The 12 Days of Startups: Shop with purpose to help your passions

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.startupdaily.net/2020/12/the-12-days-of-startups-shop-with-purpose-to-help-your-passions/
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News » Partner Content » The 12 Days of Startups: Shop with purpose to help your passions

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The 12 Days of Startups: Shop with purpose to help your passions

Startup Daily - December 19, 2020 < 1 MIN READ

Zenify is a profits-for-purpose business with two key brands: Zenify Pets and Zenify Earth.

The company’s mission to help others is matched with the passions of their customers. Zenify donates products to support causes close to the hearts of people who buy Zenify’s products.

“We’ve chosen this direction of our business because we want to make this world a better place and we want to achieve it by supporting the causes that are important to our customers and community,” said founder Andonis Sakatis.

“We want to inspire others to do the same so that collectively we can all make a bigger difference.”

The Zenify Pets range includes grooming, toys, leads and feeding bowls, while Zenify Earth is all about sustainable products for the home, from bamboo tootbrushes and cotton buds to compostable bin liners and reuseable produce bags.

Zenify has donated thousands of items to pet shelters and other community groups thanks to their customers buying their products

To help more organisations by finding more customers, Andonis turned to Amazon Australia to sell the Zenify range.

Over 12 days in the lead up to Christmas, we’ll be sharing the stories of great Australians startups selling on Amazon Australia, told by their founders.

Click on the following links to order a Zenify Pets or Zenify Earth.

Here is Zenify’s story by Andonis. Happy holidays to all.

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