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TermKit/View.swift at 9676736d3a137655d3d72b3df31f5578cb2cf85a · migueldeicaza/TermKit · GitHubPermalink

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// // View.swift - base class for all views // TermKit // // Created by Miguel de Icaza on 4/7/19. // Copyright © 2019 Miguel de Icaza. All rights reserved. // import Foundation

/** * Determines the LayoutStyle for a view, if Absolute, during LayoutSubviews, the * value from the Frame will be used, if the value is Computer, then the Frame * will be updated from the X, Y Pos objets and the Width and Heigh Dim objects. */ public enum LayoutStyle { /// The position and size of the view are based on the Frame value. case fixed /// The position and size of the view will be computed based on the x, y, width and height /// properties and set on the Frame. case computed } /** * View is the base class for all views on the screen and represents a visible element that can render itself and contains zero or more nested views. * * The View defines the base functionality for user interface elements in TermKit. Views * can contain one or more subviews, can respond to user input and render themselves on the screen. * * Views can either be created by setting the X, Y, Width and Height properties on the view. Coordinates are relative * to the container they are being added to. * * The `x`, and `y` properties are of type `Pos`, and you can use either absolute positions, percentages or anchor * points * * The `width` and `height` properties are of type `Dim` * and can use absolute position, percentages and anchors. These are useful as they will * take care of repositioning your views if your view's frames are resized or if the * terminal size changes * * Subviews can be added to a View by calling the `addSubview` method. The container of a view is the * Superview. * * Developers can call the `setNeedsDisplay` method on the view to flag a region or the entire view * as requiring to be redrawn. * * Views have a ColorScheme property that defines the default colors that subviews * should use for rendering. This ensures that the views fit in the context where * they are being used, and allows for themes to be plugged in. For example, the * default colors for windows and toplevels uses a blue background, while it uses * a white background for dialog boxes and a red background for errors. * * If a ColorScheme is not set on a view, the result of the ColorScheme is the * value of the SuperView and the value might only be valid once a view has been * added to a SuperView, so your subclasses should not rely on ColorScheme being * set at construction time. * * Using ColorSchemes has the advantage that your application will work both * in color as well as black and white displays. * * Views that are focusable should implement the `positionCursor` to make sure that * the cursor is placed in a location that makes sense. Unix terminals do not have * a way of hiding the cursor, so it can be distracting to have the cursor left at * the last focused view. So views should make sure that they place the cursor * in a visually sensible place. * * The metnod `layoutSubviews` is invoked when the size or layout of a view has * changed. The default processing system will keep the size and dimensions * for views that use the LayoutKind.Absolute, and will recompute the * frames for the vies that use LayoutKind.Computed. */ open class View : Responder, Hashable, CustomDebugStringConvertible { var superview : View? = nil var focused : View? = nil var subviews : [View] = [] var _frame : Rect = Rect.zero var viewId : Int var id : String = "" var needDisplay : Rect = Rect.zero var _childNeedsDisplay : Bool = false var _canFocus : Bool = false static var globalId : Int = 0 var _layoutStyle : LayoutStyle = .computed /** * Controls how the view's `frame` is computed during the layoutSubviews method, if `absolute`, then * `layoutSubviews` does not change the `frame` properties, otherwise the `frame` is updated from the * values in x, y, width and height properties. */ public var layoutStyle : LayoutStyle { get { return _layoutStyle } set(value) { if value != _layoutStyle { _layoutStyle = value setNeedsLayout() } } } public var canFocus : Bool { get { return _canFocus } set(value) { _canFocus = value } } var _hasFocus : Bool = false public var hasFocus : Bool { get { return _hasFocus } set(value) { if _hasFocus != value { setNeedsDisplay() } _hasFocus = value // Remove focus down the chain of subviews if focus was removed if !value && focused != nil { focused!.hasFocus = false focused = nil } } } var layoutNeeded : Bool = true /** * Points to the current driver in use by the view, it is a convenience property * for simplifying the development of new views. */ var driver : ConsoleDriver { get { return Application.driver } } static func nextGlobalId () -> Int { let r = globalId globalId += 1 return r } /** * Constructor for a view that will use computed layout style based on the values * in Pos object (x, y) and Dim objects (width and height) */ public init () { _frame = Rect(x:0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0) viewId = View.nextGlobalId () } /** * Constructor for a view that will use fixed layout style using `frame` as the * dimension. When using this constructor, the view will not participate in * automatic layout, but you can manually update the frame by overriding * `layoutSubviews` */ public init (frame: Rect) { self._frame = frame viewId = View.nextGlobalId () layoutStyle = .fixed } var wantMousePositionReports : Bool = false /** * Gets or sets the frame for the view. * * The coordinate of the frame is relative to the parent, so * position 10,5 will position the view is the column 10, row 5 in the container. * * Altering the Frame of a view will trigger the redrawing of the * view as well as the redrawing of the affected regions in the superview. */ public var frame : Rect { get { return _frame } set (value){ if let parent = superview { parent.setNeedsDisplay (_frame) parent.setNeedsDisplay (value) } _frame = value setNeedsLayout () setNeedsDisplay (frame) } } /** * The bounds represent the View-relative rectangle used for this view. * * Updates to the Bounds update the Frame, and has the same side effects as updating * the frame. */ public var bounds : Rect { get { return Rect (origin: Point.zero, size: frame.size) } } /** * Invoke to flag that this view needs to be redisplayed, by any code * that alters the state of the view. */ public func setNeedsDisplay () { setNeedsDisplay(bounds) } /** * Flags the specified rectangle region on this view as needing to be repainted. * - Parameter region: The region that must be flagged for repaint. */ public func setNeedsDisplay (_ region : Rect) { if needDisplay.isEmpty { needDisplay = region } else { let x = min (needDisplay.minX, region.minX) let y = min (needDisplay.minY, region.minY) let w = max (needDisplay.maxX, region.maxX) let h = max (needDisplay.maxY, region.maxY) needDisplay = Rect (x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h) } if let container = superview { container.childNeedsDisplay () } if subviews.count == 0 { return } for view in subviews { if view.frame.intersects(region){ var childRegion = view.frame.intersection(region) childRegion.origin.x -= view.frame.minX childRegion.origin.y -= view.frame.minY view.setNeedsDisplay (childRegion) } } } func setNeedsLayout () { if layoutNeeded { return } layoutNeeded = true if let container = superview { container.layoutNeeded = true } } public func childNeedsDisplay () { _childNeedsDisplay = true if let container = superview { container.childNeedsDisplay() } } /** * Adds the provided view as a subview of this view */ public func addSubview (_ view : View) { subviews.append (view) view.superview = self if view.canFocus { _canFocus = true } setNeedsLayout() } /** * Sets the x, y, width and height to fill the container * - Parameter padding: any desired padding, if not specified, it defaults to zero */ public func fill(padding: Int = 0) { self.x = Pos.at (padding) self.y = Pos.at (padding) self.width = Dim.fill(padding) self.height = Dim.fill (padding) } /** * Adds the provided views as subviews of this view */ public func addSubviews (_ views : [View]) { for view in views { addSubview(view) } } /// Removes the specified view from the container public func remove (_ view : View) { let touched = view.frame if let idx = subviews.firstIndex(of: view) { setNeedsLayout() setNeedsDisplay()

subviews.remove(at: idx) view.superview = nil if subviews.count < 1 { canFocus = false } for v in subviews { if v.frame.intersects(touched) { v.setNeedsDisplay() } } } } /// Removes all views from this container public func removeAllSubviews () { while subviews.count > 0 { remove (subviews [0]) } } /** * Clears the view region with the current color. */ public func clear () { let h = frame.height let w = frame.width for line in 0..<h { moveTo(col: 0, row: line) for _ in 0..<w { addRune(driver.space) } } } public func clear (_ rect: Rect) { let h = rect.height let w = rect.width for line in 0..<h { moveTo(col: rect.minX, row: line) for _ in 0..<w { addRune(driver.space) } }

} func viewToScreen (col: Int, row : Int, clipped : Bool = true) -> (rcol : Int, rrow : Int) { // Computes the real row, col relative to the screen. var rrow = row + frame.minY var rcol = col + frame.minX var ccontainer = superview while ccontainer != nil { rrow += ccontainer!.frame.minY rcol += ccontainer!.frame.minX ccontainer = ccontainer?.superview } // The following ensures that the cursor is always in the screen boundaries if clipped { rrow = max (0, min (rrow, driver.rows-1)) rcol = max (0, min (rcol, driver.cols-1)) } return (rcol, rrow) } /** * Converts a point from screen coordinates into the view coordinate space. * - Parameter x: X screen-coordinate point. * - Parameter x: Y screen-coordinate point. * * - Returns: the mapped point */ public func screenToView (x : Int, y : Int) -> Point { if let container = superview { let parent = container.screenToView(x: x, y: y) return Point(x: parent.x - frame.minX, y: parent.y - frame.minY) } else { return Point (x: x - frame.minX, y: y - frame.minY) } } // Converts a rectangle in view coordinates to screen coordinates. func rectToScreen (_ rect: Rect) -> Rect { let (x, y) = viewToScreen(col: rect.minX, row: rect.minY, clipped: false) return Rect (x: x, y: y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height) } // Clips a rectangle in screen coordinates to the dimensions currently available on the screen func screenClip (_ rect : Rect) -> Rect { let (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) = (rect.minX, rect.minY, rect.maxX, rect.maxY) let x = minx < 0 ? 0 : minx let y = miny < 0 ? 0 : miny let w = maxx >= driver.cols ? driver.cols - minx : rect.width let h = maxy >= driver.rows ? driver.rows - miny : rect.height return Rect(x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h) } /** * Sets the Console driver's clip region to the current View's `bounds`. * - Paramater rect: xx * - Returns: The existing driver's Clip region, which can be then set by setting the Driver.clip property. */ public func clipToBounds () -> Rect { return self.setClip (bounds) } /** * Sets the clipping region to the specified region, the region is view-relative * - Parameter rect: Rectangle region to clip into, the region is view-relative. * - Returns: The previous clip region */ @discardableResult public func setClip (_ rect: Rect) -> Rect { let bscreen = rectToScreen(rect) let previous = driver.clip driver.clip = screenClip (bscreen) return previous } /** * Draws a frame in the current view, clipped by the boundary of this view * - Parameter rect: Rectangular region for the frame to be drawn. * - Parameter padding: The padding to add to the drawn frame. * - Parameter fill: If set to `true` it fill will the contents. */ public func drawFrame (_ rect : Rect, padding : Int = 0, fill : Bool = false) { let scrRect = rectToScreen(rect) let savedClip = driver.clip driver.clip = screenClip (rectToScreen(bounds)) driver.drawFrame (scrRect, padding: padding, fill: fill) driver.clip = savedClip } /** * Utility function to draw strings that contain a hotkey, the hotkey is indicated by an underline string * - Parameter text: String to display, the underscoore before a letter flags the next letter as the hotkey. * - Parameter hotColor: color used to draw the hotkey * - Parameter normalColor: color used for the regular parts of the string */ public func drawHotString (text : String, hotColor : Attribute, normalColor : Attribute) { driver.setAttribute(normalColor) for ch in text { if ch == "_" { driver.setAttribute(hotColor) } else { driver.addCharacter(ch) driver.setAttribute(normalColor) } } } /** * Utility function to draw strings that contains a hotkey using a colorscheme and the "focused" state. * - Parameter text: String to display, the underscoore before a letter flags the next letter as the hotkey. * - Parameter focused: If set to `true` this uses the focused colors from the color scheme, otherwise the regular ones. * - Parameter scheme: The color scheme to use */ public func drawHotString (text : String, focused : Bool, scheme : ColorScheme) { if focused { drawHotString(text: text, hotColor: scheme.hotFocus, normalColor: scheme.focus) } else { drawHotString(text: text, hotColor: scheme.hotNormal, normalColor: scheme.normal) } } /** * This moves the cursor to the specified column and row in the view, any additional drawing operation will start at the specified location * - Parameter col: Column to move to * - Parameter row: Row to move to. */ public func moveTo (col : Int, row: Int) { let (rcol, rrow) = viewToScreen(col: col, row: row) driver.moveTo(col: rcol, row: rrow) } /** * Positions the cursor in the right position based on the currently focused view in the chain. */ public func positionCursor () { if let f = focused { f.positionCursor() } else { moveTo (col: frame.minX, row: frame.minY) } } /** * Returns the most focused view in the chain of subviews (the leaf view that has the focus). */ public func mostFocused () -> View? { if let f = focused { if let most = f.mostFocused() { return most } return f } else { return nil } } var _colorScheme : ColorScheme? = nil /** * The colorscheme used by this view */ public var colorScheme : ColorScheme? { get { if _colorScheme == nil { if let s = superview { return s.colorScheme } return nil } return _colorScheme } set(value) { _colorScheme = value setNeedsDisplay() } } /** * Sets the current attribute to use for drawing in the view */ public func setAttribute (_ attr: Attribute) { driver.setAttribute(attr) } /** * Draws the rune at the last position set by moveTo, use only when you know that the rune won't compose, otherwise use addChar * * This will advance the logical cursor position */ public func addRune (_ rune: rune) { driver.addRune(rune) } /** * Draws the rune at the specific location, use only when you know that the rune wont compose, otherwise use addChar * * This will advance the logical cursor position */ public func addRune (rune: rune, col:Int, row:Int) { if (col < 0 || row < 0 || row > frame.height-1 || col > frame.width-1) { return } moveTo(col: col, row: row) driver.addRune(rune) }

/** * Draws the character at the last position set by moveTo. * * This will advance the logical cursor position */ public func addChar (_ char: Character) { driver.addCharacter(char) } /** * Draws the character at the specific location. * * This will advance the logical cursor position */ public func addChar (char: Character, col:Int, row:Int) { if (col < 0 || row < 0 || row > frame.height-1 || col > frame.width-1) { return } moveTo(col: col, row: row) driver.addCharacter(char) }

/** * Removes the SetNeedsDisplay and the ChildNeedsDisplay setting on this view. */ public func clearNeedsDisplay () { needDisplay = Rect.zero _childNeedsDisplay = false } /** * Performs a redraw of this view and its subviews, only redraws the views that have been flagged for a re-display. * * Views should set the color that they want to use on entry, as otherwise this will inherit * the last color that was set globaly on the driver. * * - Parameter region: The region to redraw, this is relative to the view itself. */ public func redraw(region : Rect) { let clipRect = Rect (origin: Point.zero, size: frame.size) for view in subviews { if !view.needDisplay.isEmpty || view._childNeedsDisplay { if view.frame.intersects(clipRect) && view.frame.intersects(region){ // TODO: optimize this by computing the intersection of region and view.Bounds view.redraw (region: view.bounds) } view.needDisplay = Rect.zero view._childNeedsDisplay = false } } clearNeedsDisplay() } /** * Focuses the specified subview */ public func setFocus (_ view: View?) { if let v = view { if !v.canFocus { return } if focused != nil && focused! === v { return } // Make sure that this view is a subview var c = v.superview while (c != nil){ if (c! === self) { break } c = c!.superview } if c == nil { // error return } if let nf = focused { nf.hasFocus = false } focused = view focused!.hasFocus = true focused!.ensureFocus() // Send focus upwards if let s = superview { s.setFocus (self) } } } /** * This method can be overwritten by view that want to provide * accelerator functionality (Alt-key for example). * * Before keys are sent to the subview on the current view, all the * views are processed and the key is passed to the widgets to allow * some of them to process the keystroke as a hot-key. </para> * * For example, if you implement a button that has a hotkey ok "o", * you would catch the combination Alt-o here. If the event is * caught, you must return true to stop the keystroke from being * dispatched to other views. * */ public func processHotKey(event: KeyEvent) -> Bool { for view in subviews { if view.processHotKey(event: event) { return true } } return false } /** * If the view is focused, gives the view a chance to process the * keystroke. * * Views can override this method if they are interested in * processing the given keystroke. If they consume the keystroke, * they must return true to stop the keystroke from being processed * by other widgets or consumed by the widget engine. If they * return false, the keystroke will be passed using the * ProcessColdKey method to other views to process. * * The View implementation does nothing but return false, so it is * not necessary to call base.ProcessKey if you derive directly from * View, but you should if you derive other View subclasses. */ public func processKey(event: KeyEvent) -> Bool { if let f = focused { return f.processKey(event: event) } return false } /** * This method can be overwritten by views that want to provide * accelerator functionality (Alt-key for example), but without * interefering with normal ProcessKey behavior. * * After keys are sent to the subviews on the current view, all the * view are processed and the key is passed to the views to allow * some of them to process the keystroke as a cold-key. * * This functionality is used, for example, by default buttons to * act on the enter key. Processing this as a hot-key would prevent * non-default buttons from consuming the enter keypress when they * have the focus. */ public func processColdKey(event: KeyEvent) -> Bool { for view in subviews { if view.processColdKey(event: event) { return true } } return false } /** * Method invoked when a mouse event is generated */ public func mouseEvent(event: MouseEvent) -> Bool { return false } /// Finds the first view in the hierarchy that wants to get the focus if nothing is currently focused, otherwise, it does nothing. public func ensureFocus () { if focused == nil { focusFirst () } } /// Focuses the first focusable subview if one exists. public func focusFirst () { if subviews.count == 0 { superview?.setFocus(self) return } for view in subviews { if view.canFocus { setFocus (view) return } } } /// Focuses the last focusable subview if one exists. public func focusLast () { if subviews.count == 0 { superview?.setFocus(self) return } for view in subviews.reversed() { if view.canFocus { setFocus (view) return } } } /** * Focuses the previous view in the focus chain * - Returns: `true` if previous was focused, `false` otherwise */ @discardableResult public func focusPrev () -> Bool { if subviews.count == 0 { return false } if focused == nil { focusLast () return true } var focusedIdx = -1 var i = subviews.count while (i > 0){ i -= 1 let w = subviews [i] if w.hasFocus { if w.focusPrev () { return true } focusedIdx = i continue } if w.canFocus && focusedIdx != -1 { focused!.hasFocus = false if w.canFocus { w.focusLast () } setFocus (w) return true } } if focusedIdx != -1 { focusLast () return true } if focused != nil { focused?.hasFocus = false focused = nil } return false } /** * Focuses the next view in the focus chain * - Returns: `true` if previous was focused, `false` otherwise */ @discardableResult public func focusNext () -> Bool { if subviews.count == 0 { return false } if focused == nil { focusFirst () return focused != nil } var focusedIdx = -1 let n = subviews.count for i in 0..<n { let w = subviews [i] if w.hasFocus { if w.focusNext () { return true } focusedIdx = i continue } if w.canFocus && focusedIdx != -1 { focused!.hasFocus = false if w.canFocus { w.focusFirst () } setFocus (w) return true } } if focused != nil { focused?.hasFocus = false focused = nil } return false } var _x : Pos? = nil /// Gets or sets the X position for the view (the column). This is only used when the LayoutStyle is `computed`, if the /// LayoutStyle is set to `absolute`, this value is ignored. public var x : Pos? { get { return _x } set(value) { _x = value setNeedsLayout() } } var _y : Pos? = nil /// Gets or sets the Y position for the view (the row). This is only used when the LayoutStyle is `computed`, if the /// LayoutStyle is set to `absolute`, this value is ignored. public var y : Pos? { get { return _y } set(value) { _y = value setNeedsLayout() } } var _width : Dim? = nil /// Gets or sets the width for the view. This is only used when the LayoutStyle is `computed`, if the /// LayoutStyle is set to `absolute`, this value is ignored. public var width : Dim? { get { return _width } set(value) { _width = value setNeedsLayout() } } var _height : Dim? = nil /// Gets or sets the height for the view. This is only used when the LayoutStyle is `computed`, if the /// LayoutStyle is set to `absolute`, this value is ignored. public var height : Dim? { get { return _height } set(value) { _height = value setNeedsLayout() } } // Computes the RelativeLayout for the view, given the frame for its container. // hostFrame is the frame for the host func relativeLayout (hostFrame : Rect) { var ww, hh, xx, yy : Int if _x != nil && x is Pos.PosCenter { ww = _width == nil ? hostFrame.width : _width!.Anchor(hostFrame.width) xx = _x!.Anchor(hostFrame.width - ww) } else { xx = _x == nil ? 0 : x!.Anchor(hostFrame.width) ww = _width == nil ? hostFrame.width : _width!.Anchor(hostFrame.width-xx) } if _y != nil && y is Pos.PosCenter { hh = _height == nil ? hostFrame.height : _height!.Anchor(hostFrame.height) yy = _y!.Anchor(hostFrame.height-hh) } else { yy = _y == nil ? 0 : y!.Anchor(hostFrame.height) hh = _height == nil ? hostFrame.height : _height!.Anchor(hostFrame.height-yy) } frame = Rect (x: xx, y: yy, width: ww, height: hh) } public static func == (lhs: View, rhs: View) -> Bool { return lhs === rhs } public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(viewId) }

struct Edge : Hashable { var from, to: View } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting static func topologicalSort (nodes: Set<View>, edges: inout Set<Edge>) -> [View]? { var result : [View] = []

var s = Set (nodes.filter ({(n:View) -> Bool in return edges.allSatisfy({$0.to !== n}) })) while s.count > 0 { // remove a node n from S let n = s.first! s.remove(n) // add n to to tail of L result.append(n) // for each node m with an edge e from n to m do for e in edges.filter({$0.from === n}) { let m = e.to // remove the edge from the graph edges.remove(e) // if m has no other incoming edges then if edges.allSatisfy({$0.to != n}) { // insert m into S s.insert(m) } } } // if graph has edges then if edges.count > 0 { // return error, graph has at least one cycle return nil } // return L (a topologically sorted order) return result } enum layoutError : Error { case recursive(msg:String) } public func layoutSubviews () throws { if !layoutNeeded { return } // Sort out the dependencies of the X, Y, Width, Height properties var nodes = Set<View>() var edges = Set<Edge>() for v in subviews { nodes.insert (v) if v.layoutStyle == .computed { if v.x is Pos.PosView { edges.insert (Edge(from:v, to: (v.x as! Pos.PosView).target)) } if v.y is Pos.PosView { edges.insert (Edge(from:v, to: (v.y as! Pos.PosView).target)) } if v.width is Dim.DimView { edges.insert (Edge (from: v, to: (v.width as! Dim.DimView).target)) } if v.height is Dim.DimView { edges.insert (Edge (from: v, to: (v.height as! Dim.DimView).target)) } } } let ordered = View.topologicalSort(nodes: nodes, edges: &edges)?.reversed() if ordered == nil { throw layoutError.recursive(msg: "There is a recursive cycle in the relative Pos/Dim in the views") } for v in ordered! { if v.layoutStyle == .computed { v.relativeLayout(hostFrame: frame) } try v.layoutSubviews() v.layoutNeeded = false } layoutNeeded = false } public var debugDescription: String { return "viewId:\(viewId)" } }

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