VDI Calculator v7.4 Update - myvirtualcloud.net

 3 years ago
source link: https://myvirtualcloud.net/vdi-calculator-v7-4-update/
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VDI Calculator v7.4 Update

  • 12/20/2017


This is a minor update to the VDI Calculator, just adding capability and support for Intel Xeon processors with 20 cores. I’m adding that mostly because Datrium now has a Compute Node (CN) that supports Intel Xeon Gold 6148, 20 cores/socket, 2.4GHz (specs). That said this new option provides support for any hardware from any vendor supporting 20 core processors.

Perhaps check out the latest significant changes to the VDI calculator (VDI Calculator v7 Now Available w/ major changes)

How-to-Use Guide – The How-to-Use guide has been updated to include all the recent changes, and an FAQ section has also been included. Access the guide here.

To access the new VDI calculator click here.

This article was first published by Andre Leibovici (@andreleibovici) at myvirtualcloud.net.

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