基于Redis Cluster的分布式锁实现以互斥方式操作共享资源

 3 years ago
source link: https://tonybai.com/2021/02/13/operate-with-shared-resources-in-a-mutually-exclusive-way-through-distributed-lock-implemented-by-redis-cluster/
Go to the source link to view the article. You can view the picture content, updated content and better typesetting reading experience. If the link is broken, please click the button below to view the snapshot at that time.
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很显然,这里涉及到一个选主(leader election)的过程。每当涉及选主,很多人就会想到一些高大上的分布式一致性/共识算法,

比如: raftpaxos 等。当然使用这


Redis原生并没有提供leader election算法,但Redis作者提供了 分布式锁的算法 ,也就>是说我们可以用分布式锁来实现一个简单的选主功能,见下图:




1. 基于单节点redis的分布式锁

在redis官方 有关分布式锁算法的介绍页面 中,作者给出了各种编程语言的推荐实现,而Go语言的推荐实现仅 redsync 这一种。在这篇短文中,我们就来使用redsync实现基于Redis分布式锁的选主方案。

在Go生态中,连接和操作redis的主流go客户端库有 go-redisredigo 。最新的redsync版本底层redis driver既支持go-redis,也支持redigo,我个人日常使用最多的是go-redis这个客户端,这里我们就用go-redis。

redsync github主页中给出的例子是基于单redis node的分布式锁示例。下面我们也先以单redis节点来看看如何通过Redis的分布式锁实现我们的业务逻辑:

// github.com/bigwhite/experiments/blob/master/redis-cluster-distributed-lock/standalone/main.go

     1  package main
     3  import (
     4      "context"
     5      "log"
     6      "os"
     7      "os/signal"
     8      "sync"
     9      "sync/atomic"
    10      "syscall"
    11      "time"
    13      goredislib "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8"
    14      "github.com/go-redsync/redsync/v4"
    15      "github.com/go-redsync/redsync/v4/redis/goredis/v8"
    16  )
    18  const (
    19      redisKeyExpiredEventSubj = `__keyevent@0__:expired`
    20  )
    22  var (
    23      isLeader  int64
    24      m         atomic.Value
    25      id        string
    26      mutexName = "the-year-of-the-ox-2021"
    27  )
    29  func init() {
    30      if len(os.Args) < 2 {
    31          panic("args number is not correct")
    32      }
    33      id = os.Args[1]
    34  }
    36  func tryToBecomeLeader() (bool, func() (bool, error), error) {
    37      client := goredislib.NewClient(&goredislib.Options{
    38          Addr: "localhost:6379",
    39      })
    40      pool := goredis.NewPool(client)
    41      rs := redsync.New(pool)
    43      mutex := rs.NewMutex(mutexName)
    45      if err := mutex.Lock(); err != nil {
    46          client.Close()
    47          return false, nil, err
    48      }
    50      return true, func() (bool, error) {
    51          return mutex.Unlock()
    52      }, nil
    53  }
    55  func doElectionAndMaintainTheStatus(quit <-chan struct{}) {
    56      ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)
    57      var err error
    58      var ok bool
    59      var cf func() (bool, error)
    61      c := goredislib.NewClient(&goredislib.Options{
    62          Addr: "localhost:6379",
    63      })
    64      defer c.Close()
    65      for {
    66          select {
    67          case <-ticker.C:
    68              if atomic.LoadInt64(&isLeader) == 0 {
    69                  ok, cf, err = tryToBecomeLeader()
    70                  if ok {
    71                      log.Printf("prog-%s become leader successfully\n", id)
    72                      atomic.StoreInt64(&isLeader, 1)
    73                      defer cf()
    74                  }
    75                  if !ok || err != nil {
    76                      log.Printf("prog-%s try to become leader failed: %s\n", id, err)
    77                  }
    78              } else {
    79                  log.Printf("prog-%s is the leader\n", id)
    80                  // update the lock live time and maintain the leader status
    81                  c.Expire(context.Background(), mutexName, 8*time.Second)
    82              }
    83          case <-quit:
    84              return
    85          }
    86      }
    87  }
    89  func doExpire(quit <-chan struct{}) {
    90      // subscribe the expire event of redis
    91      c := goredislib.NewClient(&goredislib.Options{
    92          Addr: "localhost:6379"})
    93      defer c.Close()
    95      ctx := context.Background()
    96      pubsub := c.Subscribe(ctx, redisKeyExpiredEventSubj)
    97      _, err := pubsub.Receive(ctx)
    98      if err != nil {
    99          log.Printf("prog-%s subscribe expire event failed: %s\n", id, err)
   100          return
   101      }
   102      log.Printf("prog-%s subscribe expire event ok\n", id)
   104      // Go channel which receives messages from redis db
   105      ch := pubsub.Channel()
   106      for {
   107          select {
   108          case event := <-ch:
   109              key := event.Payload
   110              if atomic.LoadInt64(&isLeader) == 0 {
   111                  break
   112              }
   113              log.Printf("prog-%s 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:%s]", id, key)
   114          case <-quit:
   115              return
   116          }
   117      }
   118  }
   120  func main() {
   121      var wg sync.WaitGroup
   122      wg.Add(2)
   123      var quit = make(chan struct{})
   125      go func() {
   126          doElectionAndMaintainTheStatus(quit)
   127          wg.Done()
   128      }()
   129      go func() {
   130          doExpire(quit)
   131          wg.Done()
   132      }()
   134      c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
   135      signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
   136      _ = <-c
   137      close(quit)
   138      log.Printf("recv exit signal...")
   139      wg.Wait()
   140      log.Printf("program exit ok")
   141  }


首先,我们看 120~141行 的main函数结构。在这个函数中,我们创建了两个新goroutine,main goroutine通过sync.WaitGroup等待这两个子goroutine的退出并使用quit channel模式(关于goroutine的并发模式的详解,可以参考我的专栏文章 《Go并发模型和常见并发模式》 )在收到系统信号(关于signal包的使用,请参见我的专栏文章 《小心被kill!不要忽略对系统信号的处理》 )后通知两个子goroutine退出。


尝试持有分布式锁并成为leader是tryToBecomeLeader函数的主要职责,该函数直接使用了redsync包的算法,并利用与redis node建立的连接(NewClient),尝试建立并持有分布式锁“the-year-of-the-ox-2021”。我们使用的是默认的锁属性,从redsync包的NewMutex方法源码,我们能看到锁默认属性如下:

// github.com/go-redsync/redsync/redsync.go

// NewMutex returns a new distributed mutex with given name.
func (r *Redsync) NewMutex(name string, options ...Option) *Mutex {
        m := &Mutex{
                name:         name,
                expiry:       8 * time.Second,
                tries:        32,
                delayFunc:    func(tries int) time.Duration { return 500 * time.Millisecond },
                genValueFunc: genValue,
                factor:       0.01,
                quorum:       len(r.pools)/2 + 1,
                pools:        r.pools,
        for _, o := range options {
        return m



  • 方案1:将锁的expiry设置的很长,长到一旦某个服务持有了锁,不需担心锁过期的问题;
  • 方案2:在所的默认expiry到期之前解锁,所有服务重新竞争锁;
  • 方案3:一旦某个服务持有了锁,则需要定期重设锁的expiry时间,保证锁不会过期,直到该服务主动执行unlock。





最后,我们说说这段示例承载的业务逻辑(doExpire函数)。真正的业务逻辑由doExpire函数实现。它通过监听redis 0号库的key空间的过期事件实现对目标key的过期处理(这里并未体现这一点)。

subscribe的subject字符串为 keyevent@0 :expired ,这个字符串的组成含义可以参考 redis官方对notifications的说明 ,这里的字串表明我们要监听key事件,在0号数据库,事件类型是key过期。


在默认配置下, redis的通知功能处于关闭状态。我们需要通过命令或在redis.conf中开启这一功能。

$redis-cli> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx


$go build main.go
$./main 1
$./main 2
$./main 3

由于 ./main 1 先启动,因此第一个启动的服务一般会先成为leader:

$main 1
2021/02/11 05:43:15 prog-1 subscribe expire event ok
2021/02/11 05:43:20 prog-1 become leader successfully
2021/02/11 05:43:25 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 05:43:30 prog-1 is the leader


$main 2
2021/02/11 05:43:17 prog-2 subscribe expire event ok
2021/02/11 05:43:37 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 05:43:53 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock

$main 3
2021/02/11 05:43:18 prog-3 subscribe expire event ok
2021/02/11 05:43:38 prog-3 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 05:43:54 prog-3 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock


$redis-cli> setex key1 5 value1


2021/02/11 05:43:50 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 05:43:53 prog-1 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key1]
2021/02/11 05:43:55 prog-1 is the leader


2021/02/11 05:44:00 prog-1 is the leader
^C2021/02/11 05:44:01 recv exit signal...
redis: 2021/02/11 05:44:01 pubsub.go:168: redis: discarding bad PubSub connection: read tcp [::1]:56594->[::1]:6379: use of closed network connection
2021/02/11 05:44:01 program exit ok


2021/02/11 05:44:01 prog-2 become leader successfully
2021/02/11 05:44:01 prog-2 is the leader


$redis-cli> setex key2 5 value2


2021/02/11 05:44:17 prog-2 is the leader
2021/02/11 05:44:19 prog-2 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key2]
2021/02/11 05:44:22 prog-2 is the leader


2. 基于redis集群的分布式锁


最新的 redsync已经支持了redis cluster(基于go-redis) 。和单节点唯一不同的是,我们传递给redsync的pool所使用的与redis的连接由Client类型变为了ClusterClient类型:

// github.com/bigwhite/experiments/blob/master/redis-cluster-distributed-lock/cluster/v1/main.go
const (
        redisClusterMasters      = "localhost:30001,localhost:30002,localhost:30003"

func main() {
    ... ...
        client := goredislib.NewClusterClient(&goredislib.ClusterOptions{
                Addrs: strings.Split(redisClusterMasters, ",")})
        defer client.Close()
    ... ...

我们在本地启动的redis cluster,三个master的地址分别为:localhost:30001、localhost:30002和localhost:30003。我们将master的地址组成一个逗号分隔的常量redisClusterMasters。


// github.com/bigwhite/experiments/blob/master/redis-cluster-distributed-lock/cluster/v1/main.go

     1  package main
     3  import (
     4      "context"
     5      "log"
     6      "os"
     7      "os/signal"
     8      "strings"
     9      "sync"
    10      "sync/atomic"
    11      "syscall"
    12      "time"
    14      goredislib "github.com/go-redis/redis/v8"
    15      "github.com/go-redsync/redsync/v4"
    16      "github.com/go-redsync/redsync/v4/redis/goredis/v8"
    17  )
    19  const (
    20      redisKeyExpiredEventSubj = `__keyevent@0__:expired`
    21      redisClusterMasters      = "localhost:30001,localhost:30002,localhost:30003"
    22  )
    24  var (
    25      isLeader  int64
    26      m         atomic.Value
    27      id        string
    28      mutexName = "the-year-of-the-ox-2021"
    29  )
    31  func init() {
    32      if len(os.Args) < 2 {
    33          panic("args number is not correct")
    34      }
    35      id = os.Args[1]
    36  }
    38  func tryToBecomeLeader(client *goredislib.ClusterClient) (bool, func() (bool, error), error) {
    39      pool := goredis.NewPool(client)
    40      rs := redsync.New(pool)
    42      mutex := rs.NewMutex(mutexName)
    44      if err := mutex.Lock(); err != nil {
    45          return false, nil, err
    46      }
    48      return true, func() (bool, error) {
    49          return mutex.Unlock()
    50      }, nil
    51  }
    53  func doElectionAndMaintainTheStatus(c *goredislib.ClusterClient, quit <-chan struct{}) {
    54      ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 5)
    55      var err error
    56      var ok bool
    57      var cf func() (bool, error)
    59      for {
    60          select {
    61          case <-ticker.C:
    62              if atomic.LoadInt64(&isLeader) == 0 {
    63                  ok, cf, err = tryToBecomeLeader(c)
    64                  if ok {
    65                      log.Printf("prog-%s become leader successfully\n", id)
    66                      atomic.StoreInt64(&isLeader, 1)
    67                      defer cf()
    68                  }
    69                  if !ok || err != nil {
    70                      log.Printf("prog-%s try to become leader failed: %s\n", id, err)
    71                  }
    72              } else {
    73                  log.Printf("prog-%s is the leader\n", id)
    74                  // update the lock live time and maintain the leader status
    75                  c.Expire(context.Background(), mutexName, 8*time.Second)
    76              }
    77          case <-quit:
    78              return
    79          }
    80      }
    81  }
    83  func doExpire(c *goredislib.ClusterClient, quit <-chan struct{}) {
    84      // subscribe the expire event of redis
    85      ctx := context.Background()
    86      pubsub := c.Subscribe(ctx, redisKeyExpiredEventSubj)
    87      _, err := pubsub.Receive(ctx)
    88      if err != nil {
    89          log.Printf("prog-%s subscribe expire event failed: %s\n", id, err)
    90          return
    91      }
    92      log.Printf("prog-%s subscribe expire event ok\n", id)
    94      // Go channel which receives messages from redis db
    95      ch := pubsub.Channel()
    96      for {
    97          select {
    98          case event := <-ch:
    99              key := event.Payload
   100              if atomic.LoadInt64(&isLeader) == 0 {
   101                  break
   102              }
   103              log.Printf("prog-%s 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:%s]", id, key)
   104          case <-quit:
   105              return
   106          }
   107      }
   108  }
   110  func main() {
   111      var wg sync.WaitGroup
   112      wg.Add(2)
   113      var quit = make(chan struct{})
   114      client := goredislib.NewClusterClient(&goredislib.ClusterOptions{
   115          Addrs: strings.Split(redisClusterMasters, ",")})
   116      defer client.Close()
   118      go func() {
   119          doElectionAndMaintainTheStatus(client, quit)
   120          wg.Done()
   121      }()
   122      go func() {
   123          doExpire(client, quit)
   124          wg.Done()
   125      }()
   127      c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
   128      signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
   129      _ = <-c
   130      close(quit)
   131      log.Printf("recv exit signal...")
   132      wg.Wait()
   133      log.Printf("program exit ok")
   134  }


$go build main.go
$main 1
2021/02/11 09:49:16 prog-1 subscribe expire event ok
2021/02/11 09:49:22 prog-1 become leader successfully
2021/02/11 09:49:26 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 09:49:31 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 09:49:36 prog-1 is the leader
... ...

$main 2
2021/02/11 09:49:19 prog-2 subscribe expire event ok
2021/02/11 09:49:40 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 09:49:55 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
... ...

$main 3
2021/02/11 09:49:31 prog-3 subscribe expire event ok
2021/02/11 09:49:52 prog-3 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 09:50:07 prog-3 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
... ...

我们看到基于Redis集群版的分布式锁也生效了!prog-1成功持有锁并成为leader! 接下来我们再来看看对过期key事件的处理!



$redis-cli -c -h localhost -p 30001
localhost:30001> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx

$redis-cli -c -h localhost -p 30002
localhost:30002> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx

$redis-cli -c -h localhost -p 30003
localhost:30003> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx


$redis-cli -c -h localhost -p 30004
localhost:30004> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx

$redis-cli -c -h localhost -p 30005
localhost:30005> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx

$redis-cli -c -h localhost -p 30006
localhost:30006> config set notify-keyspace-events KEx


localhost:30001> setex key1 5 value1
-> Redirected to slot [9189] located at

等待5s后,我们的leader:prog-1 并没有如预期那样受到expire通知! 这是怎么回事呢?追本溯源,我们查看一下 redis官方文档关于notifications的说明 ,我们在文档最后一段找到如下描述:

Events in a cluster

Every node of a Redis cluster generates events about its own subset of the keyspace as described above. However, unlike regular Pub/Sub communication in a cluster, events' notifications are not broadcasted to all nodes. Put differently, keyspace events are node-specific. This means that to receive all keyspace events of a cluster, clients need to subscribe to each of the nodes.

这段话大致意思是Redis集群中的每个redis node都有自己的keyspace,事件通知不会被广播到集群内的所有节点,即keyspace的事件是node相关的。如果要接收一个集群中的所有keyspace的event,那客户端就需要Subcribe集群内的所有节点。我们来改一下代码,形成v2版(考虑到篇幅就不列出所有代码了,仅列出相对于v1版变化的代码):

// github.com/bigwhite/experiments/blob/master/redis-cluster-distributed-lock/cluster/v2/main.go

... ...
    19  const (
    20      redisKeyExpiredEventSubj = `__keyevent@0__:expired`
    21      redisClusterMasters      = "localhost:30001,localhost:30002,localhost:30003,localhost:30004,localhost:30005,localhost:30006"
    22  )
... ...
    83  func doExpire(quit <-chan struct{}) {
    84      var ch = make(chan *goredislib.Message)
    85      nodes := strings.Split(redisClusterMasters, ",")
    87      for _, node := range nodes {
    88          node := node
    89          go func(quit <-chan struct{}) {
    90              c := goredislib.NewClient(&goredislib.Options{
    91                  Addr: node})
    92              defer c.Close()
    94              // subscribe the expire event of redis
    95              ctx := context.Background()
    96              pubsub := c.Subscribe(ctx, redisKeyExpiredEventSubj)
    97              _, err := pubsub.Receive(ctx)
    98              if err != nil {
    99                  log.Printf("prog-%s subscribe expire event of node[%s] failed: %s\n",
   100                      id, node, err)
   101                  return
   102              }
   103              log.Printf("prog-%s subscribe expire event of node[%s] ok\n", id, node)
   105              // Go channel which receives messages from redis db
   106              pch := pubsub.Channel()
   108              for {
   109                  select {
   110                  case event := <-pch:
   111                      ch <- event
   112                  case <-quit:
   113                      return
   114                  }
   115              }
   116          }(quit)
   117      }
   118      for {
   119          select {
   120          case event := <-ch:
   121              key := event.Payload
   122              if atomic.LoadInt64(&isLeader) == 0 {
   123                  break
   124              }
   125              log.Printf("prog-%s 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:%s]", id, key)
   126          case <-quit:
   127              return
   128          }
   129      }
   130  }
   132  func main() {
   133      var wg sync.WaitGroup
   134      wg.Add(2)
   135      var quit = make(chan struct{})
   136      client := goredislib.NewClusterClient(&goredislib.ClusterOptions{
   137          Addrs: strings.Split(redisClusterMasters, ",")})
   138      defer client.Close()
   140      go func() {
   141          doElectionAndMaintainTheStatus(client, quit)
   142          wg.Done()
   143      }()
   144      go func() {
   145          doExpire(quit)
   146          wg.Done()
   147      }()
   149      c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
   150      signal.Notify(c, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
   151      _ = <-c
   152      close(quit)
   153      log.Printf("recv exit signal...")
   154      wg.Wait()
   155      log.Printf("program exit ok")
   156  }

在这个新版代码中,我们在每个新goroutine中实现对redis一个节点的Subscribe,并将收到的Event notifications通过“扇入”模式(更多关于并发扇入模式的内容,可以参考我的Go技术专栏文章 《Go并发模型和常见并发模式》 )统一写入到运行doExpire的goroutine中做统一处理。


$main 1
2021/02/11 10:29:21 prog-1 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30004] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:21 prog-1 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30001] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:21 prog-1 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30006] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:21 prog-1 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30002] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:21 prog-1 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30003] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:21 prog-1 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30005] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:26 prog-1 become leader successfully
2021/02/11 10:29:31 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:29:36 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:29:41 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:29:46 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:29:47 prog-1 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key1]
2021/02/11 10:29:51 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:29:51 prog-1 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key2]
2021/02/11 10:29:56 prog-1 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key3]
2021/02/11 10:29:56 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:01 prog-1 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:06 prog-1 is the leader
^C2021/02/11 10:30:08 recv exit signal...

$main 3
2021/02/11 10:29:27 prog-3 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30004] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:27 prog-3 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30006] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:27 prog-3 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30002] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:27 prog-3 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30001] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:27 prog-3 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30005] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:27 prog-3 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30003] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:48 prog-3 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 10:30:03 prog-3 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 10:30:08 prog-3 become leader successfully
2021/02/11 10:30:08 prog-3 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:12 prog-3 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:17 prog-3 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:22 prog-3 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:23 prog-3 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key4]
2021/02/11 10:30:27 prog-3 is the leader
^C2021/02/11 10:30:28 recv exit signal...

$main 2
2021/02/11 10:29:24 prog-2 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30005] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:24 prog-2 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30006] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:24 prog-2 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30003] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:24 prog-2 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30004] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:24 prog-2 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30002] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:24 prog-2 subscribe expire event of node[localhost:30001] ok
2021/02/11 10:29:45 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 10:30:01 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 10:30:16 prog-2 try to become leader failed: redsync: failed to acquire lock
2021/02/11 10:30:28 prog-2 become leader successfully
2021/02/11 10:30:28 prog-2 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:29 prog-2 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:34 prog-2 is the leader
2021/02/11 10:30:39 prog-2 收到并处理一条过期消息[key:key5]
2021/02/11 10:30:39 prog-2 is the leader
^C2021/02/11 10:30:41 recv exit signal...


不过这个方案显然也不是那么理想,毕竟我们要单独Subscribe每个集群内的redis节点,目前没有理想方案,除非redis cluster支持带广播的Event notification。

以上示例代码可以在 这里 https://github.com/bigwhite/experiments/tree/master/redis-cluster-distributed-lock 下载 。



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