Best destinations for partying in the world, 2021

 3 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2020/12/08/best-destinations-for-partying-in-the-world-2021/
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Best destinations for partying in the world, 2021

We know the time we live in has left us with a feeling of uncertainty, and we tend to be in the mood of cocooning and staying at home all the time. Covid-19 has given us the opportunity to relax in the house and avoid all the stress from the traffic. Still, don’t you think it’s high time we started going for fun? At some point, all this is going to calm, and we will be ready to go out and have fun again.

The ideal places for relaxation will not be that necessary for a small amount of time. Even if you don’t feel like getting crazy, you can go to a party and see if your mood changes. If not, that’s fine.

Nowadays, we need to have fun and get with people more than ever, and what a better way than going for a trip to any city with the title of a fiesta-place? Trust us; there is a plethora of places to choose from. In this article, we gathered some exciting suggestions on where to go to escape the disease-atmosphere that we get every day from the media, just for a little while.

  1. Florianopolis, Brazil
    Brazil is known for its warm people and weather. Let’s face it; Latin America is famous for its party mood. The good news about Brazil is that the period between October to January is warm in Florianopolis. Coronavirus will not be spread as rapidly as in the northern countries, and at the same time, you will have the chance to enjoy it. Although the city is in Brazil, it is rather safe to stay here, and this is why it is included in our suggestions. The golden rule to stay safe no matter where you are in the world is: Don’t do things you wouldn’t do at home.
  2. Bangkok, Thailand
    Bangkok in Thailand is an excellent place to party, easily accessible by plane since it often has flights. What you will love here is the ability to spend quality time inside the city area without having to explore all the island. The city is full of bars and clubs, and at the same time, it gives you the opportunity to take a quick cruise at the Chao Phraya river for less than $1. At Khao San Road and Soi Rambuttri, you will mix with the local population and other travelers to taste food and unique drinks.
  3. Barcelona, Spain
    Barcelona is one of the wealthiest cities in Spain. A lot of its wealthiness is related to the tourist industry and the fact that it has been the home of several sports stars, such as Christiano Ronaldo. Walk down the ”Las Ramblas” and shop for an original T-shirt of the Barcelona team. The colorful streets and the playful building of Gaudi are just an introduction to nightlife. We love Barcelona because, during a typical walk in the center at night time, you will see Spanish people drinking while they have to wake up early the next morning to go to work.
  4. Cancun, Mexico
    Right in Central America, you can pay a visit to Cancun, Mexico. The city is trendy to American tourists because it is really close to the United States. It is the alternative of Miami, in Mexico. It is super fun, and it has all kinds of crazy stuff to do, such as taking a taco tour or having cooking lessons. The warm weather allows people to stay out during the night without having to get into closed areas full of people. Salsa and well-respected DJs are playing their music all year long.
  5. Mykonos, Greece
    Mykonos is what we would call a must for the partying culture. It is an expensive option, and the tourists who pick this island are always wealthy. Apart from the numerous clubs you can go out to at night to have fun, Mykonos has plenty of options to party while you are at the beach, Cavo Paradiso being the most famous. If you intend to go to Greece for partying you’d better choose the summer months. From April to October, the weather will be warm enough. Mykonos will be overcrowded during July and August, so we advise you to avoid these two months.

Written by Anna Siampani.

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