Tom Clancy, but real: the eerie parallels between the US Capitol riots and The D...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/authors/tom-clancy-real-eerie-parallels-us-capitol-riots-division/
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Tom Clancy, but real: the eerie parallels between the US Capitol riots and The Division

A group of extremist 'true patriots' storming Capitol Hill during a pandemic? To fans of one 2019 video game, this all seemed very familiar

By Jake Kerridge

7 January 2021 • 5:01pm

A scene from the game Tom Clancy's The Division 2

A scene from the game Tom Clancy's The Division 2

There can’t be many people who failed to find themselves transfixed by Wednesday’s footage of the horrifying, epoch-defining siege at the Capitol Building. And yet there is one demographic who may have watched the mayhem unfold with a slightly blasé sense of having seen it all before: gamers. ...

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