Exclusive: Online harms laws in danger of being watered down in US trade talks,...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2021/01/12/exclusiveonline-harms-laws-danger-watered-us-trade-talks-government/
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Exclusive: Online harms laws in danger of being watered down in US trade talks, Government warned

International Trade Secretary urged to give assurances that final deal will not give US tech giants immunity from UK online regulation

By Mike Wright

12 January 2021 • 9:00pm

Jeremy Wright and Karen Bradley put their names to the letter to Liz Truss

Jeremy Wright and Karen Bradley put their names to the letter to Liz Truss

Credit: David Cliff/NurPhoto/via Getty Images

Online harms laws are at risk of being watered down in US trade negotiations, two former culture secretaries have warned the Government....

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