Pre-emptive fiber-based concurrency in MRI Ruby

 3 years ago
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Pre-emptive fiber-based concurrency in MRI Ruby

Posted on February 7, 2021 by wjwh

Ruby has recently released version 3.0.0, which includes the FiberScheduler interface. I have written about this before and I think it has a lot of potential because asynchronous I/O with event loops is pretty great. If you send off a query to an upstream API and it will take a few dozen milliseconds to respond, you can do a lot of work in the intervening time. Especially for web app backends, which usually spend a lot of time waiting for the results of database queries and/or various API calls, asynchronous I/O can provide huge throughput improvements. One downside of the current implementation is that it exclusively uses cooperative multitasking; every Fiber needs to explicitly call Fiber.yield at some appropriate moment to allow other Fibers to run. However, if a CPU-intensive tasks has not been written with Fibers in mind, they can “hog the event loop” and prevent other tasks from running in time. This can cause excessive latency for the other tasks. In this article I’ll go over a few ways to have a Fiber automatically call yield if it takes “too much” time.

Nonblocking (?) Fibers

To demonstrate the problem with CPU intensive tasks in a Fiber, consider the following short program:

require 'fiber'
require 'async'

# a deliberately inefficient function to use some CPU time [1]
# on my machine, fib(40) takes about 7.5 seconds
def fib(n)
  if n <= 1
    (fib(n-1) + fib(n-2))

def sleeper
  Async {
    start = Time.now
    sleep 1
    puts "Tried sleeping for one second, actual time: #{Time.now - start}"

def big_calculation
  Async {
    x = fib 40
    puts "fib(40) = #{x}"

Async { |task|

This will output the following:

fib(40) = 165580141
Tried sleeping for one second, actual time: 7.59390655
Tried sleeping for one second, actual time: 7.593904645

As you can see, after starting two Fibers that sleep for a second, the Fibonacci calculation kicks off and takes almost three seconds. Because the fib function never calls Fiber.yield, the Async scheduler does not get a chance to resume the sleeping Fibers until the fib Fiber is done. The sleeping Fibers will effectively sleep WAY longer than intended. In a real application, those sleeps may have been part of a timeout for an API call and overshooting could cause some seriously unwanted behavior.

BTW: This program uses the async framework because I happen to know it well, but anything built upon MRI Fibers will have the same type of behavior.

Various ways to automatically yield

The problem of tasks not yielding in time (or at all) in cooperative multitasking systems is well known and has been studied extensively. The usual solution is to augment the runtime with some way of forcing tasks to yield. This solution is known as pre-emptive multitasking. For example, Erlang uses “reductions” (roughly equivalent to function calls) to determine when a thread has used enough CPU time and needs to be switched out; Haskell code uses a recurring timer that provides a trigger to switch and there are many more methods.

Ruby code runs in a Virtual Machine (VM) known as YARV, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage: on the downside we need to take extra care not to break internal VM data structures, but on the plus side most VMs have many more inbuilt possibilities for altering running code on the fly than compiled binaries have. MRI Ruby has several ways to alter existing code on the fly. One such way is using the Tracepoint API, which allows you (amongst other things) to run arbitrary code before every method call. My first idea was to implement an Erlang-type scheme where before every method call we decrement a global variable and call Fiber.yield if it becomes zero. Coding this up only took a few minutes and it did work, but sadly it had a huge overhead. The fib call above took over five times as long compared to the function without the Tracepoint hook. I didn’t profile too in-depth but I suspect that this was because a block passed as a Tracepoint hook needs to be Ruby code. Even if it calls into C immediately, it incurs substantial overhead. Luckily, some digging through the MRI source code revealed that it was also possible to pass in a C function pointer directly with rb_add_event_hook. You can call it like rb_add_event_hook(reduce_reduction_counter, RUBY_EVENT_CALL | RUBY_EVENT_C_CALL, 0);, where reduce_reduction_counter is a function taking no arguments and returning void. This function will then be called on every method call, whether the function is implemented in C or in Ruby. As I understand it, reduce_reduction_counter would NOT be called for internal C functions, only those called directly from Ruby.

Staying in C land the whole time did provide a substantial speedup, but it was still significantly slower than without the trace function. In some extremely unscientific benchmarking, code with the C event hook still took almost twice as long to complete as code without the event hook. This makes sense, since it would need to call at least double the amount of functions (the original method call and also the event hook). It was possible to only incur this cost for certain Fibers (i.e., if you knew beforehand when it would be needed) but I was still not very happy with it.

Timer-based yielding

Another way of pre-empting arbitrary code is by requesting the operating system to do the interrupting for us. Ruby contains a Signal module that lets us trap Posix signals and run arbitrary code in response. With the timer_create and timer_settime syscalls it is pretty straightforward to request for an arbitrary signal to be delivered to our process after some (short) time has elapsed. This method is used in (amongst others) the runtime of the Haskell language [2] to manage thread switching. It is easy to set this up in MRI with the following C code:

#include "ruby.h"
#include "extconf.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>

timer_t fiber_timer;
struct itimerspec its_50ms;

VALUE rb_arm_fiber_timer() {
  timer_settime(fiber_timer, 0, &its_50ms, NULL);
  return Qnil;

void Init_yieldingfiber()
  VALUE fiberClass = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("Fiber"));
  VALUE yieldingFiberClass = rb_define_class("YieldingFiber", fiberClass);

  // When the timer expires, send us SIGUSR2
  struct sigevent sev;
  sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
  sev.sigev_signo = SIGUSR2;
  sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &fiber_timer;

  timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sev, &fiber_timer);
  // oneshot timer set to expire in 50 ms
  its_50ms.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
  its_50ms.it_value.tv_nsec = 50000000;
  // no interval plz
  its_50ms.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
  its_50ms.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;

We define a subclass of Fiber (creatively named YieldingFiber) and define a singleton method arm_fiber_timer! on it which calls timer_settime(). Now whenever we call YieldingFiber.arm_fiber_timer! in Ruby code, approximately 50 milliseconds later the process will receive a SIGUSR2 signal. The default handler for this signal will just end the program, so we need to install our own handler first. Additionally, we want to make sure that, if the signal arrives after the Fiber has yielded by itself (for example, because the computation took less than 50 ms), the operation of the Fiber scheduler is not adversely affected by the signal. We can do this by checking if the current Fiber is actually such a YieldingFiber and only yielding if it is. (This assumes that the scheduler does not run in a YieldingFiber.)

class YieldingFiber < Fiber
  def resume(**args)

Signal.trap("USR2") {
  if Fiber.current.is_a? YieldingFiber

Whenever a YieldingFiber is resumed, it will arm the signal timer first. If the YieldingFiber takes longer than 50 ms until it either finishes or yields, the signal will interrupt it and the signal handler will call Fiber.yield. Ruby signal handlers are safe for the VM, the block will only ever be called when the VM reaches a safe point for it to run. If the YieldingFiber takes less than 50 ms, there are two options: by the time the signal arrives, either the program has progressed to another YieldingFiber or it has not. If it hasn’t, Fiber.current.is_a? YieldingFiber will return false and the signal handler will be a no-op. If it has, the resume operation will have called YieldingFiber.arm_fiber_timer! and the signal will have been reset. The semantics of Fiber are slightly peculiar in that Fiber#resume will actually change the result of Fiber.current, but the resume methods of subclasses of Fiber do not change that result until they call super. This means that if the signal is triggered before or during the call to YieldingFiber.arm_fiber_timer!, the current Fiber will not yet be a YieldingFiber and nothing will happen. If the timer would have been triggered after YieldingFiber.arm_fiber_timer!, it will have been reset and now the timer won’t expire for another 50 ms. Depending on operating system implementation, there might be a race condition where the timer is triggered but the signal does not get handled by Ruby until after the timer is reset and the super call to Fiber#resume is completed. In that case, the YieldingFiber will yield much faster than after 50 ms. I believe this to be a very unlikely scenario and in any case the YieldingFiber will be scheduled in again as usual next time the scheduler loops around. [3]

There is one thing left to do to make our original program work as desired: the async framework does not work with a Ruby Fiber but with its own Task abstraction. Simply calling Fiber.yield from a YieldingFiber will return to the scheduler. This means that we need to improve our YieldingFiber class so that it can play nice with the Reactor class from async:

class YieldingFiber < Fiber
  def initialize(reactor, &block)
    @reactor = reactor

  def resume(**args)

  def yield_to_scheduler
    @reactor << self

Signal.trap("USR2") {
  if Fiber.current.is_a? YieldingFiber

The changes are very superficial: when constructing a YieldingFiber we also pass in a reference to the reactor and when yielding back to the scheduler we first add our YieldingFiber back to the run queue of the reactor so that it will be scheduled again “soon”. This works because in the async framework, reactors allow anything that “looks like” a Fiber in a duck typing sense. Now we can run our original program with the fib calculation running in a YieldingFiber and it will work much better:

require 'fiber'
require 'async'
require 'yieldingfiber'

# a deliberately inefficient function to use some CPU time
# on my machine, fib(40) takes about 7.5 seconds
def fib(n)
  if n <= 1
    (fib(n-1) + fib(n-2))

def sleeper
  Async {
    start = Time.now
    sleep 1
    puts "Tried sleeping for one second, actual time: #{Time.now - start}"

def big_calculation(reactor)
  yf = YieldingFiber.new(reactor) {
    x = fib 38
    puts "fib(38) = #{x}"
  reactor << yf

Async { |task|

This outputs the following:

Tried sleeping for one second, actual time: 1.000511959
Tried sleeping for one second, actual time: 1.000553547
fib(38) = 63245986

As you can see, the sleeping Fibers now no longer have to wait for the big fib calculation and report sleep times very close to the intended one second. There is still some overhead because the scheduler gets invoked much more often, but based on my measurements the total runtime of the program increased only about 4% compared to the original version. Depending on your workload, this might be an acceptable tradeoff for gaining much better latency in timeout- and I/O-bound Fibers.

Drawbacks of auto-yielding

The code I presented is still very brittle and has a number of drawbacks:

  • Yielding every 50 ms introduces about 4% runtime overhead (in this almost worst-case test) compared to the fully cooperative multitasking version. This is mostly the extra time spent in the scheduler, the timer-setting system calls are only about 250 ns each and so almost imperceptable compared to the 50 ms a YieldingFiber could take.
  • It only works on Linux and under MRI due to the timer system calls used. Other operating systems and Ruby implementations provide similar abstractions but it would require some work to truly make it portable.
  • This solution uses a lot of Ruby-level calls like Fiber.current.is_a? YieldingFiber. This helps with readability but increases overhead. These calls could be made into C calls for additional speed.
  • Using SIGUSR2 may conflict with other gems. Haskell uses SIGALRM, which is less likely to be already taken. It is possible to dynamically alter the signal number used, so this should not be a big problem but it does need work.
  • The Ruby VM will only handle signals at certain points in its operation. Code in C extensions is almost certainly not hitting those points, so if you have gems that do long calculations in pure C the deadline for a YieldingFiber may be violated quite a bit. This can also be a problem for FFI calls in Haskell and Erlang, so it is unclear how much of an issue this really is.
  • While the solution can be extended to multiple threads (and one scheduler per thread), a Ruby Fiber is bound to its original thread. If you have a program that does more work than a single core can handle you might get unlucky and get all your YieldingFibers on the same thread. That thread will be very busy while other threads might be idle. “Work stealing” as in Haskell or Go is the usual solution, but transferring Fibers between threads is not possible in Ruby (yet). [4]

All this can be fixed with enough work, I just wanted to make clear that this is not anywhere near production ready.


In this blog post I went over a few methods to allow for pre-emptive scheduling of Fibers in MRI Ruby. It turns out that with OS-supplied interrupts, it is fairly straightforward to accomplish, and the overhead is pretty minimal.

I’m a big fan of lightweight thread systems and think that (in 2021) for almost all modern server programs, an event loop per thread with pre-emption and inter-scheduler work stealing is close to the optimal architecture [5] for the language runtime. It provides high concurrency with much less overhead than OS level threads, while still allowing the programmer to code in an easy “straight-line” fashion without callback hell and the like. The FiberScheduler interface provides a decent step towards this architecture for Ruby programs, but the cooperative multithreading model of Fibers has severe downsides. If they could (optionally) become pre-emptible that would make it a lot more feasible to use Fibers everywhere.

[1] This Fibonacci implementation was used because it does an O(2N) amount of function calls, which is basically the worst case for the tracing implementation. It is also easy to tweak its required running time by changing the argument.

[2] Technically, Haskell only uses interval timers for its single-threaded runtime which multiplexes multiple Haskell threads onto a single operating system thread. There is also a multithreaded runtime for M:N threading but that one uses a timerfd.

[3] If you have such strict timing requirements around your code that you can’t handle a few dozen ms delay, Ruby with an async scheduling framework is a pretty poor fit for your usecase anyway, so this scenario shouldn’t really matter in practice.

[4] In this reddit post the designer of the async framework /u/ioquatix makes the point that this might not actually be a problem in practice.

[5] I also expect “real” asynchronous I/O to gain a lot of popularity in the coming few years through io_uring on Linux and IOCP on Windows.

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