Writing a 3D Shooter using rg3d - #2 - Weapons

 3 years ago
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Writing a 3D Shooter using rg3d - #2 - Weapons

Tutorials  · 09 Mar 2021

This tutorial continues the series of tutorials where we’re making a 3D shooter using rg3d game engine.

rg3d version: 0.18
rusty-editor version: 0.7
Source code: GitHub

Table of contents


Of course for a shooter game we need weapons and targets to shoot at. In this tutorial we’ll add weapons to the game. For simplicity, we’ll add only one weapon, as you’ll see later it is pretty easy to add more weapons yourself. This is the result we’re aiming in the tutorial:

Adding weapons

Let’s begin by changing version of the engine first, as I wrote in the previous tutorial, the engine changes rapidly:

rg3d = "0.18"

Next, add new module weapon.rs near your main.rs and use it somewhere after other imports:

pub mod weapon;

Switch to weapon.rs and paste this code into it:

use rg3d::{
    scene::{node::Node, Scene},

pub struct Weapon {
    model: Handle<Node>,
    shot_point: Handle<Node>,
    shot_timer: f32,

impl Weapon {
    pub async fn new(scene: &mut Scene, resource_manager: ResourceManager) -> Self {
        // Yeah, you need only few lines of code to load a model of any complexity.
        let model = resource_manager

        let shot_point = scene.graph.find_by_name(model, "Weapon:ShotPoint");

        Self {
            shot_timer: 0.0,

    pub fn model(&self) -> Handle<Node> {

    pub fn shot_point(&self) -> Handle<Node> {

    pub fn update(&mut self, dt: f32) {
        self.shot_timer = (self.shot_timer - dt).min(0.0);

    pub fn can_shoot(&self) -> bool {
        self.shot_timer <= 0.0

    pub fn shoot(&mut self) {
        self.shot_timer = 1.0;

This piece of code just loads a weapon model and saves an instance handle for further use. Also, each weapon should contain a helper node that tells from where it will “emit” bullets, the node was added in a 3D editor and has name Weapon:ShotPoint. Weapon implementation has helper methods that provide read-only access to inner fields (model, shot_point). update method just decreases the timer’s value which is used to change the pace of shooting. You may ask “why shoot method just modifies timer’s value and does not create bullets, etc.?” - please be patient, I will explain this later in game architecture section of the tutorial. OK, now we need to make a point where every weapon will be “mounted” on, go to Player::new and add these lines in the CameraBuilder instance:

	weapon_pivot = BaseBuilder::new()
				.with_local_position(Vector3::new(-0.1, -0.05, 0.015))
		.build(&mut scene.graph);

What is going on here? We’re just adding new child node to the camera and offset it by some vector. Every weapon will be attached to this pivot. Please keep in mind that the offset given in local coordinates, which means that weapon pivot will move with the camera, but with some offset relative to it. Also, do not forget to add this line after let camera;:

let weapon_pivot;

Finally, add the weapon pivot to Self { ... } (and also add weapon_pivot: Handle<Node> to the Player struct):

Self {
    weapon_pivot, // <- here
    rigid_body: rigid_body_handle.into(),
    controller: Default::default(),

Next we need a container for weapons, let’s add it to the Game struct:

struct Game {
    scene: Handle<Scene>,
    player: Player,
    weapons: Pool<Weapon> // Weapons will live in a pool

Now we need to change Game::new() a bit to add a weapon to the player:

pub async fn new(engine: &mut GameEngine) -> Self {
    let mut scene = Scene::new();

    // Load a scene resource and create its instance.
        .instantiate_geometry(&mut scene);

    // Create player first.
    let player = Player::new(&mut scene, engine.resource_manager.clone()).await;

    // Create weapon next.
    let weapon = Weapon::new(&mut scene, engine.resource_manager.clone()).await;

    // "Attach" the weapon to the weapon pivot of the player.
    scene.graph.link_nodes(weapon.model(), player.weapon_pivot);

    // Create a container for the weapons.
    let mut weapons = Pool::new();

    // Put the weapon into it.

    Self {
        scene: engine.scenes.add(scene),

At first, we’re loading the scene, next we’re creating player as usual. Next we’re creating a weapon and attach it to the weapon pivot we’ve made earlier. Finally, we’re creating a container for the weapons: we’ll use Pool to be able to borrow weapon later on when we need. So, let’s run the game, and you should see something like this:


Alright, now we have a weapon, but it still can’t shoot. Let’s fix that.

Game architecture

We at the point now where we need to choose correct approach of interaction between parts of the game. We already have two kinds of entities: player and weapon. In naive approach to shoot a weapon, you’d pass a reference to a weapon in Player::update() and would call something like weapon.shoot(). Most likely that at some point you’ll end up in a situation when you need too much of a context in a single method. This is so-called strong coupling, this is the thing that disappoints borrow checker too much, and it rejects your code because you’re trying to borrow same things multiple times. So we need a way to change strong coupling to loose coupling. To do that we’ll use messages to delay execution of some actions that require too much of a context. In general, we’ll replace direct function call with a message that will be put in a common queue and executed later on one by one at the top of call hierarchy (in Game::update in our case). Let’s begin by adding a MPSC (Multiple Producer Single Consumer) queue to the Game:

struct Game {
    scene: Handle<Scene>,
    player: Player,
    weapons: Pool<Weapon>,
    receiver: Receiver<Message>, // Single receiver, it cannot be cloned.
    sender: Sender<Message>, // Sender can be cloned and used from various places.

Now we need a Message enumeration, add message.rs module, import it in main.rs (pub mod message;) and fill it with the following code:

use crate::weapon::Weapon;
use rg3d::core::pool::Handle;

pub enum Message {
    ShootWeapon {
        weapons: Handle<Weapon>

For now, we have only one message kind - ShootWeapon with a single parameter, a handle of a weapon to shoot. We need a place to handle messages, Game::update seems to be the most suitable - it is on top of “call hierarchy” and has most wide context. Let’s change Game::update to this code:

pub fn update(&mut self, engine: &mut GameEngine, dt: f32) {
    self.player.update(&mut engine.scenes[self.scene]); 

    // v New code v 
    for weapon in self.weapons.iter_mut() {

    // We're using `try_recv` here because we don't want to wait until next message -
    // if the queue is empty just continue to next frame.
    while let Ok(message) = self.receiver.try_recv() {
        match message {
            Message::ShootWeapon { weapon } => {
                self.shoot_weapon(weapon, engine);

So, these first three new lines updating every weapon in the game, for now update of a weapon just updates shooting timer. As you can see we’ve added new parameter to the function dt: f32, this is the time span from last frame. Do not forget to pass this parameter in fn main(): game.update(&mut engine, TIMESTEP);. Finally, at the end of the function we’re handling messages from the queue one by one. As you can see we’re handling ShootWeapon message, but there is a mysterious line self.shoot_weapon(weapon, engine) which is not yet defined, let’s fix that, add these lines to impl Game:

fn shoot_weapon(&mut self, weapon: Handle<Weapon>, engine: &mut GameEngine) {
    let weapon = &mut self.weapons[weapon];

    if weapon.can_shoot() {

        let scene = &mut engine.scenes[self.scene];

        let weapon_model = &scene.graph[weapon.model()];

        // Make a ray that starts at the weapon's position in the world and look toward
        // "look" vector of the weapon.
        let ray = Ray::new(

        let mut intersections = Vec::new();

            RayCastOptions {
                max_len: ray.dir.norm(),
                groups: Default::default(),
                sort_results: true, // We need intersections to be sorted from closest to furthest.
            &mut intersections,

        // Ignore intersections with player's capsule.
        let trail_length = if let Some(intersection) = intersections
            .find(|i| i.collider != self.player.collider)
            // TODO: Add code to handle intersections with bots.

            // For now just apply some force at the point of impact.
            let collider = scene

            // Trail length will be the length of line between intersection point and ray origin.
            (intersection.position.coords - ray.origin).norm()
        } else {
            // Otherwise trail length will be just the ray length.

        create_shot_trail(&mut scene.graph, ray.origin, ray.dir, trail_length);

Wow! Why is there so much code to shoot a weapon!? Actually, this is not all the code - check the last line

create_shot_trail(&mut scene.graph, ray.origin, ray.dir, trail_length);

This is yet another function we must add, it is a standalone helper function that creates a shot trail:

fn create_shot_trail(
    graph: &mut Graph,
    origin: Vector3<f32>,
    direction: Vector3<f32>,
    trail_length: f32,
) {
    let transform = TransformBuilder::new()
        .with_local_scale(Vector3::new(0.0025, 0.0025, trail_length))
        .with_local_rotation(UnitQuaternion::face_towards(&direction, &Vector3::y()))

    // Create unit cylinder with caps that faces toward Z axis.
    let shape = Arc::new(RwLock::new(SurfaceSharedData::make_cylinder(
        6,     // Count of sides
        1.0,   // Radius
        1.0,   // Height
        false, // No caps are needed.
        // Rotate vertical cylinder around X axis to make it face towards Z axis
        UnitQuaternion::from_axis_angle(&Vector3::x_axis(), 90.0f32.to_radians()).to_homogeneous(),

            // Shot trail should live ~0.25 seconds, after that it will be automatically
            // destroyed.
        // Set yellow-ish color.
        .with_color(Color::from_rgba(255, 255, 0, 120))
    // Do not cast shadows.
    // Make sure to set Forward render path, otherwise the object won't be
    // transparent.

Okay… Let’s disassemble this heap of code line by line. At first, we’re borrowing the weapon by its handle and check if it can shoot (if the timer has reached zero), and “shoot” (reset the timer) if so:

 let weapon = &mut self.weapons[weapon];

    if weapon.can_shoot() {

Next we’re using ray casting to find the target we’re shooting at:


let scene = &mut engine.scenes[self.scene];

let weapon_model = &scene.graph[weapon.model()];

// Make a ray that starts at the weapon's position in the world and look toward
// "look" vector of the weapon.
let ray = Ray::new(

let mut intersections = Vec::new();

    RayCastOptions {
        max_len: ray.dir.norm(),
        groups: Default::default(),
        sort_results: true, // We need intersections to be sorted from closest to furthest.
    &mut intersections,


To determine the “target”, we’re have to make a ray first. It starts from the “shot point” we’ve attached to the weapon. Direction of the ray is the “look” vector of the weapon model scaled by some large value which defines a “length” of the ray. Finally, we’re casting the ray. Next we have to check each intersection and find the target:

// Ignore intersections with player's capsule.
let trail_length = if let Some(intersection) = intersections
    .find(|i| i.collider != self.player.collider)
    // TODO: Add code to handle intersections with bots.

    // For now just apply some force at the point of impact.
    let collider = scene

    // Trail length will be the length of line between intersection point and ray origin.
    (intersection.position.coords - ray.origin).norm()
} else {
    // Otherwise trail length will be just the ray length.

First intersection most likely will be player’s capsule, because shot point may be inside player’s capsule. We’re filtering such intersection in the first three lines. To do that, we have to remember the handle of player’s capsule in Player: collider: ColliderHandle and fill the field in Player::new like this:

// Add capsule collider for the rigid body.
let collider = scene.physics.add_collider(
    ColliderBuilder::capsule_y(0.25, 0.2).build(),


Self {
    collider, // <-

Next goes TODO comment, remember this line, it will be replaced when we’ll add bots in future tutorial. Until we have no bots, we should somehow emulate shot impact, to do that we’ll just apply some force at the point of impact. Finally, we’re calculating desired shot trail length - it is just distance between point of impact and ray’s origin. In the else branch we’re setting the length to be the length of the ray. Finally, we’re creating a shot trail:

create_shot_trail(&mut scene.graph, ray.origin, ray.dir, trail_length);

Now let’s dive into this function. It starts from the definition of local transform of the trail:

let transform = TransformBuilder::new()
    // Scale the trail in XZ plane to make it thin, and apply `trail_length` scale on Y axis
    // to stretch is out.
    .with_local_scale(Vector3::new(0.0025, 0.0025, trail_length))
    // Rotate the trail along given `direction`
    .with_local_rotation(UnitQuaternion::face_towards(&direction, &Vector3::y()))

Its purpose is to shrink cylinder in XZ plane and stretch it out on Y axis to the length of the trail. Next we’re making geometry for the cylinder:

// Create unit cylinder with caps that faces toward Z axis.
let shape = Arc::new(RwLock::new(SurfaceSharedData::make_cylinder(
    6,     // Count of sides
    1.0,   // Radius
    1.0,   // Height
    false, // No caps are needed.
    // Rotate vertical cylinder around X axis to make it face towards Z axis
    UnitQuaternion::from_axis_angle(&Vector3::x_axis(), 90.0f32.to_radians()).to_homogeneous(),

Here we’re creating unit vertical cylinder, rotate it to make it face towards Z axis. Finally, we’re creating mesh node:

        // Shot trail should live ~0.25 seconds, after that it will be automatically
        // destroyed.
    // Set yellow-ish color.
    .with_color(Color::from_rgba(255, 255, 0, 120))
// Do not cast shadows.
// Make sure to set Forward render path, otherwise the object won't be
// transparent.

The trail will live just 0.25 seconds, rg3d has built-in functionality for short-living objects, you have to just set desired lifetime, and an object will be removed at the time. Also, we don’t want the trail to cast shadows, and we want the trail to be transparent yellow, to do that we have to change render path of the mesh to Forward. In short, every mesh by default rendered using Deferred renderer which does not support transparent objects due to technical reasons, but rg3d has Forward renderer for such objects. Check this article to learn more about Deferred and Forward rendering techniques. Ok, now we have to “teach” player how to shoot. At first, let’s add new field to InputController: shoot: bool. We’ll be changing this flag by left mouse click, to do that let’s add these lines at the end of Event::WindowEvent match arm before _ => {} in Player::process_input_event:

&WindowEvent::MouseInput { button, state, .. } => {
    if button == MouseButton::Left {
        self.controller.shoot = state == ElementState::Pressed;

Now we need a way to send messages to the game from the player. We need a new field in Player struct sender: Sender<Message>. Also, we must change signature of Player::new() to this:

async fn new(
    scene: &mut Scene,
    resource_manager: ResourceManager,
    sender: Sender<Message>,
) -> Self 

Just pass the sender in the Self { .. } like this:

Self {
    sender, // <- Pass sender 

Player must know about its weapons, let’s fix this by adding new field to the Player: weapon: Handle<Weapon>, we’ll fill this field in the Game::new(), not in Player::new() because at the moment of creation of the player there are no weapons:


// Put the weapon into it - this operation moves the weapon in the pool and returns handle.
let weapon = weapons.spawn(weapon);

// "Give" the weapon to the player.
player.weapon = weapon;


Finally, at the end of Player::update we will handle the state of the input controller:

if self.controller.shoot {
        .send(Message::ShootWeapon {
            weapon: self.weapon,

Ok, at this momemt you should be able to compile the game and as you run it, you should see something like this when you’ll press left mouse button:


Barrels should react to shots as in the video at the beginning of the tutorial.


Ok, the weapon shoots but looks kinda unnatural, to fix that we need to add a recoil. This is very simple to do, let’s start by adding these fields in the Weapon struct:

recoil_offset: Vector3<f32>,
recoil_target_offset: Vector3<f32>,

Initialize these fields with default values (zero vector):

recoil_offset: Default::default(),
recoil_target_offset: Default::default(),

First vector is the actual recoil offset that will be applied to the weapon model, second - target recoil value which first vector will follow. Why do we need two vectors instead just one? The answer is very simple, we need to smoothly change offset over time, and to do that offset will just “follow” target offset which will give us desired smooth movement. Let’s add the code responsible for the recoil to the Weapon::update:

// Notice new `graph` parameter
pub fn update(&mut self, dt: f32, graph: &mut Graph) {  
    self.shot_timer = (self.shot_timer - dt).max(0.0);
    // v New code v
    // `follow` method defined in Vector3Ext trait and it just increases or
    // decreases vector's value in order to "follow" the target value with 
    // given speed.
    self.recoil_offset.follow(&self.recoil_target_offset, 0.5);

    // Apply offset to weapon's model.

    // Check if we've reached target recoil offset.
    if self
        < 0.001
        // And if so, reset offset to zero to return weapon at
        // its default position.
        self.recoil_target_offset = Default::default();

At first, in the first line we force the recoil_offset to follow recoil_target_offset with given speed. Next we’re applying offset to weapon’s model. Finally, we’re checking if we’ve reached target offset and if so, just reset target offset to return a weapon to its default position. Also we have to slightly modify Weapon::shoot to modify target offset:

pub fn shoot(&mut self) {
    self.shot_timer = 0.1;

    // Set new offset after each shot.
    self.recoil_target_offset = Vector3::new(0.0, 0.0, -0.025); 

The last thing we need to do is to slightly modify code at the Game::update to pass new parameter to Weapon::update:

 pub fn update(&mut self, engine: &mut GameEngine, dt: f32) {
    let scene = &mut engine.scenes[self.scene];


    for weapon in self.weapons.iter_mut() {
        weapon.update(dt, &mut scene.graph);

Ok, run the game, and the weapon should feel more natural now.

Impact effects

Shooting have become much better after we’ve added a recoil, but there is still no impact effects like sparks. Let’s fix that! This is the first time when we’ll use particle systems. Let’s add this function somewhere in main.rs

fn create_bullet_impact(
    graph: &mut Graph,
    resource_manager: ResourceManager,
    pos: Vector3<f32>,
    orientation: UnitQuaternion<f32>,
) -> Handle<Node> {
    // Create sphere emitter first.
    let emitter = SphereEmitterBuilder::new(
            .with_size_modifier_range(NumericRange::new(-0.01, -0.0125))
            .with_size_range(NumericRange::new(0.0010, 0.025))
            .with_x_velocity_range(NumericRange::new(-0.01, 0.01))
            .with_y_velocity_range(NumericRange::new(0.017, 0.02))
            .with_z_velocity_range(NumericRange::new(-0.01, 0.01))

    // Color gradient will be used to modify color of each particle over its lifetime.
    let color_gradient = {
        let mut gradient = ColorGradient::new();
        gradient.add_point(GradientPoint::new(0.00, Color::from_rgba(255, 255, 0, 0)));
        gradient.add_point(GradientPoint::new(0.05, Color::from_rgba(255, 160, 0, 255)));
        gradient.add_point(GradientPoint::new(0.95, Color::from_rgba(255, 120, 0, 255)));
        gradient.add_point(GradientPoint::new(1.00, Color::from_rgba(255, 60, 0, 0)));

    // Create new transform to orient and position particle system.
    let transform = TransformBuilder::new()

    // Finally create particle system with limited lifetime.
    .with_acceleration(Vector3::new(0.0, -10.0, 0.0))
    // We'll use simple spark texture for each particle.

Ok, again a heap of code… As usual, everything here is pretty straightforward. At first, we’re creating spherical emitter - it is a spherical volume that responsible for spawning particles. It has a radius, and a bunch of basic properties such as spawn rate, maximum amount of particles, initial velocity range, etc. Next we’re creating color gradient to make particles fade over their lifetime. Next, we’re creating simple transform that will orient and position particle system in world space. Finally, we’re creating particle system itself, using pre-made parts. For each particle we’ll use simple spark texture, it should be placed in data/textures. Now we need to find correct place to create this particle system. It should be placed right after we’re applying force to target we’ve hit in Game::shoot_weapon:

// Add bullet impact effect.
let effect_orientation = if intersection.normal.normalize() == Vector3::y() {
    // Handle singularity when normal of impact point is collinear with Y axis.
    UnitQuaternion::from_axis_angle(&Vector3::y_axis(), 0.0)
} else {
    UnitQuaternion::face_towards(&intersection.normal, &Vector3::y())

    &mut scene.graph,

Ok, now run the game, and you should see something like this:


One more thing that could be added is bullet shells that should come from a weapon when we’re shooting, but I think the tutorial is already pretty big already, and I’ll leave this as a “homework”, but I’ll just give some hints of how to do this. Make or download a shell model in FBX format, then write a function that will load it via resource manager, instantiate it and create a physical body for it (with cylinder collider for example), link a model with a body and call this function when shooting a weapon.


In this tutorial we added weapon to the game, added recoil to make shooting more natural, and added impact effects. I hope you liked this tutorial, and if so, please consider supporting the project on Patreon or LiberaPay. Source code is available on GitHub. In the next tutorial we’ll add sounds to the game and something special (let it be a surprise).

Discussion: Reddit, Discord.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK