Reset Australia says 'Google’s egregious threats prove regulation is long overdu...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.itwire.com/technology-regulation/reset-australia-says-google%E2%80%99s-egregious-threats-prove-regulation-is-long-overdue.html
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Friday, 22 January 2021 14:09

Reset Australia says 'Google’s egregious threats prove regulation is long overdue' Featured

By Alex Zaharov-Reutt

Although Google has come to a deal to pay French publishers for news. Google Australia is threatening to withdraw Google Search and services from Australia, with Reset Australia's Chris Cooper suggesting regulation is the answer.

As noted in colleague Sam Varghese's article entitled: "Google signs French deal to pay newspapers for snippets", French authorities have signed an agreement with Google for the search company to pay publishers for the use of news snippets in search results.

Sam's article has details of the agreement, as well a link to his story on Australia's effort to get Google to pay having progressed to a Parliamentary Senate hearing.

His story about Google's unwillingness to accept Australia's desires is here.

Google Australia's MD, Mel Silva, has laid out her case in an open letter (including a video statement) here, as well as linking to Silva's statement at the Senate hearing, here.

In response, Chris Cooper, executive director, Reset Australia said:

“Today's egregious threats show Google has the body of behemoth, but the brain of brat.

“When a private corporation tries to use its monopoly power to threaten and bully a sovereign nation, it's a surefire sign that regulation is long overdue.

“Internet search is necessary for society and the economy. Google enjoys the enormous advantage of being a giant in the space, but thinks it can eschew the responsibility. That's just not how things should work.

"Google runs a service that is enmeshed in the day-to-day running of society. Energy companies, transport companies, logistic enterprises – all are heavily regulated and respect that this is part of their license to operate.

“The Australian Government needs to stand firm and set an example for governments around the world.

“In democracies it is the people who set the rules for corporations, not the other way around,” Cooper concluded.

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