing through was an exciting battle for me. Even though I have coding experience yet I learned so many new techniques from this course. And hence it was worth my time and effort. (Kishan N,★★★★★).
  • The course was a good refresher of everything I know about programming in Python plus I got to upgrade my knowledge. (Chistie M, ★★★★☆).

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Negative feedback:

  • I am not going to give this course a higher than 1 start until they fix all the bugs in the quizzes. (Jonathan L,★☆☆☆☆).
  • I think the coding videos are quite short and concise whereas the questions are extremely hard. (Mark S,★★☆☆☆).

Final Thoughts:

So, if you are interested in taking this crash course on Python then enroll today and don’t forget to stay safe, stay home, and never stop learning.


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