Here's Which Motorola Smartphones Will Get Android 11

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/motorola-android-11/
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Here's Which Motorola Smartphones Will Get Android 11

By Dave LeClair 11 hour ago

The company announced rollout plans for several of its popular Android smartphones.


If there's one thing all Android device owners can agree on, it's the excitement that comes from a major software update. While Android 11 is making the rounds, there are still plenty of devices that haven't received the update yet.

Motorola is among those phones, but that's about to change, as the company has announced which of its Android phones will receive the latest version of the mobile OS.

Which Motorola Phones Will Get Android 11?

Motorola posted on the official Motorola Blog about its Android 11 rollout plans.

Here's the complete list of Motorola phones scheduled to receive the Android 11 update:

  • Motorola Razr 5G
  • Motorola Razr 2019
  • Motorola edge
  • Motorola edge+
  • Motorola one 5G
  • Motorola one action¹
  • Motorola one fusion
  • Motorola one fusion+
  • Motorola one hyper
  • Motorola one vision
  • Moto g 5G
  • Moto g 5G plus
  • Moto g fast
  • Moto g power
  • Moto g pro
  • Moto g stylus
  • Moto g9
  • Moto g9 play
  • Moto g9 plus
  • Moto g9 power
  • Moto g8
  • Moto g8 power
  • Lenovo K12 Note

That's a total of 22 different phones, so the folks at Motorola are certainly busy getting these updates running.

When Will Motorola Phones Get Android 11?

While it's great that Motorola announced which phones are slated to receive Android, the company was very vague in regard to when the updates would roll out. All the company said was that the Android 11 updates are rolling out "in the coming months."

The company also said that releases are "pending partner support," which makes the release window extremely vague.

About The Author


Dave LeClair (1340 Articles Published)

Dave LeClair writes Google / Android news, manages social media, and appears in videos.

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