Inserting from SELECT with Sequel

 3 years ago
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Inserting from SELECT with Sequel

At a previous company, I was working on an internal app for managing and distributing video content. Content curators would create playlists of videos, submit them for approval, and once playlists were approved they would be automatically published to target devices.

Both the approval and the publishing flows consisted of multiple steps, so we were creating logs for these events and storing them in PostgreSQL. We were using Sequel for database interaction, and our logs table looked roughly like this:

create_table :activity_logs do
  primary_key :id
  foreign_key :playlist_id, :playlists, null: false
  foreign_key :user_id, :users
  String :event, null: false
  String :action, null: false
  String :message
  String :target
  Time :created_at, null: false, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The table was populated with log records that looked like this:

    id:          23,
    playlist_id: 103,
    user_id:     30,
    event:       "approval",
    action:      "approve",
    message:     "Looks good!",
    target:      nil,
    created_at:  Time.utc(2020, 10, 1, 5, 29, 39),
    id:          25,
    playlist_id: 423,
    user_id:     nil,
    event:       "publication",
    action:      "published",
    message:     nil,
    target:      "Video Wall 1",
    created_at:  Time.utc(2020, 10, 1, 7, 38, 11),

What we eventually realized was that we’re actually storing two types of records in the same table, where not all columns are applicable to both types:

  • the approval flow, done by a person (uses user_id and message columns), and
  • the publication flow, is done by the system (uses target column).

Instead storing both types of events in the activity_logs table, we’ve decided to extract the publication logs into a new publication_logs table.

1. Creating the new table

We’ve started by creating our desired publication_logs table:

create_table :publication_logs do
  primary_key :id
  foreign_key :playlist_id, :playlists, null: false
  String :action, null: false
  String :target
  Time :created_at, null: false, default: Sequel::CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

We’ve ommitted the event column from activity_logs, as well user_id and message, since they were only applicable for approval actions done by a person (publication is done automatically by our system).

Next up was migrating the existing publication logs from the activity_logs table into the new publication_logs table.

2a. Migrating records one by one

The easiest approach of migrating data would be looping through each record, transforming the record into the desired format, and inserting it into the new table, then deleting the data from the old table.

# select records we want to move
publication_logs = from(:activity_logs).where(event: "publication")

# insert each record individually into the new table
publication_logs.each do |log|
    playlist_id: log[:playlist_id],
    action:      log[:action],
    target:      log[:target],
    created_at:  log[:created_at],

# delete records from the old table

We can gain an additional performance improvement here if we switch to using prepared statements for the inserts:

# select records we want to move
publication_logs = from(:activity_logs).where(event: "publication")

prepared_insert = from(:publication_logs).prepare :insert, :insert_publication_data,
  playlist_id: :$playlist_id, action: :$action, target: :$target, created_at: :$created_at

# insert each record individually into the new table
publication_logs.each do |log|
    playlist_id: log[:playlist_id],
    action:      log[:action],
    target:      log[:target],
    created_at:  log[:created_at],

# delete records from the old table

This strategy would usually perform well enough on small to medium tables, but it so happens ours was a logs table with lots of records (about 200,000 IIRC). Since long-running migrations can generally be problematic, let’s find a better approach.

2b. Migrating records in bulk

Most SQL databases support inserting multiple records in a single query, which is significantly faster. In PostgreSQL, the syntax looks like this:

INSERT INTO my_table (col1, col2, col3, ...)
VALUES ('a1', 'b1', 'c1', ...),
       ('a2', 'b2', 'c2', ...),

With Sequel, we can utilize the multi-insert feature via #import, which accepts the list of columns as the 1st argument, and the arrays of values as the 2nd argument:

# select the records we want to move
publication_logs = from(:activity_logs).where(event: "publication")

# insert all new data in a single query
from(:publication_logs).import [:playlist_id, :action, :target, :created_at],
  publication_logs.map { |log| log.fetch_values(:playlist_id, :action, :target, :created_at) }

# delete records from the old table

This already provides a big improvement in terms of speed. However, one problem here is that we’re loading all the data into memory before inserting it, which can spike our memory usage. Furthermore, inserting so many records at once can put significant load on the database.

To fix both issues, we can break the multi-insert down into smaller batches:

# select the records we want to move
publication_logs = from(:activity_logs).where(event: "publication")

# bullk-insert new records in batches
publication_logs.each_slice(1000) do |logs|
  from(:publication_logs).import [:playlist_id, :action, :target, :created_at],
    logs.map { |log| log.fetch_values(:playlist_id, :action, :target, :created_at) }

# delete records from the old table

2c. Migrating records in the database

While the previous approach should work well enough for most cases, retrieving data from the database only to send it back slightly modified does seem a bit wasteful. Wouldn’t it be great if we could do all of that on the database side?

It turns out we can. Typically, we use an INSERT statement by passing it raw values. However, an INSERT statement can also receive values directly from a SELECT statement:

INSERT INTO my_table (col1, col2, col3, ...)
SELECT a1, b1, c1, ... FROM other_table WHERE ...

In Sequel, the #import method supports this feature by accepting a dataset object in place of raw values. This allows us to rewrite our migration one last time:

# select the records we want to move
publication_logs = from(:activity_logs).where(event: "publication")

# form a dataset with the new data and insert from that dataset
from(:publication_logs).import [:playlist_id, :action, :target, :created_at],
  publication_logs.select(:playlist_id, :action, :target, :created_at)

# delete records from the old table

3. Removing old columns

What’s left was removing columns that were specific to publication from the activity_logs table:

alter_table :activity_logs do
  drop_column :event           # this table will only hold approval logs now
  drop_column :target          # this was specific to publication logs
  set_column_not_null :user_id # only publication logs didn't have user id set

Measuring performance

I’ve created a script which populates the activity_logs table with 100,000 approval logs and 100,000 publication logs, and measures execution time and memory allocation of all 5 migration strategies we’ve talked about (database is PosgreSQL 12).

Here are the results:

Strategy Duration Objects allocated Memory allocated individual inserts 35.7 s 610k 478 MB individual prepared inserts 23.8 s 480k 634 MB bulk insert 8.4 s 21k 162 MB batched bulk insert 7.9 s 21k 158 MB database insert 2.0 s 94 0 MB

As expected, inserting records individually is the slowest strategy. I was a bit surprised to see that it’s allocating significantly more memory than the bulk insert strategy, but I believe it’s because we’re allocating hashes for each record, while with bulk inserts we’re allocating value arrays. It’s nice to see that prepared statements provided a ~33% speedup, though at a cost of increased memory usage.

For bulk inserts, I expected the batching variant to be slower, because I imagined that we’re trading off speed for reduced load. But I’m positively surprised that it performs at least as fast as the non-batched version.

Inserting from a dataset performed the best, since there the database does all the work. In our case it was 4x faster than the bulk insert strategy. It allocates zero additional memory on the application side, because everything is happening on the database side.

Closing thoughts

For the past several years, I’ve become more and more interested in finding ways to make the database do the majority of the work I need, especially since I’ve started using Sequel. I love that Sequel allows me to do anything I want without compromises.

We’ve compared the performance of migrating records (a) individually, (b) in bulk, and (c) from a dataset. Inserting from a dataset was by far the fastest strategy, and the code wasn’t any more complex than the other strategies.

This article showed a fairly simple scenario, in many cases our data migrations might require more complex data transformations. In this case it’s tempting to just do the transformations in Ruby, as we know Ruby much better than SQL. However, I think that learning some common SQL functions can come a long way in being able to make your database do the work.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK