Released: SSRS and SSAS Management Packs (

 3 years ago
source link: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/sql-server/released-ssrs-and-ssas-management-packs-7-0-29-0/ba-p/2028921?WT_mc_id=DOP-MVP-4025064
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Released: SSRS and SSAS Management Packs (

There is a new release of SQL Server Analysis and Reporting Services Management Packs ( These management packs can be used to monitor SQL Server Analysis Services and SQL Server Reporting Services versions 2012 and up as well as Power BI Report Server.

Please download at:

Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server Analysis Services

Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server Reporting Services

SSAS MP Changelog

  • Improved performance of partition discovery for multidimensional databases
  • Updated and improved SCOM 2019 HTML Dashboards to represent SSAS objects

SSRS MP Changelog

  • Updated and improved SCOM 2019 HTML Dashboards to represent SSRS objects
  • Updated alert description of Report Manager Accessible & Web Service Accessible monitors

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