Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experimen | YouWorkForThem Blog

 3 years ago
source link: https://blog.youworkforthem.com/2021/02/03/vivid-vibrant-ink-paint-experiments-from-chroma-supply/
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Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experiments from Chroma Supply

February 3, 2021


Based in Texas, Jim LePage is an independent graphic designer and abstract artist who, rather took a long road to find a career that would become his passion. 

He attended school for guitar construction and repair, delivered pizzas for a few years, and later began teaching preschool. After working as a preschool teacher for about 5 years, he realized it was time for a change. He didn’t know exactly what that might be at the time, but his wife suggested that he go back to college for something new – whatever it was.

Although he had no background in art to speak of and had zero experience with graphic design, he chose to enroll in a local graphic design program. 

“I was not that kid who was always drawing,” Jim said. “Other than playing in a couple bands, I didn’t have much experience creating art.” After completing a 2-year program at a local college, Jim got his start working as a graphic designer for his church, where he interned while he was still in school.

He worked in graphic design, art direction, and illustration for several years before discovering his passion for abstract art – which began as a creative hobby for himself. While his day job was spent catering to the needs of his clients, abstract art was a creative outlet where experimentation and creative freedom reigned. 

Over time, Jim’s personal painting style began to receive some considerable notoriety. In fact, his abstract work has been featured on album artwork – including one of Feist’s albums – along with snowboards, book covers, and branding materials.


While he initially set up an online store to sell his abstract artwork on his own website, Jim later established Chroma Supply as a “creator and distributor of high-quality abstract design resources.” 

Many of the products available through Chroma Supply are purely original work by Jim LePage but the studio and storefront has also collaborated with other artists over the years.

One of Chroma Supply’s most recent releases through YouWorkForThem is Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experiments that feature bold textures and brilliant, rich color palettes.

If this collection reminds you of resin, there’s a reason for that – this collection was created by remixing and combining some of the studio’s favorite handmade paint, ink, and resin textures to form something “new, unique, and always bold.” 


Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experiments is visually striking, blending smooth and rough textures that collide with one another, only to be joined by intense color gradients your eyes will get lost in. This series is a mesmerizing display of light and shadow, with fluid hues that bring the entire collection to life.

While the images in Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experiments can be used in their full resolution as backgrounds and wallpapers, they can also be cropped to bring to the focus to the rich macro details and textures for icons and other design projects. Additionally, the images in this collection can be customized through the use of adjustment layers to alter the hue/saturation and color balance.

Custom color variations are a breeze with these series, made possible through an included Variant Builder .psd file that is compatible with Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo. This tool gives designers the ability to achieve a multitude of different looks through pre-built adjustments that create live filters and effects that can be fine-tuned to any project.


Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experiments provides a total of 30 files – 15 full-color pieces and 15 in black and white. These high-resolution images are 5000x5000px at 300dpi in RGB colorspace, making them perfect for both print and digital design applications. They’re ideal for everything from album artwork to book covers, marketing materials, website designs, mobile applications, posters, backgrounds, wallpapers, photo overlays, text overlays, product packaging, merchandise, decor projects, and digital art collage.

Additionally, Vivid – Vibrant Ink & Paint Experiments also includes a set of .abr brushes that were made with the textures so you can build and create your own in Photoshop or Affinity!

Chroma Supply currently offers more than 230 products through YouWorkForThem, an incredible range of stunning abstract image collections, effects, and design assets that are a visual feast for the eyes. Visit Chroma Supply’s portfolio to check out the rest of their work and bookmark it so you can check back often for new releases!

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