NuGet Gallery | AltCover 7.5.809

 3 years ago
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AltCover 7.5.809

A cross-platform pre-instrumenting code coverage tool set for .net/.net core and Mono

There is a newer version of this package available.
See the version list below for details.

Release Notes

This build from https://github.com/SteveGilham/altcover/tree/f0678549ee015f1fb241c854a6cc4223dbf32168

Q. Never mind the fluff -- how do I get started?

A. Start with the Quick Start guide : https://github.com/SteveGilham/altcover/wiki/QuickStart-Guide

# 7.5.809 (Genbu series release 14)
* [NEW] AltCover.Monitor API to track current coverage from running unit tests.  Current implementation requires `dotnet test`, or other command-line testing with `--defer` set, in which the cumulative visit numbers are available, rather than everything having been dumped to file instead.
* [BUGFIX] In OpenCover format output, only emit `<File />` records relevant to the respective module, not for all source files encountered so far.

# 7.4.808 (Genbu series release 13)
* [BUGFIX] In some use cases, the error `The "AltCover.ContingentCopy" task was not given a value for the required parameter "FileName".` could be provoked by `dotnet test` (Issue #113)
* Extend  to other Build Action types (at least all those that my VS2019 Community Edition was prepared to mention) the "If `/p:AltCoverInPlace` is not `true`, then copy all files in the project included as `<[Action] Include="./[some subdirectory]/..."` with `CopyToOutputDirectory` of `Always` or `PreserveNewest` to the appropriate relative location wrt the intrumented files" behaviour added for the `None` action in the previous release.  File an issue report if you have yet another build action type that you need copying for a not-in-place test scenario.

# 7.4.807 (Genbu series release 12)
* [MAYBE BREAKING] Set `InPlace` default to `false` uniformly across the API
 * Add `dotnet test` command line option `/p:AltCoverInPlace=true|false` (default false)
 * If  `/p:AltCoverInPlace=true` then `/p:AltCoverForce=true` has its pre-v7.3.805 meaning
 * Wire up "InPlace" to the Fake `DotNet.test` driver for the above
 * If `/p:AltCoverInPlace` is not `true`, then copy all files in the project included as `<None Include="./[some subdirectory]/..."` with `CopyToOutputDirectory` of `Always` or `PreserveNewest` to the appropriate relative location wrt the intrumented files
 * **NB** `/p:AltCoverInPlace=true` will not play well with the concurrent instrument-and-test behaviour of `dotnet test [multipletestprojects].sln /p:AltCover="true" --output [commonArtifactsFolder]`
* Allow `--callContext` and `--single` together, which will log at most one visit _per context_ per location, not just one visit per location

# 7.3.806 (Genbu series release 11a)
* [BUGFIX] Handle concurrent instrumentation in the case `dotnet test [multipletestprojects].sln /p:AltCover="true" --output [commonArtifactsFolder]`

# 7.3.805 (Genbu series release 11)
* Extra detection and removal of compiler generated branches in C# `async`/`await` constructs
* Revise the whole `dotnet test` integration
 * Will support SDK versions back at least to v2.1.809, but v2.1.300 is definitely now out of support due to API changes to  the `Microsoft.TestPlatform.Build.Tasks.VSTestTask` task in the interim
 * Rather than copy/instrument back to `$(TargetDir)`/clean and copy-back, now instrument to a new directory and test there; there are now no worries about instrumented code ever being in the actual build artifact output directory
 * `/p:AltCoverForce=true` now simply clears the instrumentation target directory, and gives an informational message only
 * Resolve the instrumentation directory once and only once -- prevents inconsistent handling in the case where command line parameter`--output` redirects `$(TargetDir)` part-way through the process
* Some refactoring and other build process improvements

# 7.3.802 (Genbu series release 10)
* Add a `-q`option for AltCover, given once suppresses informational messages, twice also suppresses warnings and thrice also suppresses errors.  Away from the command line, the option is called `Verbosity`, and is based on `System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel` -- the default level being `Info`, with `Warning`, `Error` and `Off` equivalent to `-q`, `-qq` and `-qqq` respectively.  For the moment `Verbose` is the same as `Info`
* Other minor build process improvements

# 7.2.801 (Genbu series release 9)
* [BUGFIX] Don't `ArgumentNullException` when running the `--callContext` for `async` feature off the build machine
* [BUGFIX] Refactor to avoid "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: AltCover.Recorder.g/" that could occur in some rare circumstances while instrumenting code.
* Other minor build process improvements

# 7.2.800 (Genbu series release 8)
* [BUGFIX] Don't produce invalid IL when `--callContext` indicates a method with a non-`void` return (issue #105, and probably #26 too)
* [BUGFIX] Restore application icons, even if they only show in the `.exe `forms (lost in 7.1.795 if not before)
* [BUGFIX] Add `AltCover` prefix to MSBuild property names `NetCoreEngine`, `NetStdEngine` (global), `InputDirectory` and `OutputDirectory` (target-scoped) in the injected `.targets` file for `dotnet test` integration.
* [BUGFIX] Let the AvaloniaUI based visualizer roll forwards from netcoreapp2.1 onto later runtimes
* Finer-grained control of the coverage summary output
* When `--callContext` indicates an `async` method, then track all calls within the same async flow, and not just in the direct same-thread call stack. **Note** other out-of-thread calls (`Thread.Start`, `Parallel.Invoke`, explict Async-named method invocation, ...) are not tracked.
* Build with net5.0 SDK (modulo work-round for https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/10442) in net5-only environments
 * Still build `AltCover.exe/.dll` against `net472` for framework support, `netcoreapp2.1` for the global tool and `netcoreapp2.0` for everywhere else
 * Still build the GTK2 visualizer against `net472` for consistency
 * Still build the recorder at `net20` and use that assembly everywhere (see F# compiler issue noted above) except where a `net46` version is substituted for tracking through `async` calls
 * Move unit tests to `net5.0`, as they are not public API

# 7.1.795 (Genbu series release 7)
* [BUGFIX] Make LCov tracefile output follow what is actually generated, and not just what the `man` page says
* As well as interfaces, hide other types with no non-abstract methods (e.g. plain enums) in the coverage
* Show the branch in `public int string Ternary(bool select) => !select ? Left : Right;` just like it is shown in `public int Ternary (bool select, int left, int right) { return select ? left : right; }`.
* For  <TrackedMethod /> records, add `entry` and `exit` attributes as semicolon separated lists of the UTC times in ticks at which the method was entered and returns
* For `dotnet test ... /p:AltCoverXmlReport=...` , if the value for the report file path contains one of the following literals
 * $(ProjectName)  
 * $(SolutionDir)  
 * $([System.Guid]::NewGuid())  
 then substitute in the actual values of those build parameters where they haven't already been replaced by MSBuild.
 Example: Using `/p:AltCoverXmlReport=$(SolutionDir)/_Reports/solution.$(ProjectName).xml` with `dotnet test` of a solution to place distinctly named report files in a common folder.
* Rationalise .net versions to help speed up the build and ease the net5.0 transition
 * Clear out some corner case differences between .net core and .net framework builds based on old work-arounds for symbol writing for the instrumented files
 * Build the recorder at `net20` only and use the same assembly everywhere
 * Move all the core logic from `AltCover.exe/.dll` to `AltCover.Engine.dll`
 * Unify the three different entry-point assembly instances into the now shim-like `AltCover.exe/.dll`
 * Build everything against `netstandard2.0` except executable shims and unit tests (tests at `netcoreapp3.0` by default)
 * Build `AltCover.exe/.dll` against `net472` for framework support, `netcoreapp2.1` for the global tool and `netcoreapp2.0` for everywhere else
 * Build the GTK2 visualizer against `net472` for consistency
 * `net472` debug builds for published libraries are retained purely for FxCop consumption
* Collect coverage from unit tests at build time too

# 7.1.783  (Genbu series release 6a)
* [Visualizer-global-tool]
 * [BUGFIX] Don't NRE when cancelling a File Open dialog when Avalonia uses its GTK binding (Linux)
 * Support font selection on Windows natively (monospace fonts only)
 * On non-Windows platforms, if Tcl/Tk `wish` is present, use that to perform font selection (choose wisely)

# 7.1.782  (Genbu series release 6)
* [BUGFIX] Don't throw NRE when encountering an interface with a default method implementation
* Omit interfaces without default method implementations from coverage recording, to match the behaviour of OpenCover (Issue #91)
* [Visualizer-global-tool]
 * Fix the display of branch information on the second and subsequent coverage file loaded in a session
 * Fix the loading of the most recently accessed files list to prune ones that don't now exist
 * other minor tidyings
* [Visualizer-GTK]
 * Make this look more like the Avalonia version
 * Tentative fix for the `About` dialog link-button on non-Windows platforms based partly on the Avalonia code.
 * Keep the GTK3 build in step, even though it's not packaged for release

# 7.1.780  (Genbu series release 5a)
* [Visualizer] Rewritten global tool based on the cross-platform AvaloniaUI toolkit (so no need for all the GTK3 set-up, including the `--schemadir[=path]` command-line parameter)
 * There's no font selection support yet as AvaloniaUI doesn't offer a cross-platform one
 * The colour scheme differs as there's not yet support for selecting a different background brush for text ranges -- covered = blue text
 * line numbers are shown, and are coloured according to any sequence point starting that line

# 7.1.778 (Genbu series release 5)
* [BUGFIX] Address problems revealed in issue #87
 * The collection process now fails gracefully if the XML report is missing or broken
 * `dotnet test` will halt after instrumentation fails, should it do so, rather than continuing to test and process the missing or broken XML report
 * Work round F# issue 9255 by replacing Newtonsoft as the JSON processor with one that can static link

# 7.1.777 (Genbu series release 4)
* [BUGFIX] Fix the GTK2/Framework Visualizer (broken since v6.8.761)
* Multi-monitor support for the Visualizer in all versions; the window will restore to its previous location even when placed on non-primary monitors
* Use integrated MSBuild error reporting in the data collector [used by the `dotnet test` integration](https://github.com/SteveGilham/altcover/wiki/The-AltCover-data-collector-and-%60dotnet-test%60).

# 7.1.776 (Genbu series release 3)
* [BUGFIX] Set the `visited` attribute and CRAP score accordingly for methods with no sequence points, if the method is recorded as having been visted at all.
* [BUGFIX] Exclude CRAP score for methods with no sequence points from the min/max summary values for the containing type and above (just as such methods aren't counted for the other roll-up quantities)
* Emit CRAP score values in the OpenCover style summary
* Distinguish between methods with source and no source in the threshold computations, the option to select the alternative measures (AM, AC) that include the no-source methods.  Extend the `TypeSafe.Thresholds` record type with the coresponding  extra fields.
* On a threshold violation, always report that via return code by preference to any non-zero process value.

# 7.0.773 (Genbu series release 2)
* [BUGFIX] Compute CRAP score for unvisited methods too (and add it to the higher level summary items)
* Add `TypeSafe.Filters.Join` to compute the concatenation of a `TypeSafe.FilterItems seq` to an existing `TypeSafe.Filters` instance.  Strict SemVer would bump the minor version at this point, but given the short time since the initial 7.0 release, I doubt the dust has settled fully yet.

# 7.0.770/771 (Genbu series release 1)
* There are functional changes (fixes and enhancements from the previous pre-release)
* [BUGFIX] Don't automatically exclude C# inner functions (and other `[CompilerGenerated]`) from coverage.
* [BREAKING; Command Line] Option `--defer` now takes no arguments; there is no use-case for the `--defer:-` so that and the redundant `--defer:+` are gone
* [BREAKING; MSBuild tasks] `AltCover.Prepare.Defer` defaults to `true`; in `dotnet test`, as the value is overridden (effectively forced true), this has no effect.
* [BREAKING; PowerShell] rename and generalise `Format-FromCoverletOpenCover` as `Write-OpenCoverDerivedState`
* [BREAKING; API] Rationalise and rename across most parts of the API, above and beyond the pre-release; remove `CSApi` as a separate assembly, with the main `AltCover` assembly publishing that part of the C# callable API, and split `FSApi` into `Toolkit` for PowerShell support and `DotNet` for `dotnet test` support.
* Add `--attributetoplevel`, `--typetoplevel`  and `--methodtoplevel` command line options (and equivalents) to allow inner classes or functions to be included in coverage independently their containing class or function.
* Revise/update/fix the Wiki API pages, help-text and the like
* Autogenerate more of the documentation

# 7.0.766-pre (Genbu series release pre-1)

* There should not be any functional changes before a full 7.0 release; the pre-release is just to ensure I'm happy with the API before freezing it for 7.x
* [BREAKING] Replace the `--opencover` command line argument and its equivalents with `--reportFormat=...` defaulting to `OpenCover` and currently also accepting `NCover`
* [BREAKING; dotnet tool] Remove the deprecated `altcover.dotnet` package with the old-style `DotNetCliToolReference` Tool
* [BREAKING; API] Rename the `AltCover_Fake` namespace to `AltCoverFake`, because it's simpler that way
* [BREAKING; API] Remove obsolete APIs previously marked as `[Obsolete]`
* [BREAKING; API] Rationalise and rename across most parts of the API
* [BREAKING; API, PowerShell] PowerShell cmdlets and the supporting API are now all `XDocument` based
* [BREAKING; PowerShell] Make the `Invoke-AltCover -ShowStatic` parameter take only the typesafe `enum`
* [Documentation] Completely revise the API documentation in [the wiki](https://github.com/SteveGilham/altcover/wiki)
* [PowerShell]`Add-Accelerator` and `Get-Accelerator` cmdlets to write and read new type accelerators e.g. `[xdoc]` for `System.Xml.Linq.XDocument`
*  `--zipfile` command line option (and equivalents) to put the coverage report into a `.zip` archive
* `--methodpoint` command line option (and equivalents) to restrict visit reporting to just the method level
* extend `--threshold` command line option (and equivalents) to allow minimum branch or method coverage, and maximum CRAP score
* [Global tool] `TargetsPath` command line option for the global `altcover` tool to report where the associated `.targets` file is located (as it can't be `dotnet add`ed to a project)

For previous releases (6.x.x and earlier) [go here](https://github.com/SteveGilham/altcover/blob/master/ReleaseNotes%20-%20Previously.md)


This package has no dependencies.

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Version History

Version Downloads Last updated 7.6.812 2,300 20 days ago

7.5.809 812 a month ago

7.4.808 774 a month ago

7.3.806 360 a month ago

7.3.805 322 a month ago

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