Allow `reload` to be `default_scoped`

 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/40805
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eileencodes commented 10 days ago

reload is not default_scoped by default because you could be
creating a record that does not match your default scope and therefore
reload wouldn't find the record.

However, in the case of sharding an application you may want reload to
support default_scope because you'll always have the correct scope
set. To accomplish this I added a new method that checks if there are
any default scopes defined that are set to run for all_queries. If
there are then don't unscope the find methods.

If there is a case where you do want the default scope to apply to all
queries but be able to turn that off, I've added a unscoped option to
reload. This would use the original behavior regardless of whether the
default_scope was used for all queries.

Additionally, this exposes a new public method default_scopes? that
returns true if there are default scopes. If all_queries is passed to
default_scopes? the method will only return true if there is a default
scope for the model that has all_queries set to true. If there are no
default scopes with all_queries then it will return false.

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