Friday Q&A 2011-06-03: Objective-C Blocks vs. C++0x Lambdas: Fight!

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Objective-C Blocks vs. C++0x Lambdas
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Friday Q&A 2011-06-03: Objective-C Blocks vs. C++0x Lambdas: Fight!
by Mike Ash  

Blocks are perhaps the most significant new language feature introduced by Apple in years, and I've written a lot about them before. The new C++ standard, C++0x, introduces lambdas, a similar feature. Today, I want to discuss the two features and how they are alike and how they differ, a topic suggested by David Dunham.

I will refer to Apple's blocks extension as "Objective-C blocks" even though this is not entirely correct. They are actually an addition to C (and can even be used in C++), with some extra behaviors to make them more useful in Objective-C. However, they are deeply intertwined with Objective-C in their implementation, and "C blocks" is vague, so I think that "Objective-C blocks" is the best way to refer to them here.

C++0x lambdas are part of C++ only and can't be used from C. Presumably they can be used in Objective-C++ if the compiler supports C++0x.

For a generic term to refer to both Objective-C blocks and C++0x lambdas, I will use "anonymous function".

Both Objective-C blocks and C++0x lambdas have the same basic goal: to allow writing anonymous inline functions. Called closures, blocks, lambdas, or just anonymous functions, these are a common feature in higher level languages. They are extremely useful for building convenient, succint libraries for things like array iteration, multithreading, delayed computation, and many others.

As lower level languages, C and C++ had no concept of anonymous functions. To add them, new syntax had to be created. Because of this, Objective-C blocks and C++0x lambdas ended up with somewhat different syntax. An empty Objective-C block looks like this:


Whereas an empty C++0x lambda looks like this:


So far not much different. They both use the standard C {} symbols to separate a block of code, with a special symbol to indicate that this is a block or lambda, not a normal C block. In both cases, the {} section takes normal code.

The anonymous function can take arguments by writing them in parentheses, in the style of function arguments, after the leading bit:

    ^(int x, NSString *y){} // ObjC, take int and NSString*
    [](int x, std::string y){} // C++, take int and std::string

In both languages, a value can be returned, and the return type can be inferred from the return statement:

    ^{ return 42; } // ObjC, returns int
    []{ return 42; } // C++, returns int

Here, the two features begin to diverge. With C++0x lambdas, the return type can only be inferred if the lambda contains a single statement, and that statement is a return statement. So while the above is valid, this is not:

    []{ if(something) return 42; else return 43; }

In a more complicated lambda with an inferred return type, the return type is always inferred to be void. The code above will therefore produce an error, because it's invalid to return 42 from something with a return type of void.

In contrast, Objective-C blocks do return type inference no matter how complicated the code is inside of the block. If no return statements are present, the type is inferred as void. Otherwise, it examines all of the return statements in the block. If they all return the same type, then the return type of the block is inferred to be that same type. If they conflict, an error is generated. Thus, the equivalent Objective-C example to the invalid C++0x lambda example works fine:

    ^{ if(something) return 42; else return 43; }

Both features also allow the explicit declaration of a return type. This is essential with C++0x lambdas, where it's the only way to have a complicated lambda return a value. It's merely a convenience in Objective-C, but often useful to avoid having to cast in return statements.

With Objective-C blocks, the return type is declared immediately after the ^. In C++0x, the return type is declared by placing ->type after the lambda's argument list. Here are those two examples with explicit return types, which allows it to work in both languages:

    []()->int { if(something) return 42; else return 43; }
    ^int { if(something) return 42; else return 43; }

Note that an arguments declaration is required for C++0x lambdas, although it can be empty, if an explicit return type is declared. Objective-C blocks can declare either a return type or an argument list separately, or have both together. For completeness, here is the same example with an argument list:

    ^int (void) { if(something) return 42; else return 43; }

Finally, both Objective-C blocks and C++0x lambdas are called in the same way: use the standard () operator on an expression of the appropriate type. Pass arguments if they are required. This calls the anonymous function.

Objective-C blocks introduce a new class of language-level types to represent block types. They match the standard (but tricky) syntax for C function pointer types, but with a ^ in place of the *:

    void (*)(int) // function pointer taking int and returning void
    void (^)(int) // block taking int and returning void

These types can be used for function/method parameters, return types, local variables, instance variables, etc.

C++0x takes a completely different approach. Lambdas have a unique anonymous type which implements operator(). In other words, you can call it, but otherwise you don't have an accessible type the way Objective-C blocks do. In order to store them in variables, pass them to functions, or return them from functions, C++ templates or the C++0x auto keyword (which infers the type of a variable from the type of its initializer) must be used.

Captured Variables
One of the most significant features of these anonymous functions is the ability to capture variables from the enclosing scope. For example:

    int x = 42;
    void (^block)(void) = ^{ printf("%d\n", x); };
    block(); // prints 42

The two constructs handle variable capture significantly differently, so I'll take them one at a time.

Objective-C blocks can capture variables from the enclosing scope by simply referring to them within the block, as seen above. By default, all captured variables are copied at the point where the block is created and cannot be modified from within the block.

If a block captures another block variable, that block's memory is automatically managed. It's copied and released as necessary. Objective-C object pointers are also automatically managed by retaining and releasing them as necessary. This deep, implicit integration with Objective-C memory management makes a lot of tasks significantly easier, because most of the time blocks automatically do the right thing with the variables they capture.

For cases where the block needs to be able to modify a captured variable, the variable must be declared with the special __block qualifier to mark it as being mutable:

    __block int x = 42;
    void (^block)(void) = ^{ x = 43; };
    block(); // x is now 43

It is important to note that the automatic memory management of block and object pointers does not occur for variables qualified with __block, so the programmer needs to make sure that everything is built to tolerate that. For primitives like x above, there is no concern.

It should come as no surprise that C++0x lambdas offer considerably greater flexibility but also considerably greater complication in this area. The overall philosophy of C++ appears to be to give the programmer as many tools and choices as possible, which has its pros and cons.

The initial [] which begins a C++0x lambda controls how local variables are captured. If it's left empty like that, then no variables can be captured at all. In order to capture variables, it's necessary to tell the compiler what you want to do.

The most explicit way to do this is to list the variables to be captured inside the []. Any variable listed directly by name is captured by value. Any variable listed with a leading & is captured by reference. For example:

    int x = 42;
    int y = 99;
    auto lambda = [x, &y]{ y = 100; };
    lambda(); // y is now 100

It's not possible to modify x in this case, as a lambda's operator() is const by default. However, this can be overridden by declaring it to be mutable:

    int x = 42;
    int y = 99;
    auto lambda = [x, &y]() mutable {
        x++, y++;
        printf("%d, %d\n", x, y);
    lambda(); // prints 43, 100
    printf("%d, %d\n", x, y); // prints 42, 100
    lambda(); // prints 44, 101!

Because x is captured by value, changes made from within the lambda are not seen outside of it. There are essentially two copies of x at this point, and neither one affects the other.

It can be inconvenient to list every variable to be captured, so it is possible to specify a default capture behavior by putting either = or & within the []. For example:

    int x = 42;
    int y = 99;
    auto lambda = [&] {
        x++, y++;
    lambda(); // x, y are now 43, 100

It's even possible to combine the two, to have a default capture with exceptions:

    int x = 42;
    int y = 99;
    int z = 1001;
    auto lambda = [=, &z] {
        // can't modify x or y here, but we can read them
        printf("%d, %d, %d\n", x, y, z);
    lambda(); // prints 42, 99, 1002
    // z is now 1002

By allowing each lambda to specify how it captures things, the C++0x system allows more flexibility. With Objective-C blocks, a given variable is either __block or it's not. Every block which captures that variable must capture it in the same way. C++0x lambdas allow each lambda to make its own choice on how to capture. The mutable keyword even allows them to capture by value but retain the ability to change the copied value internally. The downside is considerably increased complexity.

Memory Management
Both Objective-C blocks and C++0x lambdas start their lives as stack objects. After that point, however, they diverge significantly.

Objective-C blocks are also Objective-C objects. Like all Objective-C objects, they are stored by reference, never by value. When a block literal is written, the block object is created on the stack, and the literal expression evaluates to the address of that block.

In order for a block to outlive its slot on the stack, it must be copied. Because the value is just a reference, simply assigning it with = is not enough:

    void (^block)(void);
        block = ^{ printf("hello world"); };
    block(); // bad!

Instead, it must be copied, either by using the Objective-C copy method, or the C Block_copy function:

    void (^block)(void);
        block = ^{ printf("hello world"); };
        block = [block copy];
    block(); // good!

Blocks follow standard Objective-C reference counting semantics. Each copy must be balanced with a release or autorelease, and each Block_copy must be balanced with a Block_release. The first copy gets the block onto the heap, subsequent ones simply increment the reference count. When the last live reference is released, the block is destroyed, and any captured objects or blocks are released.

C++0x lambdas are stored by value, not by reference. They can be copied onto the heap if needed, but the process is entirely manual. All captured variables are stored as member variables within the anonymous lambda object, so when the lambda is copied, those get copied as well, firing the appropriate constructors and destructors.

One extremely important aspect of this behavior is that variables which are captured by reference are stored as references within the lambda object. They get no special treatment in this respect. This means that a lambda which accesses one of those variables after the original enclosing scope has been destroyed is engaging in undefined behavior and will likely crash. Compare this to __block variables, where the storage is transparently moved to the heap and is guaranteed to live at least as long as the block does.

On the other hand, as long as nothing is captured by reference, a C++0x lambda can be returned without any extra work. The return will copy it and the copy will continue to function. With Objective-C blocks, they must be explicitly copied before returning, otherwise they become immediately invalid.

Objective-C blocks are objects which contain an embedded function pointer. A block call translates to a call to that function pointer, passing the block as an implicit parameter:

    // equivalent to:

The cost of calling a block is therefore about the same as the cost of calling a C function. It's slightly higher due to the need to look up the implementation pointer first, but just slightly.

Opportunities for optimization are rare in most use cases. For example, this code calls a method to iterate over an array with a block:

    [array do: ^(id obj) {
        NSLog(@"Obj is %@", obj);

The implementation of -do: can't know anything about the block which is passed to it here, so it must perform the full dereference and call for each iteration of the loop.

The cases where blocks can be optimized are mostly cases where they're not needed in the first place, for example where they are defined and then called in the same scope. One place where useful optimizations could be made are inline functions which take block parameters, since the optimizer is able to improve the inlined code based on the calling code. However, as far as I know, no current blocks-capable compilers perform any of these optimizations, although I haven't investigated it thoroughly.

C++0x lambdas are objects with a operator(). There is no dynamic dispatch involved, so calling the lambda works out to be a simple function call, with no dereferencing ahead of time.

Because passing a lambda to another function involves templates, there are further opportunities for optimization. Consider this code to iterate over a vector:

    for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int x) {
        printf("x is %d\n", x);

for_each is a template function, which means that it gets specialized for this particular type. This makes it an excellent candidate for inlining, and it's likely that an optimizing compiler will end up generating code for the above which would be just as good as the equivalent for loop.

This is a typical tradeoff between C++ and Objective-C. C++ often favors the fastest possible generated code at the level of individual functions, sacrificing ease and speed of compilation and sometimes ease of programming to get it. Objective-C more often favors implementations which are simpler to create, compile, and use, at the cost of additional runtime overhead.

Objective-C blocks and C++0x lambdas are similar language features with similar goals but considerably different approaches. Objective-C blocks are somewhat simpler to write and to use, especially in the case of using them for asynchronous or background tasks where the block has to be copied and kept alive beyond the lifetime of the scope where it was created. C++0x lambdas ultimately provide more flexibility and potential speed, but at the cost of considerable added complexity. In comparing the two, I believe that Apple ultimately made the better set of tradeoffs, at least for the cases where I am likely to use blocks in my own programming.

That wraps things up for this week. Come back in another 14 days for the next baffling edition. As I say every time, Friday Q&A is driven by reader ideas. If you have a topic that you would like to see covered here, please send it in.

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In the code block

    int x = 42;
    int y = 99;
    auto lambda = [x, &y]() mutable {
        x++, y++;
        printf("%d, %d\n", x, y);
    lambda(); // prints 42, 99
    printf("%d, %d\n", x, y); // prints 42, 100
    lambda(); // prints 43, 100!

wouldn't it print 43, 100 then 42, 100 then 43, 101?

x & y are incremented before the print statement in the lambda function. The changes to x are forgotten but the changes to y remain.
Actually, it prints:

43, 100
42, 100
44, 101

(Compiled with g++ 4.5.)

"wouldn't it print 43, 100 then 42, 100 then 43, 101? "

No. In lambda parameter declaration:

"auto lambda = [x, &y]()..."

"x" is passed by value, while "y" is passed by reference.
"In order to store them in variables, pass them to functions, or return them from functions, C++ templates or the C++0x auto keyword (which infers the type of a variable from the type of its initializer) must be used."
You can use std::function to do this. For instance:

std::function< void(int) > my_func = [](int i) {};

Be sure to #include <functional> so you can access std::function.
Thanks guys, I must have been asleep when I figured out the values for that snippet. It's fixed now.
I like the C++ memory management style better. I always thought the Obj-C style was clumsy because of how they start on the stack but must be copied onto the heap. The C++ method of passing by value is more consistent.

Also, unlike Obj-C blocks, C++ are independent of the API. Blocks depend on NSObject and NSCopying, constructs that seem too high level to be part of a fundamental language feature.
Passing by value is more consistent but can only work in C++, since doing it with lambdas really needs language support for pass-by-value semantics that are more complicated than memcpy.

Blocks don't really depend on NSAnything. Aside from the C level Block_copy and Block_release, the fact that they handle copy/retain/release/autorelease can be considered to be independent of NSObject, even if in practice they do descend from NSObject. As far as I know, NSObject inheritance isn't part of the actual API. (Although lots of people certainly do rely on it, and I've posted code that assumes it as well.)

In any case, whether you consider it to be good or bad, ObjC language features are becoming more and more tied to Cocoa. @property syntax assumes that retain/copy/release/autorelease are how you manage memory, message forwarding is now built on top of NSInvocation rather than the other way around, etc.
I was going through Clang mailing list archives and found someone who very much wanted auto-conversion between blocks and lambdas. It's easy to write wrappers to do this, though you'd have to specialize for each argument list (or do some strong C++0x template-fu):

/*** All untested ***/
// Lambdas to Blocks
typedef void (^simple_callback)(void);

simple_callback callableToBlock (std::function<void()> fn) {
  return Block_copy(^{ fn(); });

// Blocks to lambdas
class block_wrapper {
  simple_callback block;

  block_wrapper (const simple_callback& blk)
  : block(Block_copy(blk)) {}

~block_wrapper () {

void operator() () {

std::function<void()> blockAsCallable (simple_callback block) {
  return block_wrapper(block);

But it seems like it'd be really difficult to actually make things auto-convert while still respecting the reference counts, since callableToBlock() leaves a block with refcount 1. Maybe under GC it would work? (blockAsCallable() works as is, I think, as long as you don't have cycles.)
Great write-up, thanks!
One more little typo 'performany' --> 'perform any'
For the record, Apple’s latest (N1451) submission to ISO/IEC uses the term ‘closure’ because blocks in C refer to compound statements inside {}. I, for one, welcome this change, although N1451 tries to make a point for keeping the ‘block’ nomenclature.
charles: Thanks. For some reason, this post is just full of typos. Fixed.

Bavarious: Makes sense. I really hope something like this gets approved, blocks deserve to be widely available outside of Apple platforms.
Nice read, I haven't really bothered to try and learn either language's approaches but this was a good place to start. I agree with foobaz that the C++ approach seems more independent of an API or framework, but I still prefer the simplicity of Apple's approach even if it does come with more overhead (it's more or less how I feel about Objective-C versus C++ anyway).

That threw me for a second at first, I was expecting x to be reset again in the second block call. But I realised that the copy of x is being made at the time that the block was created, not each time it is called. So there are two x's, one for the main code block, and another which is shared between both runs of the lambda.

Hope that helps.
C++0x is making C++ even more complex. We need different system level programming language!

There is one. It is called D. There's also Go which is to C like what D is to C++. Hope that makes sense.
Automatic return type deduction works for even complex code in c++. Probably it was fixed after this post.

  auto ans = []{if(true) return 42; else return 43;};
  cout << ans() << endl;
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