Podcast: Answering your questions on the PS5, foldable PCs and more!

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.engadget.com/engadget-podcast-qa-ps5-foldables-181209877.html
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Podcast: Answering your questions on the PS5, foldable PCs and more!

And we dive into what we'd like to see in 2021.

For the last episode of 2020, Cherlynn and Devindra answer a slew of listener questions, covering everything from when to buy a PlayStation 5 to the future of folding PCs. We also look back at the best moments of covering tech throughout the year (which mostly involve this podcast). And of course, we can’t help but dream about what we’d like to see in 2021, when society (hopefully) shifts back into gear.

Listen below, or subscribe on your podcast app of choice. If you've got suggestions or topics you'd like covered on the show, be sure to email us or drop a note in the comments! And be sure to check out our other podcasts, the Morning After and Engadget News!



  • We answer your questions about this year in tech – 3:25

    • Thanks to the following listeners for sending in questions: Jose San Mateo, Nasser Mohammed, Daniel Layman, Philip Jackson, Steve Badgery, Asim Burney, Jonathan Medina, “JCraig3K”, Mark Dell, Tauriq Moosa and Roberto Baldwin.

  • What we’re looking forward to in 2021 – 3:25

  • Working On – 44:42

  • Picks – 50:21


Hosts: Devindra Hardawar and Cherlynn Low
Producer: Ben Ellman
Music: Dale North and Terrence O'Brien

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