Microsoft Edge Tab Search Feature Possibly Just Around the Corner

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-edge-tab-search-feature-possibly-just-around-the-corner-532137.shtml
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New feature coming to let users search for tabs

As we know already, Microsoft is working 24/7 to improve Microsoft Edge browser (the Chromium one, not the legacy version it’s killing off later this year), and the company is working on adding new capabilities, some inspired by Google Chrome, currently the world’s number one Chromium-powered browser.

One of the upcoming addition to the Edge feature arsenal is tab search, a new tool that allows users to quickly search for a specific tab in the browser.

In case you’re wondering who needs this, the answer is as simple as it could be: most of us.

The new feature could be enabled by default rather sooner than later

Tab support is one of the most important features of a modern browser, and needless to say, many of us are pushing it to the limit by opening more and more and more tabs at the same time in one session.

It’s not a secret that some people never close tabs, and this is why they end up with tens or maybe hundreds of them running in the browser. Others keep some tabs open for various purposes, such as when doing some research for a project, so finding the one you need faster is something that just needs to be possible in a modern app like Edge.

And Microsoft is working on this as we speak, with reddit user Leopeva64-2 recently discovering some changes that could indicate the tab search could sooner or later make its debut in the browser and be enabled by default.

Of course, the Redmond-based software giant hasn’t said a single thing about this update, but as I said earlier, it’s something that’d come in handy to so many of us. Until this happens, we just need to keep searching for the right tab manually in the browser.

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