Friday Q&A 2017-06-30: Dissecting objc_msgSend on ARM64

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Dissecting objc_msgSend on ARM64
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Friday Q&A 2017-06-30: Dissecting objc_msgSend on ARM64
by Mike Ash  

We're back! During the week of WWDC, I spoke at CocoaConf Next Door, and one of my talks involved a dissection of objc_msgSend's ARM64 implementation. I thought that turning it into an article would make for a nice return to blogging for Friday Q&A.

Every Objective-C object has a class, and every Objective-C class has a list of methods. Each method has a selector, a function pointer to the implementation, and some metadata. The job of objc_msgSend is to take the object and selector that's passed in, look up the corresponding method's function pointer, and then jump to that function pointer.

Looking up a method can be extremely complicated. If a method isn't found on a class, then it needs to continue searching in the superclasses. If no method is found at all, then it needs to call into the runtime's message forwarding code. If this is the very first message being sent to a particular class, then it has to call that class's +initialize method.

Looking up a method also needs to be extremely fast in the common case, since it's done for every method call. This, of course, is in conflict with the complicated lookup process.

Objective-C's solution to this conflict is the method cache. Each class has a cache which stores methods as pairs of selectors and function pointers, known in Objective-C as IMPs. They're organized as a hash table so lookups are fast. When looking up a method, the runtime first consults the cache. If the method isn't in the cache, it follows the slow, complicated procedure, and then places the result into the cache so that the next time can be fast.

objc_msgSend is written in assembly. There are two reasons for this: one is that it's not possible to write a function which preserves unknown arguments and jumps to an arbitrary function pointer in C. The language just doesn't have the necessary features to express such a thing. The other reason is that it's extremely important for objc_msgSend to be fast, so every last instruction of it is written by hand so it can go as fast as possible.

Naturally, you don't want to write the whole complicated message lookup procedure in assembly langauge. It's not necessary, either, because things are going to be slow no matter what the moment you start going through it. The message send code can be divided into two parts: there's the fast path in objc_msgSend itself, which is written in assembly, and the slow path implemented in C. The assembly part looks up the method in the cache and jump to it if it's found. If the method is not in the cache, then it calls into the C code to handle things.

Therefore, when looking at objc_msgSend itself, it does the following:

  1. Get the class of the object passed in.
  2. Get the method cache of that class.
  3. Use the selector passed in to look up the method in the cache.
  4. If it's not in the cache, call into the C code.
  5. Jump to the IMP for the method.

How does it do all of that? Let's see!

Instruction by Instruction
objc_msgSend has a few different paths it can take depending on circumstances. It has special code for handling things like messages to nil, tagged pointers, and hash table collisions. I'll start by looking at the most common, straight-line case where a message is sent to a non-nil, non-tagged pointer and the method is found in the cache without any need to scan. I'll note the various branching-off points as we go through them, and then once we're done with the common path I'll circle back and look at all of the others.

I'll list each instruction or group of instructions followed by a description of what it does and why. Just remember to look up to find the instruction any given piece of text is discussing.

Each instruction is preceded by its offset from the beginning of the function. This serves as a counter, and lets you identify jump targets.

ARM64 has 31 integer registers which are 64 bits wide. They're referred to with the notation x0 through x30. It's also possible to access the lower 32 bits of each register as if it were a separate register, using w0 through w30. Registers x0 through x7 are used to pass the first eight parameters to a function. That means that objc_msgSend receives the self parameter in x0 and the selector _cmd parameter in x1.

Let's begin!

    0x0000 cmp     x0, #0x0
    0x0004 b.le    0x6c

This performs a signed comparison of self with 0 and jumps elsewhere if the value is less than or equal to zero. A value of zero is nil, so this handles the special case of messages to nil. This also handles tagged pointers. Tagged pointers on ARM64 are indicated by setting the high bit of the pointer. (This is an interesting contrast with x86-64, where it's the low bit.) If the high bit is set, then the value is negative when interpreted as a signed integer. For the common case of self being a normal pointer, the branch is not taken.

    0x0008 ldr    x13, [x0]

This loads self's isa by loading the 64-bit quantity pointed to by x0, which contains self. The x13 register now contains the isa.

    0x000c and    x16, x13, #0xffffffff8

ARM64 can use non-pointer isas. Traditionally the isa points to the object's class, but non-pointer isa takes advantage of spare bits by cramming some other information into the isa as well. This instruction performs a logical AND to mask off all the extra bits, and leaves the actual class pointer in x16.

    0x0010 ldp    x10, x11, [x16, #0x10]

This is my favorite instruction in objc_msgSend. It loads the class's cache information into x10 and x11. The ldp instruction loads two registers' worth of data from memory into the registers named in the first two arguments. The third argument describes where to load the data, in this case at offset 16 from x16, which is the area of the class which holds the cache information. The cache itself looks like this:

    typedef uint32_t mask_t;

    struct cache_t {
        struct bucket_t *_buckets;
        mask_t _mask;
        mask_t _occupied;

Following the ldp instruction, x10 contains the value of _buckets, and x11 contains _occupied in its high 32 bits, and _mask in its low 32 bits.

_occupied specifies how many entries the hash table contains, and plays no role in objc_msgSend. _mask is important: it describes the size of the hash table as a convenient AND-able mask. Its value is always a power of two minus 1, or in binary terms something that looks like 000000001111111 with a variable number of 1s at the end. This value is needed to figure out the lookup index for a selector, and to wrap around the end when searching the table.

    0x0014 and    w12, w1, w11

This instruction computes the starting hash table index for the selector passed in as _cmd. x1 contains _cmd, so w1 contains the bottom 32 bits of _cmd. w11 contains _mask as mentioned above. This instruction ANDs the two together and places the result into w12. The result is the equivalent of computing _cmd % table_size but without the expensive modulo operation.

    0x0018 add    x12, x10, x12, lsl #4

The index is not enough. To start loading data from the table, we need the actual address to load from. This instruction computes that address by adding the table index to the table pointer. It shifts the table index left by 4 bits first, which multiplies it by 16, because each table bucket is 16 bytes. x12 now contains the address of the first bucket to search.

    0x001c ldp    x9, x17, [x12]

Our friend ldp makes another appearance. This time it's loading from the pointer in x12, which points to the bucket to search. Each bucket contains a selector and an IMP. x9 now contains the selector for the current bucket, and x17 contains the IMP.

    0x0020 cmp    x9, x1
    0x0024 b.ne   0x2c

These instructions compare the bucket's selector in x9 with _cmd in x1. If they're not equal then this bucket does not contain an entry for the selector we're looking for, and in that case the second instruction jumps to offset 0x2c, which handles non-matching buckets. If the selectors do match, then we've found the entry we're looking for, and execution continues with the next instruction.

    0x0028 br    x17

This performs an unconditional jump to x17, which contains the IMP loaded from the current bucket. From here, execution will continue in the actual implementation of the target method, and this is the end of objc_msgSend's fast path. All of the argument registers have been left undisturbed, so the target method will receive all passed in arguments just as if it had been called directly.

When everything is cached and all the stars align, this path can execute in less than 3 nanoseconds on modern hardware.

That's the fast path, how about the rest of the code? Let's continue with the code for a non-matching bucket.

    0x002c cbz    x9, __objc_msgSend_uncached

x9 contains the selector loaded from the bucket. This instruction compares it with zero and jumps to __objc_msgSend_uncached if it's zero. A zero selector indicates an empty bucket, and an empty bucket means that the search has failed. The target method isn't in the cache, and it's time to fall back to the C code that performs a more comprehensive lookup. __objc_msgSend_uncached handles that. Otherwise, the bucket doesn't match but isn't empty, and the search continues.

    0x0030 cmp    x12, x10
    0x0034 b.eq   0x40

This instruction compares the current bucket address in x12 with the beginning of the hash table in x10. If they match, it jumps to code that wraps the search back to the end of the hash table. We haven't seen it yet, but the hash table search being performed here actually runs backwards. The search examines decreasing indexes until it hits the beginning of the table, then it starts over at the end. I'm not sure why it works this way rather than the more common approach of increasing addresses that wrap to the beginning, but it's a safe bet that it's because it ends up being faster this way.

Offset 0x40 handles the wraparound case. Otherwise, execution proceeds to the next instruction.

    0x0038 ldp    x9, x17, [x12, #-0x10]!

Another ldp, once again loading a cache bucket. This time, it loads from offset 0x10 to the address of the current cache bucket. The exclamation point at the end of the address reference is an interesting feature. This indicates a register write-back, which means that the register is updated with the newly computed value. In this case, it's effectively doing x12 -= 16 in addition to loading the new bucket, which makes x12 point to that new bucket.

    0x003c b      0x20

Now that the new bucket is loaded, execution can resume with the code that checks to see if the current bucket is a match. This loops back up to the instruction labeled 0x0020 above, and runs through all of that code again with the new values. If it continues to find non-matching buckets, this code will keep running until it finds a match, an empty bucket, or hits the beginning of the table.

    0x0040 add    x12, x12, w11, uxtw #4

This is the target for when the search wraps. x12 contains a pointer to the current bucket, which in this case is also the first bucket. w11 contains the table mask, which is the size of the table. This adds the two together, while also shifting w11 left by 4 bits, multiplying it by 16. The result is that x12 now points to the end of the table, and the search can resume from there.

    0x0044 ldp    x9, x17, [x12]

The now-familiar ldp loads the new bucket into x9 and x17.

    0x0048 cmp    x9, x1
    0x004c b.ne   0x54
    0x0050 br     x17

This code checks to see if the bucket matches and jumps to the bucket's IMP. It's a duplicate of the code at 0x0020 above.

    0x0054 cbz    x9, __objc_msgSend_uncached

Just like before, if the bucket is empty then it's a cache miss and execution proceeds into the comprehensive lookup code implemented in C.

    0x0058 cmp    x12, x10
    0x005c b.eq   0x68

This checks for wraparound again, and jumps to 0x68 if we've hit the beginning of the table a second time. In this case, it jumps into the comprehensive lookup code implemented in C:

    0x0068 b      __objc_msgSend_uncached

This is something that should never actually happen. The table grows as entries are added to it, and it's never 100% full. Hash tables become inefficient when they're too full because collisions become too common.

Why is this here? A comment in the source code explains:

Clone scanning loop to miss instead of hang when cache is corrupt. The slow path may detect any corruption and halt later.

I doubt that this is common, but evidently the folks at Apple have seen memory corruption which caused the cache to be filled with bad entries, and jumping into the C code improves the diagnostics.

The existence of this check should have minimal impact on code that doesn't suffer from this corruption. Without it, the original loop could be reused, which would save a bit of instruction cache space, but the effect is minimal. This wraparound handler is not the common case anyway. It will only be invoked for selectors that get sorted near the beginning of the hash table, and then only if there's a collision and all the prior entries are occupied.

    0x0060 ldp    x9, x17, [x12, #-0x10]!
    0x0064 b      0x48

The remainder of this loop is the same as before. Load the next bucket into x9 and x17, update the bucket pointer in x12, and go back to the top of the loop.

That's the end of the main body of objc_msgSend. What remains are special cases for nil and tagged pointers.

Tagged Pointer Handler
You'll recall that the very first instructions checked for those and jumped to offset 0x6c to handle them. Let's continue from there:

    0x006c b.eq    0xa4

We've arrived here because self is less than or equal to zero. Less than zero indicates a tagged pointer, and zero is nil. The two cases are handled completely differently, so the first thing the code does here is check to see whether self is nil or not. If self is equal to zero then this instruction branches to 0xa4, which is where the nil handler lives. Otherwise, it's a tagged pointer, and execution continues with the next instruction.

Before we move on, let's briefly discuss how tagged pointers work. Tagged pointers support multiple classes. The top four bits of the tagged pointer (on ARM64) indicate which class the "object" is. They are essentially the tagged pointer's isa. Of course, four bits isn't nearly enough to hold a class pointer. Instead, there's a special table which stores the available tagged pointer classes. The class of a tagged pointer "object" is found by looking up the index in that table which corresponds to the top four bits.

This isn't the whole story. Tagged pointers (at least on ARM64) also support extended classes. When the top four bits are all set to 1 the next eight bits are used to index into an extended tagged pointer class table. This allows the runtime to support more tagged pointer classes, at the cost of having less storage for them.

Let's continue.

    0x0070 mov    x10, #-0x1000000000000000

This sets x10 to an integer value with the top four bits set and all other bits set to zero. This will serve as a mask to extract the tag bits from self.

    0x0074 cmp    x0, x10
    0x0078 b.hs   0x90

This checks for an extended tagged pointer. If self is greater than or equal to the value in x10, then that means the top four bits are all set. In that case, branch to 0x90 which will handle extended classes. Otherwise, use the primary tagged pointer table.

    0x007c adrp   x10, _objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes@PAGE
    0x0080 add    x10, x10, _objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes@PAGEOFF

This little song and dance loads the address of _objc_debug_taggedpointer_classes, which is the primary tagged pointer table. ARM64 requires two instructions to load the address of a symbol. This is a standard technique on RISC-like architectures. Pointers on ARM64 are 64 bits wide, and instructions are only 32 bits wide. It's not possible to fit an entire pointer into one instruction.

x86 doesn't suffer from this problem, since it has variable-length instructions. It can just use a 10-byte instruction, where two bytes identify the instruction itself and the target register, and eight bytes hold the pointer value.

On a machine with fixed-length instructions, you load the value in pieces. In this case, only two pieces are needed. The adrp instruction loads the top part of the value, and the add then adds in the bottom part.

    0x0084 lsr    x11, x0, #60

The tagged class index is in the top four bits of x0. To use it as an index, it has to be shifted right by 60 bits so it becomes an integer in the range 0-15. This instruction performs that shift and places the index into x11.

    0x0088 ldr    x16, [x10, x11, lsl #3]

This uses the index in x11 to load the entry from the table that x10 points to. The x16 register now contains the class of this tagged pointer.

    0x008c b      0x10

With the class in x16, we can now branch back to the main code. The code starting with offset 0x10 assumes that the class pointer is loaded into x16 and performs dispatch from there. The tagged pointer handler can therefore just branch back to that code rather than duplicating logic here.

    0x0090 adrp   x10, _objc_debug_taggedpointer_ext_classes@PAGE
    0x0094 add    x10, x10, _objc_debug_taggedpointer_ext_classes@PAGEOFF

The extended tagged class handler looks similar. These two instructions load the pointer to the extended table.

    0x0098 ubfx   x11, x0, #52, #8

This instruction loads the extended class index. It extracts 8 bits starting from bit 52 in self into x11.

    0x009c ldr    x16, [x10, x11, lsl #3]

Just like before, that index is used to look up the class in the table and load it into x16.

    0x00a0 b      0x10

With the class in x16, it can branch back into the main code.

That's nearly everything. All that remains is the nil handler.

nil Handler
Finally we get to the nil handler. Here it is, in its entirety.

    0x00a4 mov    x1, #0x0
    0x00a8 movi   d0, #0000000000000000
    0x00ac movi   d1, #0000000000000000
    0x00b0 movi   d2, #0000000000000000
    0x00b4 movi   d3, #0000000000000000
    0x00b8 ret

The nil handler is completely different from the rest of the code. There's no class lookup or method dispatch. All it does for nil is return 0 to the caller.

This task is a bit complicated by the fact that objc_msgSend doesn't know what kind of return value the caller expects. Is this method returning one integer, or two, or a floating-point value, or nothing at all?

Fortunately, all of the registers used for return values can be safely overwritten even if they're not being used for this particular call's return value. Integer return values are stored in x0 and x1 and floating point return values are stored in vector registers v0 through v3. Multiple registers are used for returning smaller structs.

This code clears x1 and v0 through v3. The d0 through d3 registers refer to the bottom half of the corresponding v registers, and storing into them clears the top half, so the effect of the four movi instructions is to clear those four registers. After doing this, it returns control to the caller.

You might wonder why this code doesn't clear x0. The answer to that is simple: x0 holds self which in this case is nil, so it's already zero! You can save an instruction by not clearing x0 since it already holds the value we want.

What about larger struct returns that don't fit into registers? This requires a little cooperation from the caller. Large struct returns are performed by having the caller allocate enough memory for the return value, and then passing the address of that memory in x8. The function then writes to that memory to return a value. objc_msgSend can't clear this memory, because it doesn't know how big the return value is. To solve this, the compiler generates code which fills the memory with zeroes before calling objc_msgSend.

That's the end of the nil handler, and of objc_msgSend as a whole.

It's always interesting to dive into framework internals. objc_msgSend in particular is a work of art, and delightful to read through.

That's it for today. Come back next time for more squishy goodness. Friday Q&A is driven by reader input, so if you have something you'd like to see discussed here, send it in!

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The search examines decreasing indexes until it hits the beginning of the table, then it starts over at the end. I'm not sure why it works this way rather than the more common approach of increasing addresses that wrap to the beginning, but it's a safe bet that it's because it ends up being faster this way.
Incrementing to the end of the cache requires an extra instruction or two to calculate where the end of the cache is. The start of the cache is already known - it's the pointer we loaded from the class - so we decrement towards that.
Clone scanning loop to miss instead of hang when cache is corrupt. The slow path may detect any corruption and halt later.
I doubt that this is common, but evidently the folks at Apple have seen memory corruption which caused the cache to be filled with bad entries, and jumping into the C code improves the diagnostics.
The extra scanned-twice check prevents power-draining infinite loops in some cases of memory corruption or invalid objects. For example, heap corruption could fill the cache with non-zero data, or set the cache mask to zero. Corruption like this would otherwise cause the cache scan loop to run forever without a cache hit or a cache miss. The extra check stops the loop so we can turn the problem into a crash log instead.

There are also cases where another thread simultaneously modifying the cache can cause this thread to neither hit nor miss on the first scan. The C code does extra work to resolve that race. A previous version of objc_msgSend handled this incorrectly - it immediately aborted instead of falling back to the C code - which caused rare crashes when the threads were unlucky.
"If this is the very first message being sent to a particular class, then it has to call that class's +load method."

Don't you mean the +initialize method? The +load method is called during the image load phase.
If this is the very first message being sent to a particular class, then it has to call that class's +load method.
I though +load was unconditionally called at initialization time (even before main(), when metadata are loaded) and that it was the purpose of +initialize to be called before the first objc_msgSend ?

Isn't it the case on ARM64 ?
Thanks for the analysis!

I wrote an assembly version of objc_msgSend() for the (then new) Motorola 68040 as part of NeXT's "performance month". NeXTSTEP 2.0 was going to be noticeably slower than 1.0 since there was now more code, but no more RAM than before. So the whole SW department worked on performance tweeks to bring in back in line.

The 68040 assembly version was ~40% faster than the previous version, but it's surprising how little difference that made on the memory-bound systems at the time. The code was assentially the same as the version you analyzed here!

One twist that isn't clear from the objc_msgSend() code is that the cache also includes "negative" cache values to record cache misses. It turns out that there is a lot of code that calls respondsToSelector with the result NO (mostly as part of the responder hierarchy). If you don't cache these failed lookups, you spend more time in the misses than the hits.
Greg Parker: Thanks very much for the inside scoop.

LeoNatan and Jean-Daniel: The +load thing was my brain momentarily failing. I corrected it to +initialize Thanks for pointing that out!
Thanks for this. Good assembly code is like poetry; you have to put effort into studying it line by line, but it repays the attention.

I’ve never sat down and learned ARM the way I learned PPC back in the day, but it does look like a very nice instruction set.

I went and read the linked article about non-pointer isas, but I still have a few questions. Are you planning on writing on that topic?
Jens Alfke: I thought Greg Parker's article on non-pointer isas covered it pretty well, but I'm open to writing something myself if there's more to be said. What unanswered questions do you have about them?
Mike, you missed explaining the greatest secret of the messenger, one that Matt and Dave and I cooked up on the black couches at Seaport: how it is that multiple clients can read a mutable hash table without synchronization. It stumps people to this day. The answer is that the messenger uses a specialized garbage collector! I had put locks in when we first tried to do multi-threaded ObjC and it was miserable and then I read a paper by David Black where the kernel would reset the PC back to the start of a critical range for a mutex, and, well, we use the absense of a PC in critical ranges to deduce safety of reclaiming stale caches.
Even having read Greg’s article, I’m curious to hear more about non-pointer isa. That article is added 2013, so I bet there’s all sorts of Swift bridging fun in there now?
Blaine Garst: I actually wrote about that before! See here:


It's an amazing technique and remains one of my favorite programming-related things. The way it takes advantage of the asymmetry between reading and writing is just fantastic. My hat goes off to the three of you for coming up with it.
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Classes can't have properties defined using the declaration syntax shown earlier for instances, but they can receive messages.
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