Why Florida is the best state to retire and where you should go

 3 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2021/01/04/why-florida-is-the-best-state-to-retire-and-where-you-should-go/
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Why Florida is the best state to retire and where you should go

According to lots of analysts, few are the states that are exciting choices for people who want to live everyday life and retire. The ranking has been made, taking into consideration quality of life, the value of living there, and people’s desire to live there. Getting older and free from all kinds of obligations give people the chance to enjoy and finally live the life they want. Believe it or not, past research has shown that people are most happy when they reach the age of 65 approximately and they retire. This has to do with the fact they have probably accomplished most of their goals like having a family and enjoying a successful career. Even those who haven’t done so well are now free to live as they please since they probably realize that they don’t have much time to achieve other goals. Therefore, that age is the most stress-free for most of us. At that point, perhaps you want to focus on where to spend the rest of your life with anyone who you may consider a beloved person.

Other places in the United States

Florida is the queen of retirement, but there are also other places elders prefer to spend the last decades of their lives. For your reference, we have a name dropping of some of the other states and cities on the list. Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas-Fort Worth of Texas are considered to be some decent choices for those who want to enjoy a carefree life. In North Carolina, there are Asheville and Charlotte, while in Tennessee, people seem to prefer Nashville and Chattanooga. Michigan has another two choices for retired people; it is Ann Arbor and Grand Rapids, and South Carolina has the options of Myrtle Beach and Charleston, which is also a tourist place. Last but not least, let us not forget Lancaster of Pennsylvania, Manchester in New Hampshire, and Salisbury of Maryland.

Why Florida is so amazing

Florida is in the South-East part of the United States, facing the Atlantic Ocean. Its privileged position gives the state access to the Caribbean Sea, where the waters are calm and warm. As the state is closer to the equator compared to the North part of the US, it has a warm and friendly climate all year long. Especially for older people, this is rather important, since they seem to be more flexible when they don’t freeze from cold. People who are retired get to have a lot of free time, and they search for places where they can take advantage of that time. It is vital for them to be able to go swimming. The warm weather allows them to be close to nature in general, and this is what makes weather so crucial for them. The climate has an impact on people’s psychology as well as the vegetation. The tall palm trees and the tourist attraction seem to have a positive effect on mental health, which is so vital for those who retire. It is what we call “life quality.” Tourists from all over America and the world come to Florida to pay a visit not only in the summer but during the winter months as well. This adds a note of carefreeness and excitement to the state. At the same time, the place is more affordable compared to other states like California, where prices are always high. Plus, its location gives quick access to other fun places like Mexico, Jamaica, and Cuba.


Sarasota is considered to be the best place to retire in the United States and the second-best place to live in Florida. The city has award-winning beaches and is a home for many celebrities.

Fort Myers

Fort Myers is a midsize metro area with lovely museums and theaters. It was in the early 1900s that the place started growing, and ever since, it follows a steady and slow pace of development.

Port St. Lucie

This place is a little bit more expensive compared to other areas in Florida, but still more affordable than other metro areas of the same size. It also has luxurious spas and all-inclusive resorts, attracting wealthy and exciting people.


Naples is considered to be the best place to live in Florida and the fourth best place to retire. This is mainly associated with promising job opportunities. Thankfully, the existence of ambitious working young people gives a sense of freshness to Naples.


Last on our list is Ocala, an area full of horse farms also known as the “Horse Capital of the World,” and a perfect destination for those who enjoy horse riding. The city is growing really fast, but it does not miss the calmness of a small town. Its historic downtown and Victorian architecture make the place a paradise to retire to.


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